Wenn ich es richtig verstehe, gehört Traurigkeit zum Leben..
- I see humans, but not humanity.
- Einer der schwersten inneren Kämpfe ist der, zwischen dem, was du fühlst und dem, was du weißt..
- Never give up on something you really want. It's difficult to wait, but more difficult to regret.
- I love you for all that you are, all that you have been and all you're yet to be.
- Kennst du das, wenn du Recht hast, aber deine Eltern es einfach nicht zugeben wollen? O.o
- Hör auf mich zu zerstören. Bitte.
- Und da ist er wieder. Dieser Drang, dir schreiben zu müssen.
- Ich bin wirklich kein perfekter Mensch. Ich mache viele Fehler, aber ich liebe die Menschen, die bei mir bleiben, weil sie wissen, wie ich wirklich bin..
- Wenn bereits nach einem kleinen Streit das Herz schmerzt und Tränen hochkommen, heißt das, dass diese Person dir sehr viel bedeutet.
- Ich kenne Lieder, die in 4 Minuten mehr aussagen, als manche Menschen es in ihrem ganzen Leben tun.
- Some kid: "OMG I love her so much!"
Me: "Bro you're 18.. she's 13?"
Him: "Age is just number <3"
Me: "Lol yeah and jail is just a room"
- An alle, die über mich lästern: I love to entertain you! (:
- Dieser Moment, wenn Personen, die dir sehr viel bedeuten, plötzlich anfangen, scheiße zu werden.
- Auch ein Kämpferherz hat irgendwann keine Kraft mehr..
- Kennst du das Gefühl, wenn du dein Lied mit einem schönen Moment aus deinem Leben verbindest?
- Sei nicht eifersüchtig, wenn du deine/n Ex mit jemand anderem siehst. Unsere Eltern haben immer gesagt: "Gib dein gebrauchtes Spielzeug lieber den weniger glücklichen Menschen!"
- Du kennst meinen Namen, nicht meine Geschichte. Also überleg dir gut, was du wann wem über mich erzählst.
- Einige machen Fehler, andere sind welche.
- H.O.P.E -> Hold On Pain Ends.
- "Mom stop you are not funny. You never make jokes." "I made you."
- Do you ever feel like running away? Just suddenly leaving. No note, no warning. Just getting your shit, and leaving.
- Just because I don't talk about my problems doesn't mean they don't exist.
- She is broken because she believed.
- I love you and it's killing me.
- :(
"Put this on. You look more beautiful with it."
"Much better."
- Keep calm and live your dreams.
- I can't wait for the days where we can walk around our apartment in just our underwear and stay in bed all day if we want. We'll shower together every morning and make cute dinners and watch movies. Then, at the end of the day, we can fall asleep in each other's arms knowing we'll still be next to each other when we wake up in the morning. It will be perfect.
- Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairytales again.
- She says "I'm fine" "It's nothing" "I'm okay" When honestly she's hurt, trying her best to remain strong
- I have friends, but why do I feel so alone?
- When you really miss someone, you miss the little things the most, like just laughing together.
- Kiss her in the middle of her sentence, Girls love that.
- I feel like I'm losing myself.
- I need you. Because you make me laugh more than anyone else, and I'm the best me when I'm with you. And because when you're gone, nothing feels right until you return.
- People build up walls, not to keep others out. But to see who cares enough to break them down.
- You can say sorry a million times, say I love you as much as you want, say whatever you want, whenever you want. But if you're not going to prove that the things you say are true, then don't say anything at all. Because if you can't show it, your words don't mean a thing.
- Spongebob: "What do you normally do when I'm gone?"
Patrick: "Wait for you to get back."
- I can never control my laughter xD
- The day I met you, my life changed... the way you make me feel is hard to explain. You make me smile in a special kind of way... you make me fall deeper in love everyday.
- I want to skip school for a couple weeks. I want to shut my phone off and not log onto the computer. I want to see if anyone will write on my facebook or text me. I want to see if anyone would care where I was. I want to see if anyone notices that I'm gone.
- The best thing in life is finding someone who knows all your flaws, mistakes, and weaknesses and still thinks you're completely amazing.
- Him. His smile. His eyes. His voice. His laugh. His warmth. His existence. Him. (If you thought about someone, you're probably in love with him..)
- Why is everyone prettier than me?
- Where's my happy ending?
- Boy: I wanna be a superhero, guess my name.
Girl: Superman? Ironman?
Boy: Yourman :D
- SMS -> Seriously Missing Someone
- The truth? I like you. A lot. You make me happy. You make me laugh. You're smart. You're different. You're a little crazy, and awkward, and your smile alone can make my day.
- Are you happy or pretend to be?
- Maybe I'm too late to be your first. But right now, I'm preparing myself to be your last.
- Pain changes people.
- Rules for dating my daughter: 1. Get a job! 2. Understand I don't like you. 3. I'm everywhere. 4. You hurt her, I hurt you. 5. Be home 30 minutes early. 6. Get a lawyer. 7. If you lie to me, I will find out. 8. She's my princess, not your conquest. 9. I don't mind going back to jail. 10. Whatever you do to her, I will do to you. (Tolles T-Shirt für n Papa:D)
- Warum machen wir unsere Augen zu beim Träumen, Beten, Küssen, Weinen usw.? Weil wir wissen, dass man die schönsten Dinge im Leben einfach nicht sehen kann
- Ich liebe es, blockiert zu werden. Da kann man so schön mit sich selbst schreiben!
- Are you ok? "Yeah, I'm tired!"
Torn apart
Really faking my smile
Extremely sad
Drowning in my tears
- Does anyone ever see things in their dreams and then later in life see the exact same thing and freak out for a couple seconds?
- Sometimes I need to be alone with my music.
- Fact about Boys: They may be flirting all day, but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about.
Fact about Girls: They may have lots of crushes, but their hearts belong to only one special guy.
- Träume können wahr werden, wenn man nur fest genug daran glaubt.
- Sie: "Schatz? Stört dich was an mir? Bin ich zu dick?"
Er: "Nein, du bist perfekt, außer..."
Sie: "Außer?"
Er: "Deinen Nachnamen mein Engel, den müssen wir noch ändern."
- Ich bin eifersüchtig auf alle, die dich jeden Tag sehen können.
- Irgendwann bist du einfach eiskalt, weil du keinen Bock mehr hast Gefühle zu zeigen, auf denen man eh nur mit Füßen tritt.
- Bin total ausgeglichen. Wirklich. Ich mach mir jetzt einen Tee, lege die Beine hoch und dann HAU ICH ALLES KAPUTT HIER, VERDAMMTE SCHEISSE!!
- Ich bin schon lange nicht mehr die, die ich mal war!
- Dieses eine Mädchen, dass immer für alle anderen ein offenes Ohr hat. Dieses eine Mädchen, dass immer lächelt und Witze macht. Dieses eine Mädchen, dass sich für jeden einsetzt und jedem hilft. Genau dieses eine Mädchen sitzt da und weiß nicht wie sie das hier alles schaffen soll.
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