"Don't you know I'm no good for you?
I've learned to lose you, can't afford to
Tore my shirt to stop you bleedin'
But nothin' ever stops you leavin' "
- Billie Eilish, When the Party's Over
I never loved you. This was all some sick joke."
I broke a sob and tears were now streaming on my face. How could he?
"All the affections, roses, and dates? They didn't mean anything to me. Stop, hallucinating. I'm done with you."
I slap him hard. So hard that my right hand stings so much.
"Fuck you."
"You go gurl!" I muttered.
"Never did I imagine that the sweet guy I know was the biggest bastard in the world. You're right. This doesn't mean anything. I regret the day I met you, Collins."
Oh yeah! That's it baby!
"COULD YOU PLEASE QUIET DOWN!?" A guy and his girlfriend in the cinema was sending me glares. What? Did I say my thoughts out loud?
I grinned like a Cheshire cat and pouted.
"Aww, babe? After what happened yesterday?" I dramatically said while wiping a fake tear.
"What yesterday is she talking about, huh?" The girlfriend exclaimed.
"Look babe, I don't even know her!" The guy glared at me and tried to reach out to his girl.
"No! You know what? We are over! Get off me you cheating bastard!" The girl yelled and stormed off the cinema. Real mature.
The guy glared at me so hard. He mouthed "fuck u bitch" and ran after his girlfriend.
"Yeah, you dicks trying to shut me off Ha! Try harder niggas." I muttered smugly.
Now, I lost my appetite in watching the movie and eating my popcorn. So much for dramas.
"What did I miss?" My brother asked me. He was out for like 10 minutes returning his wife's calls.
"Oh, nothing serious." I smirk at him and he wiggled his eyebrows on me. Indicating that he didn't believe me but he's too lazy to argue.
"Does anyone on this cinema ever knew that you're the writer of this movie?" My brother quietly asked.
"Ssh! It's a secret." I rolled my eyes at him.
"Hey, I was whispering, kiddo." He defended.
"Whatever. Just shut up, I'm trying to concentrate here. Duh?" I exclaimed.
"Whatever." He replied quietly munching a popcorn on his mouth.
The movie passed by and I was relieved that the lines I had written weren't that cringy to hear.
Smooth is overrated, brothers and sisters.
"You ready to go?" My brother asked me.
"Yeah. Good to go." I said.
Suddenly, my brother was focusing on the direction behind me. I was confused when his fist was forming balls indicating that he was hell bent pissed.
"Hey! What's wrong?" I asked.
"Don't turn around. Let's go." He commanded.
Well me, being the obvious idiot I am, turned around. And I should've listened to my brother with what he said.
Behind me was my ex-boyfriend and my ex-bestfriend liplocking. Caught up with their own world.
I smiled bitterly and let out an awkward laugh.
"Come on. Let's go." I opened the car's door and got in. My brother powered up the engine and the car moves. I looked at the window's car and was surprised when Shella, my ex-bestfriend was looking at the car's direction.
The windows weren't close and I can actually see her eyes being sad. Well, at least she got what she wanted, anyway. I looked away and closed the window.
Arriving at home, I stripped off my clothes and decided to take a bath.
Lying in the bath tub, I reminisce the moments we had.
"They can't accept us. It's the truth, Diana."
"I know. Sooner or later we will be apart."
She didn't say anything and just kissed me.
"Will that be our last kiss?" I asked.
She nodded.
"One day, we will both be happy in the arms of another person. Where people won't judge us."
"I know. Until again." I said and get up from the grass. We were currently in our favorite place.
"I have to go." I added.
She nodded and smiled sadly.
"Love at the wrong place and time. Be happy, Diana."
I smiled sadly.
"You too. Take care." I whispered and walked away.
I could hear her sobs but I forced myself to walk away from this forbidden love we had.
I just never thought that I would see her being happy in the arms of my ex-boyfriend.
Memories kept getting back at my head and I closed my eyes. I will be okay.
After the long shower. I wore my night dress and proceeded to my study table.
I grab my notebook and wrote another poem for today.
Day 348:
I saw her
In the arms of others
She was happy with her
Real smiles is what she wears
I smiled. Then closed the notebook.
I walked up towards my bed and lied down.
Looking up at the ceiling there was only one question that bugs me.
When will be my turn to be happy?
And with that thought, darkness enveloped me to a peaceful slumber.
Hey loves!
What do you think of the story? Feel free to share your thoughts and don't forget to vote mwaaa xX
To everyone reading this. Take full time to understand the deeper meaning of love.
Sometimes, we need to let go in order to find happiness. Be patient, because love is.
Until then!
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