Over the past few weeks, Jimmy and Scott have visited each other talking about the corruption. Scott often warned Jimmy about Xornoth, how he spies on people and tries to convince them to join him. On this particular day, Jimmy was out in the forests near his kingdom gathering wood for one of his new builds. He climbed down from a tree and saw a tall, black figure, two things protruding from it's head. Jimmy gasped and jumped back, it disappeared. Whatever he just saw, it was akin to what Shrub had experienced. Wait. Was that Xornoth? He continued cautiously, watching his surroundings. The figure appeared in front of him, a large toothy smile plastered on his face. Jimmy screamed and fell back, the thing left again. He pushed himself up shakily, swallowing the lump in his throat. The atmosphere around him was heavy, he was slightly worried the thing would come back and he wouldn't know how to deal with it. Eventually, after a while of the thing not appearing, he had gathered enough wood and stone and was about to head back to his kingdom when the thing jumped in front of him, pushing him to the ground. He gasped, grabbing his sword instinctively. "So,, you are the fish boy my brother is set to marry, hm?" it's voice was deep and echoed, but it sounded close to Scott's. "Who- wjo are you?!" he growled, jumping up and aiming the sword at thing. "Has Scott not told you about me? How selfish," the thing chuckled. "My name is Xornoth, but you would know me as 'The Brother Who Went Wrong,' correct?" Jimmy racked his brain, then, it hit him; this was indeed Xornoth. His shocked gaze drifted up to the purple red eyes of the demon, his jaw clenched. "I take your silence as a sign that yes, you have heard of me. Am I wrong?" the blonde shook his head slightly, he was right. He want to leave, to fly off with his fireworks and elytra, but he also wanted to get rid of it. "Do you have a staring problem or are you just a dumbass?" Xornoth scoffed. "No, I am functioning just fine, thank you." "Good. Now, onto why I've come to you." Jimmy stayed quiet, part of him wanted to know what he wanted, so he listened-still gripping his sword for safety. "You, Jimmy, are a very strong leader-apologies, a very strong king, as I've noticed." "How do you know my name?" "Is it not obvious? Scott talks about you all the time, it bores me." Jimmy's cheeks flushed a bit, did Scott really talk about him like that? "As I was saying, I believe you could be just what I'm looking for, the final piece to my puzzle." "What puzzle are you trying to solve?" "Oh, I'm not trying to solve anything. However, my plan is still in the works, so please hold your questions." The fact that he wasn't willing to reval his plan was worrying, but he kept listening. "But, I need help, and that is where I come to seek your power." "no. never, never will I help you." "Is that so?" "Yes. I know how your mind games work, it worked on Joey and sausage, But I am not stuoid enough to fall for your shenanigans." Jimmy began to wal away, but Xornoth then spoke. "What if I gave you something to show my trustwortiness?" "What could you give me?" "A new crown-I know you've lost the Codfather head and I know you miss it dearly, or I could grant you impossible powers, a bigger kingdom, perhaps?" "A new crown,," Jimmy muttered. He had lost his Codfather head a few days ago, he never found it. Perhaps Xornoth wasn't all that bad, he seemed to actually want to do this. "If I'm going through with this, you ned to give me the crown now." "I can do that." he suddenly summoned a gold crown, small cod fish were engraved on it with emerald accents. Jimmy stared at it in marvel, how could something created by a demon be so beautiful? "What are you waiting for?" Jimmy placed the crown atop his head, then froze. His eyes switched colors, from brown to red, then stopped on red. Xornoth grinned. "Perfect."
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