interview #1 @craftychicken {1st annual Christmas prompt contest winner}
story submitted: So this is Christmas | placement: |Christmas Choice 2022 Pick|
1 What is the title of your story? and what inspired the title?
My story is called so this is Christmas. The title comes from a Christmas song called Happy Christmas (war is over) by John Lennon
2 What is your story about?
My story is a prequel to my book Each of us has a story to tell. It follows twins Laura and James on Christmas morning and shows Laura getting a very special present from her brother.
3 Is the Christmas prompt contest, the first contest you entered?
Yes, the Christmas prompt contest is the first of your contests I entered. It's not the first I've entered other contests elsewhere.
4 What was your reaction to discovering you were one of the winners?
I was very happy that you enjoyed my story. This is my first win for this particular story.
5 What is your favorite holiday activity?
My favorite holiday activity is making gingerbread. My mum loves it and I love baking. Seeing her smile while she's eating it makes me happy.
6 do you have any future plans with the story you entered? (standalone novel/series)
The story is already a prequel to Each of us has a story to tell but I won't write off using these characters again.
7 What's a good piece of advice to give someone, who desires to enter a contest?
I would say that you shouldn't be too upset if you don't win. There will always be people who don't like what you write but always remember that there will be people who will love your story and you.
8 What is your favorite holiday memory? (optional to answer)
I don't really have one but I suppose if I had to choose it'd be watching The Muppets Christmas Carol with my parents. We've watched it every year since I was born so I've now seen it 21 times. It never gets old.
9 What is the most important piece of a story?
The cover |quality of the story| type of story
The most important piece for me is the ending. You want to feel as though everything is closed and wrapped up nicely. My only exception is if it's a series.
10 How does being a part of the Wattpad community help you as writer?
I think having friends to support you and help give you advice as well as picking you up when you're feeling down is the best thing that helps me.
11 What genre of story attracts you as a reader?
I love mysteries and thrillers so anything with a murder or two is right up my street.
12 What's a good piece of writing advice, that you've learned?
Never underestimate yourself. I have thought about giving up because I felt like I wasn't getting an audience. The best thing I ever did was to get an interview with my now friend @AdrielleReina Through her I met some of the best friends and fans I've ever had.
13 Do you believe contest and interview platforms help you as a writer?
I do think they help. While they can sometimes put you down a little if you don't win a contest you will find those who love your writing. Interviews are the best way to meet new people and make some good friends. I will never regret doing them.
14 Since joining Wattpad, do you believe you've become a better writer?
I do think I've become a better writer as I now have people, I can ask questions to. We can also help each other when we have problems and pick each other up when we're feeling down.
15 What is a must have item for you to enjoy the holiday season?
You've got to have hot chocolates and blankets. Hot chocolates are the best. I can't live without them I probably drink far too many
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