Chapter 8
A/N You guys know that I can't update everyday, but thanks for 149 reads! The contest won't end until I have a least three people in it! So enter, please!
Sky's POV
Carol and Nate were laughing and talking about funny videos they had seen. I got a text right in the middle of the meal, and I looked up at them after reading it. "Guys, who wants to record with Team Crafted?" Immediatly, Nate and Carol both said "ME!!" at the same time. I smiled. "Ok, let's go, then! Go on my server to record, and I'll add you to the skype call."
"K, but do you have another computer I can use?" Nate asked. I nodded, and got it. It was a laptop, and Nate smiled even more. "That's the computer I got Carol for her birthday. Who knew she would let Skydoesminecraft use it?" Carol giggled.
"Him, of course!" she replied. I burst out laughing. Then, I joined the skype call that Jerome, Ian, Quentin, Mitch, Jason, and Ty were already on.
"Hey! I bring more people!" I shouted. Everyone in the call laughed. I added Carol and she added Nate.
"Who's NateisGreat123?" Jerome asked.
"That's Carol's boyfriend, and he wanted to record with us." I replied. Jason laughed.
"You mean, a FAN was allowed to record with us?" Ty asked.
"Not any fan, MY boyfriend, who turns out to be a fan. He took the news pretty well." Carol replied. "And he's in the call right now."
"Oh...My...God...I'm...Recording...With...Team...Crafted...Can't...Breath..." Nate was hyperventilating.
"Are you alright, Nate?" I asked. I looked over at him and he nodded. "K, so let's play DRAW THAT BLOCK!!" I practically screamed. Carol laughed.
"Ow..." Nate said, with his ears covered. "It's worse in real life."
"You'll get used to it." Carol whispered. "I have to live with that."
"Carol, Nate, join drawblock 5. It's filling up because people saw us get on." Ian said. "Should I act derpy? I have my derp skin on..."
"Sure. We'll pretend we don't know until you start to talk." Mitch replied. The game started.
~Magical Time Skip Of Oreos (The game would be too boring.)~
Nate's POV (Lol, did you see it coming?)
I still can't get over the fact that I'm recording with Team Crafted. "Oh, it's my turn!" I shouted. I looked at what I had to build. Grapes. Great. I grab purple blocks and green blocks. I make a bunch of grapes and attatch them together with green. The chat said this:
SkythekidRS has guessed the word!
ASFJerome has guessed the word!
TrueMU has guessed the word!
Carol_is_amazing has guessed the word!
Ssundee has guessed the word!
Deadlox has guessed the word!
BajanCanadian has guessed the word!
HuskyMudkipper has guessed the word!
RosezRAwesome has guessed the word! A/N That's right. I'm in the story! I'm the author, aren't I?
"Who's RosezRAwesome?" I ask.
"I don't know. I guess a random fan. They haven't asked to meet us or anything, though." Sky replied. "I'm going to message them"
RosezRAwesome's POV
My mc chat said: [SkythekidRS->me] Hey, you seem nice. Here's my skype. Look up skydoesminecraft. Click on the one that has my old youtube picture on it.
I type: /msg SkythekidRS Thanks. I really don't want to bother you, though.
I press enter. A message comes back. You won't bother me. My little sister assures you of it.
"Little sister? Oh, Sky's latest video." I whisper. "Well, can't let this slip by." I get on skype and send him a skype request. It said: Hello SkythekidRS, I'd like to add you as a contact. RosezRAwesome A/N My real skype is that, without caps. Please don't skype me from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM! I'm at school! He accepted, and sent me a smily face. I send one back.
A/N Hey, this was a special chapter. Are you proud of me now, mom?! Are you?! Anyway, eat chocolate, smell roses, and kill squids!
Rose out!
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