Admin: TheBulletProof_Gals
Name: Halee ~But just call me MoonMi which is my Korean name^^~
Age: 14
Hometown: I honestly move a lot. . . born in Indiana but moved right away to Utah when I was 6 months, atayed there till I was 4, moved to Illinois till I was 11, and now I'm in Missouri leading up to the now. . . Yea. . . and we don't stay in one town. . . OKAY NEXT ONE
Follower count: 123 (Not only you and me)
Favorite WWE superstar: Oh shoot I have a lot. For the boys it's Jeff Hardy, Finn, Shinsuke, Sami, and TJP. . . and we got mah girls Mickie, Naomi, Sasha, and Becky. . . yep
Reason why I love WWE: You could say I was born into loving WWE. My family HATES ~Remember the caps~ WWE, all but my mother. She grew up loving WWE. While for my dad, he grew up watching it and liking it, but he began to not like it and think it's stupid. Sad, I know. But luckily I took my mother's interests more, and watch WWE with her when I came over to her house ~My parents divorced when I was 3~, so we made a thing between us to help us bond more. But. . . Last April she passed away and the last time I saw her was two summers ago, let's just say we didn't end on good terms the last time we saw each other. So I plan on to live on something that seemed to be one of the only thing that brought us together, which is WWE.
Reason why I love wattpad: I use to be like every other kid who hates to read and write. Until, I stumbled upon That website was the first time I read a fanfic. And my little curious 10-11ish year old girl mind wanted to know more of this site. Soon I wrote my own stories on there, not really having any readers haha. And sooner ~I use soon a lot don't I?~ I became bored of it. And I stumbled upon Wattpad. I instantly clicked with Wattpad and wanted to do everything with it. And my friend and I decided to create an account to write Kpop stories. I honestly think there's nothing else but Wattpad for me
Favorite color: Black and Blue. . . I'm emo so yep. . .
Favorite food: I don't have a favorite 0-0
Favorite book to write: Oh man. . . My whole stories wise. . . I'm gonna have to say Flower Knights|| Hwarang. It was a blast to watch the drama and rewrite it adding my friend and myself into it. But for WWE it's defiantly The Demon Queen|| Finn Bálor. So far that's the only WWE story I have instead of my WWE Smash and Pass. I plan on doing other WWE stories if others are wanting more WWE from me.
Reason for join TheWWEfanClub: I honestly love to meet other fans of WWE to connect to. It's fun having friends with the same interest to talk about.
Future ambitions: Wanting to he a wrestler^^ WWE wrestler would be my biggest goal but if I don't make it then I'd still be stoked and happy for being a pro wrestler
One thing for our readers: I'd love to help with writing, helping the person to get into WWE more if they don't know if they want WWE to ruin their life ~in a good way~. I simply, just love to meet others. I'm a social butterfly so don't be scared!
Pictures of me if curious ~yes I'm chubby but I like to think of myself as a marshmellow ^^~
Couldn't find a good normal selfie. . . keep that tongue in there girl
Omg. . . look at dat face
Bye Bye :3
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