chapter 4 strange day
rachet was the first to wake up and went to the main room and looked over at the energon crystals that just appeared in the room.
rachet"oh some energon crystals.....WAIT WHAT!?" he yelled this causes the other bots to wake up
bulkhead "rachet what's w-wow!" the group saw the large amount of energon crystals in their base
arcee "did you bring it here?" she looks at wheeljack
wheeljack shook his head "no I wasn't me"
rachet went to the computer and pulled up the camera feed
bee "we have cameras?"
rachet "yes and I'm using it to find out who's been in our base!" he pulled the camera feed and they see the ring portal opening and NiGHTS bring in the energon in and then left
smokescreen "the scrap is that thing?!" he pointed out
rachet "im not sure buts it's no cybertionan or human"
arcee "it could be one of M.E.C.HS"
optimus "I don't think that it is but whatever it is it seams to know about our base"
fowler"PRIME!" he yelled through the call
optimus "yes agent fowler?"
fowler "you may want to see this!" he showed them a video of jasper near mikos House and they could see NiGHTS flying out and going back in to mikos room
bulkhead "thats thing is with miko!" he said paniced
smokescreen"so thats why it found our base"
wheeljack "like scrap mikos a strong girl she won't give in that easily!"
optimus "I know that you two are worried but we do not know if this creature appears to be a threat or not"
meanwhile at the decepticons warship......
megaton "give me one example on why the energon mine is empty!" he yelled at the vehicons
vehicons backed away a little "we don't know lord megaton the autbots couldn't have known we put a signal jammer so they won't find it!"
knockout "although some of the vehicons did say that something or someone was knocking them down everything they tryed to mine the energon" he explained walking in
megaton looked over to soundwave "soundwave see if you can get this... creature on any of the humans cameras"
soundwave nodded and goses through all the cameras and shows them NiGHTS flying around and using the ring to get to places
starscream "so the ring acts like a groundbrige for that creature"
knockout "thou I still don't know why it would need energon it's not an cybertionan"
megaton "it seams that it wasn't for itself but for the autbots, soundwave have laserbeak patrol near any energon mines and and catch this creature by any means possible and the same gose for the both of you as well" he terns to knockout and starscream
starscream and knockout "yes lord megaton" the 3 then went on patrol
miko had gotten up and had gotten change and looked around her room "um NiGHTS?" she called out and then there was a thud underneath her bed as it moved a little "NiGHTS?" she called out again
NiGHTS "yeah?"
miko "are you stuck under my bed?"
NiGHTS "um.....noooooo?"
miko rolled her eyes chucking and bent down and saw NiGHTS underneath her bed "need some help?"
NiGHTS sighed "yes please"
5 minutes later and miko was heading to the park to relax a little 'I'm guessing the autbots are shocked to find the energon at their base randomly' she thought knowing NiGHTS could hear
NiGHTS 'yeah I think so too I guess that's the reason why they didn't pick you up"
miko nodded and sat down underneath a tree and began to draw. After a while NiGHTS got board and sighed "come on miko we have a ring we can go anywhere we want!"
miko "oh yeah but I thought only you could use it?"
NiGHTS "only ones that are freinds with phoebe can use them" he smiled as miko got up and went behind a building and look around and smiled and throwed the ring and jumped in as they were now in the woods.
miko "now let's have some fun!"
meanwhile at the autbots base....
rachet "thats strange" he said looking at the monitor
bulkhead "what is it?"
rachet "im tracking mikos phone but she now in the woods"
arcee "what?! that quickly?"
bulkhead "one of the cons must have grabbed her doc Bridge me there now!"
rachet nodded and opend the groundbrige as wheeljack, bulkhead and optimus drove through while bee and arcee go after to Jack and raf to see if they were okay.
bulkhead looks around "miko! are you here!" he called out worried for miko
the three kept looking for her no giving up.
knockout drove around and stopped and transformed walking through the woods looking around and suddenly stopped hearing talking he walked over to the voice and saw NiGHTS talking to himself.
knockout smirked "so your the creature that the vehicons talked about" he said aproching NiGHTS. NiGHTS turned around and looked up at him
NiGHTS "What do you want?" he asked he was ready to fly off if knockout tryed anything
knockout "lord megaton wishes to see you he is quite curious about you and why you took the energon away" he said to NiGHTS looking at thus strange creature "what are you exactly?" he asked curiously
NiGHTS "thats non of your business now go away we are trying to enjoy ourselves!"
knockout "we?" he said not expecting that
NiGHTS paniced "scrap!" miko yelled thou only NiGHTS heard her and he quickly flyed off. knockout quickly commed starscream of this and starscream quickly flyed to the location and saw NiGHTS and started to fire at them NiGHTS try to dogged the attacks but got hit in the leg causing it to bleed
NiGHTS "KUSO!" he yelled out in pain
miko "let me be in control!" she yelled as NiGHTS let's her as she now controlled NiGHTS body she pulled our the ring and throwed it and they flyed through and thankfully it closed before starscream could fly through which in raged him.
Jack and his mother were at home arcee had visited them to make sure that they were alright eilaer. the two were in the kitchen making food but that's when they heard a crash into their living room.
The two thought it was a robber and grab some wepons Jack holding a pan while June hold a broom and they quietly walk to the room but where shocked to see an injured NiGHTS on the floor.
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