Journal Entry 2: Cute Boi
Summer of was a warm summer, I had spent all of my summer at summer camp, as a junior cabin leader. The week coming up was Jr Teen camp (for kids going into grades 7, 8 & 9) I was going into grade 10 this summer. I had heard there was extra space for the girls, so even though I was "too old" I was aloud to stay. I had many friends in that week.
I was young and care free, bleached hair from the sun, a great tan from hanging at the camp beach all summer. And now I got to hang out with my friends for another week!
Let me back up...summer camp. It's a week long sleep away camp, each week designated to different group of kids. "Kids Camp" ages 7-10, "Girls Camp ages 7-13, Teen Camp and Sr Teen, young get the point. So, I switched from working to being a camper- but being technically too old for this week.
As we're getting sorted into cabins and going over rules (Which I had heard for the last 6 weeks of summer...) I started to drift and not pay attention, and see which new councilors had come down. And boy did my eye land on one...he was CUTE. Brown curly hair, big chocolate brown eyes, fantastic tan and... damn those arm muscles. *Insert drool*
Now with camp, we are sorted into sports teams and all week have "friendly" coemptions, like capture the flag, or super cheesy team races, and sports games. Now I'm not one to fall head over heel for boys- they tended to scare me. But Dang this boi was cuuuute! So with baited breath and fingers crossed, waited to be sorted into my sports team and SHUCK YES! He's my sports "leader". Perfect excuse to talk to him. Praise Jesus.
As the week went on, I got to know him a bit. He was older then me, going into gr 12...the boys side needed more leaders, so he was asked if he could come down, even though technically he was too young, his age was too close to the campers ages- but they were desperate. He also went to camp all the time, we just hadn't met yet, because we always worked different weeks. I found out I worked with his sister though, and we were good friends. (Score, another in!) He was funny, kind, very enthusiastic with sports, and shy...and damn that smile and those warm brown eyes framed in long lashes...and those tanned muscled arms!
The week was done...sadly. But I find out were at the next week together! Sr Teen! I was a worker, babysitting the camp staff kids who were all toddlers and he was a camper. PERFECT.
The week comes around and I'm standing on the basketball court talking to a few people from the week before and an arm drapes over my shoulders... *internally screams and just about faints* He just inserts himself into the conversation, and KEEPS HIS ARM THERE! Trying hard to repress the smile and the blush, I continue with the conversation.
All week was AH-MAZE-ING. I did my job, but had a lot of free time, when the kids would nap or were back with mom, and they went to bed early, so I got to do all the fun late night activities. And guess who flirted with me all week? You got it...cute boi! (He'll deny it, but we almost kissed.) It was an awesome week...but like all good things...these things come to an end. *sigh*
On the walk down the path to the beach on the last day we had "the talk". He was finishing high school and going to University...I was only going into high school...we lived too far away...lets be friends. My poor little heart was broken.
*Cries silently in my bed*
But we did stay in touch. I was also friends with his sister. And with many church camps, there were big activities through out the year so I saw him a bit that year. As a last minute idea at the end of grade 10 I asked if he wanted to come to the theatre production I was involved in for school. He actually showed up! But that's where it all faded. He didn't go to camp that summer. He was too busy with university and working.
Grade 11. I was young and foolish and decided to date a boy who was supposed to be kind and trusting, he was loved by teachers and leaders and every kid loved him, he was that goofy yet kind boy. He had these long golden locks, (like full on 90's skater, down to the shoulders blond curls) He asked me out and I said yes. That's when my life started to turn into a nightmare. I didn't see the red flags until it was too late.
Behind the door he was mean, manipulative and controlling. He tried things I wasn't comfortable with. He made me feel alone and that no one liked me. He wouldn't let me hang out with my friends... He forced some things and I was scared, but no one would believe the big smiled, big belly laugh, charismatic boy was capable of what he did to me. And then one day, he came to an event, telling me he would meet me there. There was a HUGE commotion, and who do I see in the middle was Mr Red Flags. He had chopped all those long locks off. And now every girl thought he was hot stuff. And now his ego boosted. I wasn't needed anymore. I was dumped over text (back when we had OG flip phones and T9... *ouch*)
Grade 12. It was a blur of school and sports. Still had to see Mr Red Flag every week at youth until one day he stopped coming, and we find out he moved into the wild party phase of his life. I saw Cute Boi's sister a few times at big events. I was busy with theatre, and basketball, cheer. I was playing High school basket ball...and I was going to go to Collage with a scholarship for basketball. Until I damaged my knee during practice...and I lost everything. I couldn't play the last few games in gr 12 with my team, I lost my scholarship- I couldn't play ball. I went to grad with a huge brace from mid thigh all the way down to my ankle on crutches under my dress. I had also not trusted another boy, so I went with a girl friend as friends and I had the best time of my life. (Busted knee and all!)
Summer. Back at camp. Working all summer before Collage. Guess who shows up?
Ya. You guessed it. Cute boi. Two years of University suited him well. He informed me he rearranged his work schedule to come down for the summer. My curiosity peeked. He was supper flirty. He was sweet and shy. We made the best sports leaders- I think the sports director did it on purpose. He would constantly steal my suckers, when I volunteered to do beach duty, he always volunteered too. Halfway through the summer he asked me to be his girlfriend. I figured he needed to know about what one evening, sitting on the steps of the craft cabin, I laid it all out. And Know what he did? Took my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze and told me he was sorry, and that if I wanted to wait he was okay, and if this was too fast we could slow down. HE HADN'T EVEN DONE NYTHING! A few side hugs, arm brushes, sitting really close, stealing my candy, lots of glances and smiles...Who was this dude?!
So...That summer we started dating. And know what? He was true to his word, nothing really changed, other then he held my hand. He didn't try ANYTHING. He was sweet and kind and patient. Then...the last day of camp of the summer...the weekend before I went to collage, WE FINALLY KISSED! On the beach at sunset at camp. *Cue the mushy awwwwws.* He was so sweet about it, so gentle and hesitant. ALL THE BUTTERFLIES and my heart was skipping.
I went off to Collage- and the worst year ever- (for so many reasons.) I was 2 hrs away, and after a long week of collage for him, and work hours he would drive out on Fridays and drive me home for the weekends, and we would hang out, and then drive me back Sunday, or on weekends I couldn't get away he would drive the 2 hrs to see me, we would hang out and then he would drive home in the wee hours of the night, to get up and go to work.
I finally had surgery on my knee, he was there when I woke up, sitting with my parents, with a little get better present. *cute right??*
I transferred to University, closer to home (and him) I got a waitressing job, and when I worked, he would sit in the far booth studying, and eating french fries waiting for my shift to be over just so we could hang out. We dated for 2 years. Each summer I went back to camp to work. It was like my second home. He came for a few weeks. At the end of the summer, the last day, after all my little campers went home, and it was just staff left he asked if I wanted to go for a walk down to the beach. He intertwined our fingers and off we went. We laughed, we talked, it was nice to relax after a long week. We walked down the beach, feet in the sand and in the waves.
The next thing I know he's kneeling down in front of me, a ring in his hand!
The next ting I know, he asked on of our friends to follow us and take pictures! WHAT?! How did I not see this? We get back from the beach and I'm immediately attacked by my brothers. Fireworks...and all our friends from camp were standing cheering. WHAT?! My mom and dad had driven down, his sisters...He had planned this all out!
I was still young, just turned 20. But I knew without a doubt I'd marry him. So the following summer, July 3 2010 I married Mr Cute Boi.
And now we have 4 kids, a farm, our own business, and still together 14 years later!
Dating- somehow back when cameras were disposable and film had to be developed
The day he proposed
Wedding pictures 💜🖤
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