Chapter 10
It is now the summer of 1995. A couple weeks after the end of the Triwizard Tournament to be exact. It ended with the death of Cedric Diggory at the hands of Lord Voldemort, who came back. A week into the holidays, after getting frustrated with my mother, I left to stay with the Weasleys.
A couple days into my stay, all of us left the Burrow to a secondary location. The headquarters for the Order of the Phoenix to be exact. A secret organization created by Dumbledore in the first wizarding war to fight Voldemort. Molly and Arthur were in the order so it just made more sense to have the Weasleys live at headquarters instead of Molly and Arthur travelling to headquarters every time there is a meeting.
Fred, George, and I are walking around the very old and creepy house. I let out a yelp of surprise when I see a wall of decapitated house elves. Fred and George look over in alarm and both shudder when they see the heads.
"Well that's super creepy." George comments. I inch closer to Fred, who holds onto my hand.
"What's creepy?" A voice says from behind us, scaring us.
"Don't scare us like that Bill!" George scolds the eldest Weasley child. Bill smirks at George and gives me a small hug.
"That is what's creepy." Fred points to the wall of house elf heads. Bill also shudders. All of us leave the hallway and head towards the kitchen. On our way there, Arthur asks Bill and George to help him with something so they follow their dad and Fred and I continue on our way to the kitchen.
In the kitchen, we find Remus Lupin (our old Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher), Sirius Black (who isn't actually a murderer), and someone who looks oddly familiar to me with his back to us.
"Hey kids." Sirius says and the unknown man turns around and I feel my heart stop.
"D-dad?" I stutter out in shock and confusion. My dad, the man who I watched die when I was 6 years old, was standing in front of me, not dead. He looks just as shocked to see me.
"Lissa?" I feel an angry wave flow through my body and before I know it, my wand is in my hand and I am throwing hexes at him. My dad struggles to dodge them.
"MELISSA ERICA SANCHEZ, STOP THROWING HEXES AT ME!" He shouts. I lower my wand but glare furiously at him.
"Your mother and I did not teach you to act violent like that. Use your words please." Dad says, breathing heavily from having to dodge my hexes.
"My mother and you?" I let out a bitter laugh at those words, "My mother hates me and you LEFT ME! SO YOU DON'T GET TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" I breathe heavily from shouting and to my surprise, I hear a wailing. Sirius sprints from the room, muttering about a stupid portrait.
The silence in the kitchen is deafening after what I said. Sirius returns and looks between everyone.
"Okay Rick, please explain what is going on." Remus asks softly.
"What is going on is he lets his 6 year old daughter witness him faking his death in the most horrific way and then just shows up 11 years later and then tries to parent me. That isn't how this works, Father." I spit out the word Father.
"Rick? Please tell us that what she said isn't true." Sirius says, and when Dad doesn't answer, Remus and Sirius both stare at him in shock.
"How could you do that to your own daughter?" Remus asks, horrified. Molly walks in and sees a scorch mark on the table.
"What happened to the table?" She asks.
"Sorry Molly, that was me." I say before waving my wand and fixing the table.
"Just be careful, dear." Molly says, giving me a small hug.
"What's wrong, cousin?" A woman with pink hair asks as she walks in.
"Who are you talking to?" I ask, feeling on edge from finding out that my father is still alive.
"Sirius. Who are you?" She asks, with a raised eyebrow.
"Melissa Sanchez and you are?"
"Tonks and are you Rick's daughter?" Anger flashes through me again and Fred quickly grabs my wand before I can start throwing hexes again.
"Fredrick Gideon Weasley give me back my wand!" I snap.
"If you promise to not throw anymore hexes, I will but otherwise, I am keeping your wand." Fred places my wand in his pocket. I throw my hands up in frustration and glare at him.
"What do you mean 'throw anymore hexes'?" The woman, Tonks, asks.
"I mean, she threw hexes at Mr. Sanchez and I know that if she kept her wand, she will do it again if she gets angry enough. Given the circumstances, she will get angry enough. And trust me, you do not want to be actually hit with one of them, Mr. Sanchez." Fred says, leaning against the kitchen counter, keeping an eye on me as I start to pace angrily.
"And how do you know what being on the receiving end of one of her hexes feels like, Fredrick is it?" Dad asks.
"I have known her since we were 11 and she is really good at hexes. You can ask Prof. Lupin, he did teach us in fifth year."
"Melissa is a very bright young girl, was the top of her year when I taught her." Remus says with a small smile.
"Why did she throw hexes at you, Rick?" Tonks asks.
"Because he is a bastard." I say, angrily, pacing faster. Fred frowns, hating seeing me so upset. George walks in with Arthur.
"Why is Mel doing her angry pace?" George asks Fred.
"Long story, Georgie." Fred says, not taking his eyes off me.
"I would appreciate it if you would stop watching my daughter like that." Dad says, which pisses me off even further. Fred pulls my wand out his pocket and tosses it to George, who catches it and looks very confused.
"Why do you have Mel's wand and why are you giving it to me?"
"George, hand me my wand please." I ask and George looks conflicted.
"Fred, the reason for you having her wand is?" George asks.
"She hexed him and knowing how angry she is, she would do it again. So don't give it to her." George nods his head and apprates away and I whirl around to glare at my boyfriend. George apprates back in.
"Wait, did you call her your daughter?" George asks Dad.
"Yes, I am Richard Sanchez, Melissa's dad and who are you?"
"Never mind who he is." I snap, "I think the most important question that should be answered is why did you do it?"
"I have my reasons."
"That is not a good enough answer." I cross my arm angrily across my chest.
"Melissa is right, Rick. You owe her a better answer than 'I have my reasons'. She is your daughter and you did something awful." Sirius says.
"Sirius, mind your own business. This is a family matter." Dad says.
"Okay, Sirius may not be family but I am your brother so give Melissa a better answer." Remus says.
"Wait what? You're my uncle?" I ask him in confusion.
"Yes, when your father married your mother, he took her last name and when you were born, they gave you her name. But you are a Lupin by blood." Remus, who is apparently my uncle, now turns to Dad, "Unless you would like me to get Dad involved with this."
"Remus, stop. You know I haven't spoken to him in years and that isn't going to change anytime soon. Now Melissa, I am the adult here-" I cut him off.
"Actually everyone in this room, me included, is an adult. You become an adult in the wizarding world when you are 17 years old and I am 17 years old." Dad looks frustrated.
"What exactly is happening?" Arthur asks.
"A battle of the Lupin wills, Arthur." Sirius says, "I am personally rooting for Melissa to win, mainly because I really want to know what possesses a person, no no, a parent to put their child through such trauma."
"Trauma?" Tonks, Molly, and Arthur all repeat in confusion.
"Did you know that every single time a dementor comes near me, I relive that night? And thanks to Sirius escaping Azkaban two years ago, Hogwarts hosted the dementors and I had to relive that night in the one place that has felt like home since the day you 'died'." I put died in air quotes. "So yeah, that was traumatic as hell for anyone, especially a 6 year old. Now you better have a damn good reason for putting me through the emotional and physical pain."
"Physical?" Dad repeats, confused. I remove my jacket sleeve, where the scar from the bullet wound sits on my shoulder.
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