Break In
I couldn't believe it! Why did this happen?
But there we were, facing a Dalek. He had his death ray pointing at me. "We must EXTERMINATE the Doctor and the girl," it cried. The Dalek came closer. We stepped back. I stumbled over the doorstep. I suddenly had an idea. I tugged on Dad's sleeve. He looked at me. I looked the door, then over my shoulder. He understood. Run. Dad faced the Dalek and said, "When you're trapping someone in a room, chose one that door isn't open," then we ran.
We were running so much, I was exhausted. I fought back fatigue and concentrated on catching up with Dad. And staying alive. Mostly staying alive.
I stumbled, tripping over my feet. I knew I was a goner. Dad pulled me to my feet and yanked me along. I was a fast runner, but being so tired I could hardly walk. I thought to myself, If I don't run faster, I will die. I have to run to avoid getting exterminated. I must run. Come on, Melody. Just RUN!! I put on a fresh burst of speed. I wasn't going to die. Not today. I could longer than humans. I wasn't going to waste that time decaying. I was not going to die young. I ran faster. The TARDIS was ahead. Dad was pulling me towards it. Unfortunately, the TARDIS was too close and we were running too fast. We slammed facefirst into it, me for the second time that day. I felt my nose. Broken. I didn't know if it was from this time or the last, but that didn't matter. I rubbed under it, and felt warm wetness and crustiness. My blood.
"Your nose is bleeding, you know that right?" Dad asked.
"Dad, forget my nose. That's not important," I said,"Seriously. I'm fine," this would have been convincing had I not been trying to stop the bleeding with my sleeve. "I just... I just wish I'd stop face planting into the TARDIS, that's what I wish," I muttered. He hugged me, again crushing me. "Ow, Dad, my nose! It's broken!" I cried out in pain. He buried his face in my hair. "I just wish I knew why Daleks where here," he mumbled, muffled by my hair.
"I know, but Dad, can I have my arms back? And you're crushing my my nose. That's broken." I said. He pulled away. I looked into his deep brown eyes. Out of all the things about me, the only thing I inherited from him was his eyes and his knowledge. And the two hearts, but details. Everything else I got from Mum. Thinking about her made me remembered the Daleks.
"Um Dad? The Daleks? Remember?" I asked. He looked up. "Right! The Daleks! Of course!" he walked in the direction of the Dalek ship. I followed. I really wanted to go back to the TARDIS and sleep, but I couldn't. So I followed close behind. He obviously wanted to see if the ship was empty. It was.
He locked the door with the sonic screwdriver and walked to the control room. Dad threw open the door, me following, and when we were both inside, he reached over and slammed it shut. And locked it.
"Well, Dad, what now?" I whispered. It was cramped. It was obviously made only for one Dalek, but how they control the ship without hands remains a mystery. I squeezed in next to Dad and looked at the control board. It was so confusing! I could handle the TARDIS, easy, but this? First I thought was What the hell?!
Dad frowned. "Its like nothing I have seen before. What do I do?" I realized then he didn't have a clue on how he was going to trap them in a void. Which is just what we needed. A clueless Doctor. Great. I looked over the control board. "Dad, may I look at this?" I asked. He stepped back with some difficulty. I examined over, reading labels, stroking keyboards, pressing buttons. Then I saw it. A screen telling the schedule. After London, present day, I clicked on under it and called to Dad, "There's this schedule thingy. Apparently the schedule tells the ship where and when to go after one place. I think thats how they get around without hands," I looked at the blinking line under London. "What should I type?" I asked. He shoved his way in. "Take watch outside, I'll type it." I nodded and stepped out. I leaned against the wall, smirking. I thought, Wow, Daleks, are you dumb. You never learn. We broke in once, did you think we wouldn't break in again? And now you've left it unprotected... thank you for your stupidity. Idiots. I looked around. Nothing. Shouldn't at least one Dalek? I began to wonder. "Dad, do you think there's a trap?" I said. I heard him sigh. "Probably," he replied. "Should it be this easy?" he wondered out loud.
"I've been thinking the same thing," I frowned. "I hope they don't come back too soon," I said.
"Me,too," Dad stepped out. "Done," he looked at the door. "Now what?"
"Now we get back to the TARDIS and escape!" I cried, flinging open the door. Too quick. A passing Dalek saw us. "We died," I said.
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