"This is a final boarding call for passenger Daniella Spencer booked on flight 77X. Please proceed to Gate 3 immediately. The final checks are being completed and the captain will order for the doors of the aircraft to close in approximately five minutes time. I repeat. This is the final boarding call for Daniella Spencer. Thank you."
This announcement snaps Daniella Spencer out of her meditation and into her seat once again at Gate 3.
"Oh. Great. At least that nightmare is over..." says a relieved Daniella as she rises from her seat and enters through the gate just in time.
Once on the plane, Daniella loads up her overhead compartment, and gets into her seat.
"I hope I can stay here the entire flight. I'm really not in the mood to change seats AGAIN." Daniella waits a few minutes for Lexi and her perfume to arrive. She doesn't arrive, making Daniella let out a breath of relief, and looks out the window.
After blanking out for a bit, she feels a tap on her shoulder, she turns, and sees Lexi.
"Miss Spencer! Miss Spencer, hi!" exclaims Lexi.
"Hi." politely replies a lowkey irritated Daniella.
"I'm a great fan of your work by the way."
"Excuse me?... Oh yes... Thank you!" Daniella isn't sure what her "work" means, but she'll take the compliment, until otherwise stated.
"I don't want to bother you too much, but I had to inform you that you're in the wrong seat."
"I beg your pardon?"
"You're in the wrong seat."
"But I paid for this seat."
"I know you paid for it, Miss Spencer, but that seat is in Business Class."
Lexi shows Daniella her list with names and assigned seats.
"Oh." notes Daniella.
"Come with me Miss Spencer!"
Daniella follows Lexi to business class and settles into her seat. For the rest of the flight, Daniella, who is still exhausted, makes it a point to avoid speaking or interacting with anyone, except for Lexi, who has always proved herself to be essentially harmless.
Daniella is initially afraid to close her eyes and fall asleep, but her instincts somewhere assure her that she would turn out fine. She slowly closes her eyes and allows herself to drift off. For the first time in over what she calculates to be about a month, and she calls it a "month" for her own sake of sanity and reference of human time, Daniella is able to sleep in peace. She doesn't have any particular dreams, but that is exactly what she needs at this particular moment.
An announcement wakes her up:
"Ladies and gentlemen, as we start our descent, please make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position. Make sure your seat belt is securely fastened and all carry-on luggage is stowed underneath the seat in front of you or in the overhead bins. Thank you."
Daniella wakes up and finds that everything is exactly the same as before. Looks like her instincts are beginning to be in sync with her surroundings. She exhales in relief, and gathers herself for the upcoming descent.
Once the plane lands, Daniella quietly gathers her belongings and leaves to collect her suitcase. Tired of her phone, she makes it a point to not pay attention to her cellphone, citing "Nothing but disaster seems to come out of that godforsaken phone..." as her reason.
"Let's see if anyone is there." says Daniella as she leaves the terminal. She looks around and finds signs of neither any Luke, nor any male Luca, nor any female Luca, nor any child, nor any canine, nor any living thing awaiting her... not that she can immediately recognize. The intercom interrupts her wait:
"Could Daniella Spencer arriving from flight 77X come to the information counter please? Could Daniella Spencer arriving from flight 77X come to the information counter please? Thank you."
Once again, Daniella approaches the information counter and receives another envelope.
She sits at the same bench she did before. House keys and car keys come out, followed by a note:
For your troubles... Relax and Reset...
- Cosmo Claus and Ostara Primavera, known to you as Destiny's parents
Shrugging at the note, Daniella makes her way into the parking lot. After pressing her unlock button on her keys, she finds that the car responding to the keys is a sleek black Mercedes G 550 SUV. Giddy at the sight of the car, she gleefully gets into the vehicle Daniella immediately pops up the trunk and loads up her suitcase and carry-on. She then closes it and gets into the driver's suitcase. As soon as she places her hands on the steering wheel, she takes a deep breath.
"I guess I was alone all along." realizes Daniella. "And you know what? At this point, I'm perfectly fine with that." She starts her engine and takes off into the unknown.
Somewhere in The Universe, a 25-year-old young man, Luke Constantine wanders through the airport arrival terminals. As he moves about the space, he pulls out his phone and makes a phone call, but the line doesn't even ring. He opts to text.
babe! i'm so sorry! the meeting got the best of me and time flew by fast! I promise i will make it up to you when we get home!
where are you btw?
He waits for a response, but gets nothing. He waits another hour, and decides to make another call. No response. After about three hours of wandering about the terminal, he finds his way into the first airport information desk that he sees.
"Hi, my partner was supposed to land about an hour ago. I saw that her flight landed but... is there anyway to ensure that she was on the plane? I can't seem to reach her..." asks Luke.
The information counter worker gives him a weak sympathetic smile. "Can I have your partner's name?"
"Daniella Spencer."
"One minute, sir."
The counter worker presses a few numbers on her telephone. "Inspector? He's here."
Luke, who is puzzled by the remark, maintains his polite demeanor and stands as him and the counter worker simply wait for something to happen.
Within seconds, a suited man in a trench coat arrives at the information desk and stares dead straight at Luke.
"Luke Constantine?"
"That's me." responds Luke.
"Come with me."
Inside of the office, the suited man sits across Luke and begins to open his mouth:
"Sir, I know that this is going to be a lot to take in, so bear with me: My name is Inspector Alex St-Luca. We've met before. Numerous times actually. In fact, you've been coming here for the past 31 days looking for Daniella Spencer."
"No... this is the first time that I'm here. I don't... can't... I'm sorry... I don't ever remember us meeting. I feel like this is something that I wouldn't forget..."
The Inspector, who has been pacing around the room while talking, pats Luke on the shoulder.
"Sir, fear, and anxiety have a funny way of messing with the mind. I promise you that if we find anything, no matter how major or minute, you will be the first person that I will contact. Go home sir and rest."
"I swear to you that I'm not... anxious... or afraid. How can I be afraid of something that never took place before?" argues Luke.
"Well how can I remember something that never happened?" retorts Inspector St-Luca.
"Perhaps you have me confused with someone else." counter-retorts Luke.
"Hmmm... tell me, is it really easy to forget Luke Constantine and Daniella Spencer, the young tech billionaire wellness app owner duo? You two aren't hard to forget. In fact, I'd argue just the opposite." states St-Luca, "Or did you forget about that as well?"
Luke awkwardly laughs. Not in a pretentious way, but in a way he hopes conveys to Inspector St-Luca that he is simply dumbfounded with the information he is being presented.
"Inspector," he begins. "I am perfectly aware of whom myself and my fiancee are in this world and the contributions we've made thus far. In fact, we, and I think I can speak for Daniella when I say this, plan to do so much more... but that's going to be quite hard to do if I feel like I'm being trifled with."
The Inspector gives Luke a sympathetic death glare. "Sir, I understand your frustration... and I know that this must be confusing but I need you to understand what I've been trying to tell you: It has been 31 days to the exact second as far as my watch can tell. You have been arriving at the airport at the same exact time, walking around the same exact areas for the same exact durations, and coming by information at the same exact time. You have been doing the same exact thing for over a month! And every time we have this conversation, you seem to forget that it already took place. The only two different factors that make today different are your outfit and this elongated conversation! The longer I have to reason with you in this office, the longer I can't do my job and help you! So please, sir, go home, lay down, meditate a little, do anything, but please just go home!!!!"
Sensing that the Inspector is about to go crazy, Luke nods, thanks the man, and leaves the office.
Now outside, he sits on the bench and sulks in his miserable perplexity. He wipes his tears. As his tears transform into waterfalls, a sunglasses-wearing young woman in a floppy hat quietly sits next to Luke and pulls a handkerchief from her purse. She offers it to Luke, who accepts the kind gesture.
"Thanks," says Luke in between sniffles.
"Always happy to help, Luke." responds the young woman, which prompts Luke to rise from his misery for a brief moment.
"How do you know my name?" asks Luke as he gives back the handkerchief.
"Keep the handkerchief. Something tells me that you're going to need that for a while... You keep forgetting who you are... but at least you know what you want from the get-go, which will make my job slightly easier... I think."
Luke politely scoots away from the woman and says "I'm afraid I don't understand."
"I know you must be extremely confused and upset right now but I can help you. I know how we can find Daniella."
Luke continues to look at her strangely. "How do you know about that?"
"I know everything, Luke."
"Are you with the government?"
"You wish. I'm more powerful than the government. I know that the Inspector claims that you've been coming here for 31 days, but in your eyes, it feels like this is the first time you're learning of her disappearance. I know exactly how you feel... A thousand years is nothing but a day to me. Of course, I remember everything... "
Luke begins to look frazzled.
"The point is that your sense of time is messed up." continues the woman. "My sense of time is not... 'conventional', so we're in a similar position. Daniella too, but-"
"-Wait, you know where she is?!" interrupts Luke.
"Yes, but no. No, but yes. Let's just say that I have a slightly better idea of where she is than you might." replies the woman.
"And where is that?" asks Luke again.
"You'll have to come with me to show you, and we should go before something or someone else gets to her first."
Luke's facial expressions and body language grows both panicked and horrified.
"She's fine! Unharmed. Safe! She's just... very, very lost. More than you are." the woman gets up. "Come with me!"
"Wait! I don't even know who you are! Like what's your name? And why should I trust you?" argues Luke.
"You, Luke Constantine, don't have a reason. You only have your gut instinct to rely upon at this point, which I would highly suggest that you do. Also..." The woman removes her floppy hat, shakes her hair, and takes off her sunglasses and makes stern direct eye contact with Luke.
"...You can call me.... Destiny." concludes... Destiny, in the form also known as Mary Christmax.
Author's Note: Destiny and Luke will return!
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