34 - testing out ibis paint stuff
Trying out some of the other tools :3
hell0 3veryone this is a f4nfiction for myselffffff
0nce upon 4 tim3 a wild D3x appeared
Th3n she sh1pp3d stuff
Th3n on3 d4y she disc0v3red a neth3rnes14
Th3n 0ne d4y she di5c0vered a 1ndom4l4y
1nd0m4l4y k1ck3d n3th3rne514 1n th3 f4c3
N3therne51a d13d
0h n0
Th3n D3x g0t 4dd1ct3d t0 C0untryh00m4n5
Th3 3nd
0h 4nd n3th3rn3514 i5 471v3 4g41n s0mehow
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