103 - Not art
ok anyway as i promised in my announcements, here is everything you need to know about TSBON's story and lore! of course i kept some things secret for yall to figure out yourself but eh here's most of it
TSBON is a puzzle/adventure game where you can play as two gays- i mean guys- and help them restore world peace and go back home.
also this isnt formal i'll make the wording formal and in neat english in the actual website, you can understand me like this rite??
and another also, i'm going to throw LGBTQ+ characters everywhere so uh im sorry XD aromantics, asexuals, and nonbinaries dont get enough representation so i'll be making some of my characters that!
Actual gameplay
The game starts with an average 15 year old student in English class, Sofian. He blends in with the crowd a lot, looks plain, and nobody really notices him. I'd dump all the torture I gave him at home here but i think you can guess what i do to my OCs if you've known me for a long time lol-
His best friend, also the 2nd character you can play as in the game, is called Connor. He's that straight As kid with a bunch of friends and that really important guy. They were childhood friends, and people sometimes wonder why Connor even stayed friends with Sofian
Anyway, after English class (i'll need to ask some Americans later about school because my english is terrible and i dont know how school there works), you play as Sofian for now. You make your way through the hallways to the outside of the school to chill with Connor, and you can also interact with some NPCs scattered around the map.
Connor will give you a smol gift and say happy birthday, he didn't forget like Sofian expected him to. After school he'll drag you on his motor and zoom over to the arcade to celebrate the birthday, and they decided to play some knockoff of Space Invader.
Somehow in the middle of it, they get sucked in the game, and this is where they split. Sofian turns into like his rolien (still deciding on the species' name hh) form, I've posted him once on my Instagram, and so does Connor.
The world
Qaloran, the roliens' Earth, is cracked into two parts, Thyros being the smaller and more advanced half and Iapacyre being the larger half. Sofian appears in Iapacyre and Connor appears in Thyros.
In this world, society determines a rolien's worth by the number they were born with. If they were born with a 10, they were born to be a CEO, a leader, a boss. However if you were unlucky enough to be a 0, for example, you're worthless. You would be homeless, and would be treated as the lowest in society.
Unfortunately, Sofian is a 0 but at least Connor's a 10- good luck playing Sofian
The two halves of Qaloran are at war with each other. To win the Space Invaders knockoff and go home to the real Earth, you have to help Sofian and Connor achieve peace. I'll explain the reason of their war innnn
HiStOrY tEm!!!!111!11!!1!11
A long time ago, floating in an endless black void of nothingness was the Factory. The Factory, although machines aren't supposed to feel as you might have thought, was lonely. It had no purpose.
And so it decided to create. It created the first world, the first planet, Qaloran. But Qaloran was empty, just like the rest of the void. Even though it had forests and oceans and mountains and caves and different areas, the Factory still felt alone.
So it made the first rolien, Name. Name's real name had been lost and forgotten, but people sometimes refer to them (they're nonbinary) as Nym. Nym and the Factory travelled to see the newly formed stars and the whole of Qaloran.
But it was only two people (well, one living thing and one machine), and it soon got lonely again too. So the Factory made the 2nd rolien, Sine. Sine was born with a 0 and couldn't speak, but at the time, numbers meant nothing. There was no perfect and no imperfect. The three of them were happy and friends with each other, and that was what mattered most.
The Factory then decided to make more of their kind, a species that came in all shapes and sizes, unique and different. As the roliens grew into small cities and villages, it just became a common joke that people with 0 - 4 on their bodies were more useless. They were more likely to have defects, but at the time it was just a tease and nothing more.
However, as the centuries passed and they became more civilised, it just became how society worked. Numbers determined your worth, your future, everything.
Nym got tired of people mistreating them and Sine, and so they went to the Factory to ask it to stop putting numbers on everyone. The Factory couldn't for some reason, so Nym decided to rewire it and force it to stop.
It didn't go so well though, the Factory malfunctioned. It overheated and exploded, and the fragile structure of Qaloran split in half. Thyros had a harder time, since it got all its resources from what is now Iapacyre, so the roliens there decided to not care about numbers anymore and survive together.
Iapacyre on the other hand didn't suffer as much from the split, so nothing really changed. They still believed that numbers determined your worth.
When Thyros got to contact Iapacyre again, they told them that life had been so much easier ever since they decided numbers held no meaning anymore. Iapacyre did not agree. What started from a discussion turned into an argument, and then to war. Both the sides wanted the other to do things their way.
so uh yeah, that's most of the story XD damn this is 1000+ words, im so so sorry you had to read through all that-
i'd like to hear yall's thoughts on the story so far, if you have the time to leave feedback ^^ anyway, see yall soon and thanks!
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