A week later.
Your POV
I was with Jack buying the alcohol and snacks for our random party. We got beer, champagne, vodka, and various kinds of chips and dips. Mark was gonna order some pizzas. Cause we clearly don't eat enough of it. "Oh hey Jack who's coming exactly?" I ask. He looks at me then starts listing of names. "Felix, Mariza, Cry, Ken and his girl, Dan, Phil....I think that's everyone." I nod grabbing another bottle of Jack Daniels, it's one of Jack's favs. We go pay and drive home.
Mark was on the phone ordering the pizza. He already had cleaned up the place. When he was done I walked over and gave him a hug. "Ya cleaned up" I said letting go. "Yea yea" he rolled his eyes. Just then I remembered "Wait.....Mark you can't drink" I gasped. "It's okay I'ma be the one sober person so I can video tape all your mistakes" he chuckled. We all started to set out the snacks and dips. We got out small plastic shot glasses so if someone drops it they won't step in glass. "Okay I think we're finished" I moved the hair away from my eyes. We all went to our separate rooms to change. I decided to wear black jeans and a flannel with my black beanie. Mark and Jack just wore normal jeans and designed t-shirts.
After we were all ready we heard the first knock. "Coming" I yell from upstairs then almost trip going down. I run to the door and open it. "How's it goin' bro" Felix said holding up his fist. I 'bro fist' then go hug Marzia letting them inside. "Mark and Jack are upstairs and there's pizza, chips, and alcoholic drinks in the kitchen. Felix goes upstairs with a bottle of beer while me and Marzia talk about life in the kitchen.
Later Cry, Ken, and Mary come over and once again the boys go upstairs and Mary stays with us. We an hear yelling. "I'm guessing Jack and Pewds are loosing the game" I chuckle. Marzia laughs as Mary grabs some pizza. "Who's still missing" Mary asks. "Dan and Phil...." Knock knock "....speak of the Devils" I go open the door. "Hey Dan, Hello Phil" trying not to scream Phan confirmed as they are holding hands. "Come on in foods in the kitchen and the other males are upstairs loosing at video games" they walk in "thanks Y/N" Phil says stuffing his face with food as Dan shakes his head laughing. I look over to Marzia and she's looking at me, I guess we're both thinking the same thing. PHAN CONFIRMED???
More into the party I may or may not have had a few shots and bottles. At least I'm not as wasted as Cry who fell asleep on the couch, he's alive I checked. Mark was drinking a water when Felix stumbled over, I may have eavesdropped. "Dude we should play a game" Mark looked at his drunk friend "like what?" Felix looked up at everyone. Cry on the couch, Marzia and Mary eating some chips and chatting, Jack just taking a shot of Jack Daniels next to me, and Dan with Phil sitting on his lap. "I don't man -hic- maybe truth or dare" Mark thought for a moment. "Sure why not -ahem- EVERYONE WE'RE GONNA PLAY TRUTH OR DARE GET YOUR ASSES OVER HERE" he yelled as we all walked over some stumbling more than others. We sat down in a circle. Felix started and dared Marzia to kiss him. Aww. Then it was my turn "Dan...truth or dare" I blinked a lil too much drinking. "Truth" he said he was less drunk than us. "Is Phan now cannon" I smiled as he blushed a bit. "Of fucking course it is" he grabbed Phil's hand holding it close to his chest. Again awwwww. Mark was next.
Mark's POV
I have a plan to get (your ship name with Jack) together. This doesn't count as taking advantage of their um drunk state does it.....nah. "Jackaboy truth or dare" Jack looked at me questioningly. "Ummm I pick dare" his voice slurred a bit. Hmm how do I do this nonchalantly. "Okay I dare you tooooooooo" I pretend to look around the room. "Kiss Y/N" the room went silent as they realized what was happening. "Okay" he shrugged and turned to Y/N. He kissed her on the lips and then sat back down like nothing happened. Y/N just sat there in shock then a slight smile formed.
The rest of the night was them finishing of the drinks and eating lots of dip and pizza. I had lots of dip and pizza too. It was good until I realized no one can go home and will have to sleep here and all the complaints about hangovers I'm going to get. When everyone was asleep on the couch or blow up mattress I had to get out, I put a bottle on pain killers and a bunch of water bottles out for them.
Dan and Phil were cuddling on a mattress, Felix, Ken and Cry were on the floor with pillows, Marzia and Mary took the couch, and I guess Jack and Y/N went to their rooms. Time for Markimoo to get some sleep too. This will be fun explaining to them what happened....maybe I won't instead.
A/N: heyy dere reader.
Ima dedicate this chapter to my friend bleuse
for their birthday, Happy birthday!!!
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