Part 2 is a Fail
Inside of the Dalek spaceship was amazing!! We found ourselves inside of a large room, with... benches I guess you could call them. And it was filled with Daleks.
"Oh wonderful," I muttered. "Of course, part 2 is a fail"
Dad elbowed me. 3 Daleks came forward. The Cult of Skaro. I noticed Dalek Sec was missing, which seemed odd, then I remembered the Human-Dalek hybrid.
"What is this?" The middle Dalek asked in its metallic voice. "The Doctor?!" The other two Daleks came forward. "The Doctor?" they repeated. Dad stepped back. I did the same. He swallowed. "i'm sorry, I'm so so sorry. I stumbled in by accident," he looked at his wrist. "Oh, look at that! I really have to go- Melody, RUN!" And we sprinted to the exit. We heard a Dalek scream, "Get them! Get the Doctor and the girl!" All the Daleks came after us. We were standing right by the exit, and all the sudden it burst open! We jumped out and continued to run, running through the streets of London, no destination except away from them. A stitch chewed at my side, but I ran it off. I could hardly believe that this had happened, that our luck could be that this bad, and now our plan failed. We were dead. I looked over my shoulder, and saw that the Daleks were catching up. "They're catching up!" I warned Dad. He looked back and saw I was right. He grabbed my hand and pulled me along faster. If I hadn't been running as fast as I could before, now I was. We bursted into a building, and the Doctor paused to lock the door with the sonic "screwdriver" that, in my opinion, didn't look like one, but that didn't matter. I leaned against the wall, panting for breath and wiping the sweat off my face. I looked at Dad. "What now?" I asked between breaths. "We take a break while I figure out a different plan," he answered, gasping. He ran his fingers through his hair. "I can't believe they came back so early," he said.
"Wait a second," I said. He looked at me. "Daleks rarely change their minds. Why did they return so early?" I asked. "They wouldn't have left the TARDIS so early,"
Dad looked surprised at that. "You're right! They never change their mind. Why now?" he began to pace. "Why now?" he repeated. I looked out the glass doors. Dalek after Dalek was streaming past the building. "Dad?" I said, turning my head. He was stilling walking in a circle, fingers on his face, mutttering, "I don't get it, I just don't get it, why did they change their minds?" I said, a little more sharply, "Dad!"
He said, "What?"
"They'rejust going the building like its not worth investigating," I said. Then I smiled. "Maybe we can still do the plan!" I looked at him. He realized too.
"Brilliant! I can't believe our luck! Maybe the plan wasn't a fail!" he looked at me. "Melody, thank you for realizing that! You are bloody brilliant!" he was grinning so big I thought for a second his face was going to split in two. he grabbed my arm. "Alonsy!" Dad cried. He used the sonic screwdriver to re-open the doors, which to this day, I'm glad he did.
Because I was wrong. They weren't passing the building. They weren't ignoring it at all. They just knew of a different enterance.
And I knew this by the Dalek that had just entered the room.
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