time to feed you some angst >:]
CW: Luicd(?) dreaming/very angsty nightmare for the first half
Jimmy ran, he ran away from Scott's empire as fast as his legs could take him despite the burning in his lungs, the unbearable ache in his legs, tears poured from his eyes and the cold wind sliced at his skin, his breathing was labored and heavy, he couldn't stop running, he needed to get away, he had to get away from him. Laughter echoed around him, cruel, bitter laughter, he couldn't find a source to the laugh until he was on his ass in the freezing snow, he loomed over him, his cyan hair danced over his brow as his his smile twisted into a grin. Jimmy crawled backwards in the snow, his hands ached in the cold, wet snow. "Oh, Jimmy, you think you can escape?" it was his voice, but it also wasn't. "I-I will! Scott this isn't you!" he hissed, glaring up into the icy eyes of his far away lover who was now corrupted with new powers. "You think you know more about me than I do myself?" he growled, he hadn't moved, he was just looming over the blonde. "I do, I know that you would never hurt your people, you'd never hurt me! You love me!" he laughed a bitter laugh that echoed throughout the barren snowy wasteland that had become his kingdom. "Why would I ever love you? You're weak, James, weak." His voice was like daggers impaling Jimmy's heart and cutting it into as many pieces as it could. Tears resumed their race down his cheeks, stinging his freezing face. For the first time in this interaction, he moved. He bent down in front of Jimmy, a sick grin on his face. "You are the weakest ruler on this server, Jimmy! I'd never love some as weak and as pathetic as you, can you get that through your thick skull?" he hit Jimmy's head, and suddenly he was gone.
"Jimmy!" he was shaken awake, his face was wet with tears. "Scott?!" he yelled, bolting up from his bed. "No, Jim, it's not Scott." It was Lizzie, she was sitting next to his bed biting her nails. "Oh.. hey, Liz," "Jimmy, please, ever since we all met about Scott, all you ever do is sleep and stay inside. We need you to help us save Scott." "I can't help you." "What?" "I'm weak, Liz." "Jimmy, you're not-" "He said it himself, Lizzie, I'm weak!" he surprised even himself when he yelled, curling uo his knees to his chest. "Liz, I'm sorry," "Jimmy.." she stroked his hair, fighting back tears. She hated seeing him like this, he'd been having nightmares about Scott since he tried to talk to him and they were getting worse. He never thought good of himself, he barely ate, he was always asleep, and he never went out anymore. "Please, you need to see Gem about these nightmares," "But what if he comes after me while I'm out? What if he-" Jimmy. Listen to me. It's all in your head, okay? He's not coming after you, and if he does, he's gonna regret it, understand?" he nodded. "So I'm going to see Gem?" "Mhm. Please, look somewhat nice," she left the room and he sat in his bed, re-living the terrible nightmare, tears pricked the corner of his eyes as Scott's words echoed throughout his brain, taking control of him. He really was weak, he needed someone to tell him how to live, how to help himself, to feed him, he was just a burden. God, why did he think he could make it in this server? He wished he could just leave. No. No, he is a good ruler and he would prove it to Scott, and everyone else on the server. He pushed himself out of bed, threw on something nice and flew to Gem's kingdom with his elytra and fireworks.
Gem was on her dragon egg pad, staring up at her dragons with sorrow-they'd been frozen midair, now they were just like trophies. "Gem?" she wiped a tear from her face as Jimmy landed in front of her. "I need your help, Gem,"
"What do you need help with, Jimmy?" "Well.." he sighed, no one besides Lizzie knew about his new nightmares, and this was hard thing to talk about, especially during this time. "You know I went to talk to Scott, right?" "Mhm," "Well, let's just say it didn't end terribly well. Since I visited him, I've been..I've been having nightmares," he kept his composure while his mind tried to remind him of his most recent nightmare but he forced it away. "What kind of nightmares?" he asked once he was finished, they were now inside her house as it was freezing, Scott really was on his Elsa Arc with this horrible winter. "Um, it always starts with me running through a land of just snow and dead trees, I'm almost always crying. Then he appears, looming over me with terrifying eyes. I try to reason with him, it doesn't work. I try to remind him of our friendship, he says it was fake and tells me I'm-I'm the weakest ruler-" "Jimmy, you are not weak." she gripped his shoulders and looked at him with a stern glare. "You are not weak, okay?" "Mhm?" "Reapeat after me, please," "Okay?" "I," "I," "Am not," "Am not," "Weak," "Weak," "I," "I," "Am," "Am," "Strong." "Say it all together," "I am not weak, I am strong." "Remember that, Jimmy." "But how do I get rid of the nightmares?" "Jimmy, all of that 'Scott saying your weak' is all in your head. Sure, you're scared and that's probably why you're having nightmares, but you have to remember that you are strong and that Scott does love you, Jimmy, he does." he smiled at her. "Let me know if they get worse, I'll see you around." he waved her goodbye and started flying home.
But, of course, Scott seemed to have other plans that prevented Jimmy from getting home and warm.
As Jimmy was flying, he noticed the winds picking up and the temperature dropping quickly. He shivered, he hadn't brought a coat. It started snowing, hard snow. The snow pecked his face like tiny BB Gun pellets, he couldn't fly in this. He went to land but the wind swept him up and threw him into the snow. He pushed himself up, shaking the snow out of his and off of his now wet and freezing clothes. The snow was falling so fast that he almost couldn't see ahead of him. "Well shit," he mumbled, rummaging through his bag for a spy glass. He pulled it out but the lens was soon covered in snow. He scoffed and went to try to get help. He bunked down in a came and sent a message to the server.
<SolidarityGaming> Help, I'm stuck in a blizzard, can't really see and spyglass won't work. If anyone is near or wants to come help, my coords are *insert coordinates*
<LDShadowlady> I've just sent Joel, he should be on his way, sorry I can't come with
<SolidarityGaming> That's okay, I'll just wait
<LDShadowlady> Stay warm
He sat in the corner of the cave waiting for Joel while snacking on some kelp, good stuff. The sound of footsteps at the front of the cave alerted Jimmy that someone was here, he smiled and headed to the front. "Joel! Thank Cod, you're-" he froze mid-sentence, it wasn't Joel, in fact it the person he wanted to see least. Scott. "Oh." "Hello to you too, Jimmy," he smirked. "Why are you here? Do you want something from me? Where's Joel?" "Stop with the questions. First, I want nothing from you, Joel is who knows where, and secondly, it seems the blizzard I caused is too strong, even for me." "Wow, shocker," "So, I'm staying here, however I didn't realize this cave was occupied." "Yes, it is," "But I can't leave." "Why?" it suddenly grew dark, the cave had been blocked by snow. "Just great. Now I'm stuck here with you until this storms blows over." ""Stuck here with me," is that supposed to be an insult?" "Maybe it is," "What reason do you have to insult me?" "So you've forgotten our ;ast visit? You've forgotten how you said we were never friends and how you would never love someone weak like me? You just forgot that or are you trying to annoy me?" The elf scoffed and sat against a wall, ignoring him. Jimmy went back to his corner, far away from Scott, he placed torches to keep him warm. Of all the people that could have come in here, it had to be Scott-hell, Jimmy would have been fine with Joey, despite his relationship with Xornoth. This was going to be a long night.
Current Word Count ; 1481
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