Chapter 8
We head to DADA with Prof. Lupin. When we get there, George and Lee are waiting for us. Lee smirks at us and George watches me with concern.
"Where did you two go?" Lee asks with a smirk and starts to wiggling his eyebrows at us. I roll my eyes.
"We were talking about stuff." I say. Prof. Lupin comes in and smiles at us.
"Good morning class. So today we are going to learn about dementors. Now can anyone tell me what a dementor is?" He says and I notice everyone looks nervous. I raise my hand.
"Yes Ms. Sanchez?" He calls on me.
"A dementor is a dark creature who feeds off bad memories and can make a person feel really cold and depressed. If you have a particularly bad memory in your childhood, the dementor will force you to relive it." I say. Prof. Lupin smiles at me.
"For example, Sanchez sees her father die right in front of her." Smith says telling the entire class. My hands start to shake in my lap. All my friends harshly glare at her.
"What is your name?" Prof. Lupin asks Smith.
"Alexandria Smith sir." She answers.
"Miss Smith, do you have Ms. Sanchez's permission to mention that in front of the whole class?" Smith shakes her head and Prof. Lupin continues.
"I thought so. Fifteen points from Gryffindor and detention with Prof. McGonagall tonight." Prof. Lupin says. I feel slightly better knowing that she is getting in trouble for doing what she did. Everyone in the class keeps staring at me including my friends. Although it is different for them, they are concerned about what Smith revealed would have on my mental health while everyone else in the class is staring at me to find out if what she said was true. I don't remember most of the rest of the class.
"Everyone is free to go except for Ms. Sanchez." Prof. Lupin says. Fred lightly squeezes my shoulder.
"I'll tell Prof. Flitwork that you are talking to Prof. Lupin." Fred says before following our friends out. I approach Prof. Lupin's desk.
"You wanted to see me Professor?" I ask softly.
"Yes Melissa. I wanted to see if you were doing alright after the train incident and what Ms. Smith said. And I also noticed that you left the Great Hall in quite the hurry this morning." He says watching me with concerned eyes.
"I am fine Professor. I just wasn't expecting her comment and as for the train, how did you make the dementor go away?" I ask him.
"It was an incantation. Expecto Patroum. It releases your patronus which is what drives a dementor backwards no it protects you. Well if you ever need anything, my door is always open Ms. Sanchez." And before I can leave, Snape walks in and glares at me.
"Sanchez! You are suppose to be in class! Not distracting other teachers!" Snape snaps at me. Prof. Lupin frowns.
"Severus she is having a conversation with me about homework before she heads to her next class. Now that will be all Ms. Sanchez, you may head to Charms now."
"Thank-you Prof. Lupin. See you in Potions Prof. Snape." I say softly to the two teachers before turning and leaving and start heading to Charms but I get stopped by Flint.
"Hello Mudblood." He sneers at me and I turn to walk another way but two of his friends quickly grab me and hold me. I start to struggle against them. Flint punches me in the stomach really hard. Then a second time and then a third. His two friends shove me to the ground and the three Slytherins start kicking me and punching me really hard. I am pretty sure they cracked a few of my ribs and they start punching me in the face. Then Flint orders his friends to pick me up and he grips my chin tightly.
"I hear you are dating that blood-traitor Weasley. Well I am going to show him that he should have never dated a stupid sluttly Mudblood." With that he kisses me. I squirm trying to get away from him and the uninvited kiss. He grips my chin harder to get me to stop moving and I bit down really hard on his bottom lip causing him to pull away and swear.
"You fucking bitch!" Flint says as he backhands me and I fall to the ground. The three Slytherins run off and leave me there. I slowly make my way to the hospital wing. I very slowly open the doors and the matron Mme. Pomfey looks up. Mme. Pomfrey freaks out when she sees me.
"What happened?" She asks.
"Pureblood Slytherins." Is all I say. She works quickly.
"Alright Ms. Sanchez, I need you to drink this." She says and I drink and damn near spit it out but keep it in since I know it is good for me. I groan as I collapse backwards onto my pillow.
"That is disgusting Mme. Pomfrey. Like truly disgusting." I say with a disgusted look in my eyes. She just roll her eyes at me.
"You may leave at lunchtime Ms. Sanchez and I suggest you report this to a teacher so the Slytherins get the proper punishment." I nod my head and I wait for the lunchtime bell to ring. When it does, I stand up and leave. Instead of going to the Great Hall for lunch, I go to the Kitchens and eat lunch there and walk around until it is time to go to class. I would skip class and just go to my dorm room but it is Prof. McGonagall's class and she would definitely give me detention for skipping class. I sit down in my usual seat in the back by the window. I stare out the window and wait for my friends to show up. Prof. McGonagall is watching me from behind her desk with concern in her eyes. But before she can say anything, my classmates start to arrive and they find their seats. Fred, George, and Lee all come in and join me in the back. They all open their oaths to question me but Prof. McGonagall saves me from the interrogation that is going to happen now after class.
"Good afternoon class. As you know, you have your OWLs at the end of the year. These tests are meant to test your knowledge so pay attention in your classes. Everything you learn is important." She says before starting our lesson. I take notes which isn't what I normally do. I normally throw things at George and Lee with Fred and quietly snicker when they whip their head around trying to figure out who hit them. Fred frowns in my direction when I don't join in. George and Lee catch him when he is watching me with his arm slightly extended. At the end of class, I quickly pack up and try to lose my best friends in the crowd not wanting to be throughly questioned by them about where I was during Charms and Herebology. I manage to get away and head to Care of Magical Creatures which I have with only George while Fred and Lee have Arthimathic. George comes and stands beside me and we both notice how upset Hagrid looks, when I know this is a job he has wanted for forever. I frown not use to seeing one of the always happy faces frowning. He teaches us about bowtruckles who are so cute! After class we have a free period so instead of rushing off, George and I stay behind to help Hagrid clean up a bit.
"Hagrid, is something wrong?" I ask softly. His frown deepens.
"This morning I had the third year Gryffindors and Slytherins. I showed them Hippogriffs. And Draco Malfoy got hurt. And I might get sacked." He says with tears in his eyes. I frown.
"You won't get sacked Hagrid. Dumbledore likes you too much to sack you." George says giving Hagrid a reassuring smile. Hagrid gives one back to the both of us.
"Thank-you George and Melissa. But hurry, you don't want to be late for your next class." He says. We pick up our bags and hurry up the hill.
"I love Hagrid." I say and George nods his head in agreement. One thing I did before heading to Transfiguration was I put makeup over my bruises to hide them so my friends, specially Fred, wouldn't see them and find out what happened. Luckily, I manage to hide it. And then I decide not to tell anyone. I didn't want any trouble. A couple weeks go by and no one finds out until George and Lee sees Flint beat me up with his friends expect this time he didn't try to kiss me. They were just severely beating me.
"Oi!" George shouts at them and the three run away. I curl into a ball clutching my stomach which is in a lot of pain. George and Lee run and kneel beside me.
"Mel? Can you stand up? Cause we need to get you to the hospital wing. Like right now!" Lee says as him and George help me to my feet. They try to walk me there but we get like two feet when Percy and Fred round the corner arguing over whether or not Fred was covering for George pulling a prank. The two brothers spot us and the irritation that Fred feels for his brother fades away as worry for me takes place.
"Melissa!" He is now standing in front of us with Percy beside him. Percy turns on Lee and George.
"What the hell happened?" Percy says.
"We only just got here. All we saw was Flint and two of his stupid friends beating her up." Lee says as we arrive at the hospital wing. Percy and Lee opens the doors and Mme. Pomfrey looks up and sees me beaten up again.
"Pureblood Slytherins." Is all I say. Mme. Pomfrey sighs and kicks everyone out. She quickly works and when I am situated she lets everyone else in. Lee, Percy, George, and Fred crowd around my bed.
"Ms. Sanchez will be just fine. She needs lots of rest and fluids. You may leave in a couple hours Ms. Sanchez. Should you feel any more pain after you leave please come back here immediately." She says before leaving to her office to give me and my friends some privacy. Everyone has no idea what to say.
"You should tell a teacher Melissa." Percy says softly to me. I shake my head.
"Trust me when I say it won't do any good Perc." I say bitterly. The four boys look very confused. Then Prof. McGonagall enters the hospital wing.
"Good afternoon Professor." I say and the boys all mutter hellos.
"Hello Mr.'s Weasley, Mr. Jordan and Ms. Sanchez. It has been brought to my attention that Mr. Flint caused you to be in the hospital for the second time. Is that true Ms. Sanchez?" The four boys eyes go wide at our teacher's words. She is watching with her hawk like eyes that kinda scare me.
"No professor. This is the first and only time that this has happened." I say lying to my teacher who raises her eyebrows at me.
"You wouldn't be lying right now Ms. Sanchez? Because this is a very Sirius situation and lying will not make it better." She says watching me but my face doesn't give anything away.
"I understand Professor." I say stubbornly.
"Very well Ms. Sanchez." She says before leaving the hospital wing. The boys watch my expression to see if there is a single sign of me lying. But they don't find one.
"Exploding snap anyone?" I ask pulling a pack of the very popular wizard card game. The twins and Lee both agree to play with me but Percy declines.
"Say hi to your mum when you write the letter to her about what transpired today. Beat that George!" Percy looks at me shocked.
"What makes you think that I am going to be writing to my mother about what happened?" Percy says as Lee lets out a yelp of pain as Fred burns him with a card causing the twins and I to laugh at his expense.
"Just like I know that George will be watching me with concerned looks for the next couple weeks, and just like I know that Lee will still continue to pull pranks on me and just like I know that Fred will be writing to Charlie and Olivia tonight after everyone else is asleep. I know you boys very well." The four boys stare at me. I put down my last card.
"I win!" I say as the three boys all let out yelps of pain as they all get burned. I snicker as Percy bids us all a good day. I smile at him. The three boys are rubbing their hands.
"So boys, another round?" I ask with a smirk.
"No!" They all shout at the same time causing me to laugh and Mme. Pomfret to come out of her office and glare at the boys. The four of us all smile innocently at her causing her to roll her eyes and go back into her office muttering about how she has only three more years to deal with the four of us. The four of us snigger. We just sit there talking for the next couple hours. Mme. Pomfret lets me out at 2pm and George and Lee shout how we are free from the clutches of the hospital wing while Fred and I walk after them laughing as they bump into Prof. Lupin. I pick up his books for him and hand them to him.
"Thank-you Ms. Sanchez. May I ask what happened to your face?" He asks me. I give a small smile.
"I ran headfirst into a wall Professor." I say giving him a sarcastic smile causing a smirk to spread across his face.
"Well next time Ms. Sanchez, watch where you are running and no running in the halls." He says before bidding the four of us a good day and walking off. The four of us just stare after him.
"Did he really buy the 'running headfirst into a wall' thing?" George asks. We didn't even notice Ginny walking up to us.
"Who bought that lame excuse?" A young voice says causing the four of us to jump in shock. We see Ginny standing there with a small smirk on her face.
"Hey Gin." I say while clutching my fast beating heart. She nods in my direction. George of course has a more dramatic response.
"Woman! Why the hell did you scare us? Why couldn't you just say hello like a normal human being? I think I am dying. Lee hold me!" He says as he dramatically leans on Lee who looks like he is struggling to hold him up and he actually collapses under George's added weight and they land with George right on top of Lee with their faces like half a centimetre apart. George quickly gets up and blushes slightly and Lee stands up and is also blushing. Fred and Ginny are arguing over whether not Ron would ever have the courage to ask Hermione out so they didn't see the whole Lee and George thing. Lee just runs off. George watches him go with a look of longing. I know what I have to do. I grab George's shoulder and pull him a little away from his still arguing siblings so they can't hear the conversation.
"George if you like Lee just ask him out." I whisper-shout at him.
"But I am straight." He whisper-shouts back at me.
"Yeah all straight guys watch their best friend's ass and look longing when they start to leave or blush when they fall on top of them. Look George if you are not, that is okay. I won't think of you any less and neither will Fred or anyone else you happen to be related to." I tell him with a kind smile.
"Okay fine I like Lee. But what if he doesn't like me?" He says with a frown.
"Just do what I did. Snog him. Best way to find out whether or not someone likes you. If he kisses you back, confess your feelings and even if he doesn't, just tell him but I am 99.9% sure he likes you so go snog the living daylights out of our best friend!" I tell him encouragingly. He gives me a very brotherly kiss on the check and goes to find Lee and I turn back to the still squabbling siblings. I know the best way to end this argument. I walk over to Fred and stand on my tiptoes.
"You can keep arguing with Ginny or you could snog me. Your choice babe." I whisper in his ear.
"I am just saying-" Fred cuts Ginny off.
"Sorry little sister but Melissa and I have business to attend to." Fred says before grabbing a hold of my hand and pulling me towards the Gryffindor tower where we can have some fun!
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