XV. Z to A
Hi there !
I know this is quite random, but uh— quite frankly I wasn't planning on this happening myself. As you may or may not know, a majority of the poems I've written up to this point have been about well... my life ! More specifically my past. It's been my main source of inspiration for quite a while now. When I write these poems, I don't really think too much. As bad as that sounds; it's really just me dumping the first things I think of onto the page. It probably isn't a good thing to do, but I find that my emotions get conveyed better this way. Maybe one day I'll really give these things more time, but for now I'm gonna stick like this !
I greatly appreciate all of you who have read even a single one of them, but, as of now; I'm gonna be taking an indefinite break from poetry. Writing about what's been happening in my present day... doesn't really interest me all that much. Maybe it will in the future, but for now I don't really feel much of anything.
The last thing I want to do is force things out. I feel like I would be being disingenuous to myself, and you guys as well. So ! Instead of doing all that, I'm just gonna call it here for now. I'm gonna take some time and dream a bit. I wanna come back strong and give you guys something really good if I can. In all honesty I'm not even sure how many of you will end up reading this message, but if you've made it here; you mean the world to me.
Anyways, I think that's just about it ! Hope you have a wonderful day :)
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