XXXXXI .. homecomings!
⊱ ────── {⋆⌘⋆} ────── ⊰
THE next day, robby and stevie began to match up the coordinates on the map to the location on their phones while johnny bought some breakfast at a small corner store. after taking the map from the surfers, stevie began investigating what the coordinates on the map led to.
"so how's it looking?" johnny said.
"i think we matched it up to my phone." robby said. "we only have a few miles to go."
"where is this location anyway?" stevie said as she looked at the map on the phone. "it looks like a lot of bars and restaurants."
"here, let's ask this guy." johnny said, looking up to find a man and walked over to him. "hola!"
"habla español?" the man said, asking johnny if he spoke spanish.
"what?" johnny said.
"he's asking if you speak spanish." stevie said. "i got this."
"no, i got this." johnny said.
stevie went back to where robby was standing as she overheard the man tell johnny that he was parked in a no parking zone and he needed to move the van. johnny misunderstood and thought that the man was complimenting the decals on the van.
"listen, yo quiero hombre. hector the salazar." johnny said, as he tried to explain who he was looking for.
the man replied by saying that he didn't know hector salazar and told johnny to move the van again.
"i think this guy wants money." johnny said.
"no, he wants you to move the van." stevie said.
"si, mueve la van, por favor." the man said, pointing to the van.
"no, you cannot have the van. it's a very special van." johnny said. "you tell me, donde hector salazar, i give you dinero, si?"
the man became frustrated and walked away from johnny, as johnny walked back to where stevie and robby were. "can you believe this guy?" he said, chuckling as stevie rolled her eyes. "what? he's not gonna take the van, don't worry."
"don't say i didn't tell you." stevie said.
"look, if this hector guy is dangerous, i don't think we should be throwing his name around." robby said.
"hey, we gotta shake the tree to get the apples." johnny said.
"or we could just climb the tree ourselves." robby said.
"what does that mean? what tree?" johnny said.
"the apple tree." stevie said. "you literally just said that 5 seconds ago."
before johnny could respond, he turned to the side and found the caravan getting towed. the three ran after the van, as johnny and robby called out to the truck driver. as the caravan was taken away, johnny threw the burrito he was holding in his hand at it.
"really? like throwing the burrito is gonna solve this." stevie said.
"well, how are we supposed to get places now?" johnny said.
"this wouldn't have happened if you'd let me move the van." stevie said. "i'd hate to say i told you so, but i told you so."
bella began to fidget in her seat as she nervously played with her bracelets while she waited in the visitor's room of the detention center. the brunette turned to find the door open and smiled once she saw him walk through the door : dutch.
"well, well." dutch said, smiling as he sat down in front of bella. "what's goin' on, diva?"
"hey dutchess." bella said, smiling. "it's been so long and i'm so glad to see you."
"me too, where the hell have you been this entire time?" dutch said.
"literally everywhere." bella said, laughing. "but i finally came home. it's been crazy, to say the least."
"so how've you been?" dutch said. "how are blondie and baby blondie? she's all grown up, isn't she?"
"very." bella laughed. "johnny's doing good. we're all doing good."
"bob told me about him opening up cobra kai." dutch said. "and chrissy also told me that you two are hooking up again."
"i knew it." bella said, softly smiling.
"why'd he do it?" dutch said. "i mean, you and i know what that did to him. it fucked him up, real good. he really wants that back, again?"
"that's not all that's back." bella said. "kreese came back from the dead and he also summoned a friend to help him run the dojo. it's chaos."
"son of a bitch." dutch scoffed.
"yeah, exactly." bella said, with a sigh.
"so, what's up with you and johnny?" dutch said. "you two just can't keep away from each other, can you?"
"i guess not." bella said, with a chuckle. "it's been good. we're giving this another shot and i'm glad we did."
"i'm glad you two are back together." dutch said. "you bring out the best in him, y'know? you and stevie. you two are the best thing to happen to him."
"he proposed." bella said.
"oh shit." dutch said. "you're shitting me, right?"
"nope." bella said. "i was caught by surprise. i just didn't expect that from him."
"shit, neither did i." dutch said.
"see? you're just surprised as i am." bella said.
"isabella, it's no fuckin' secret." dutch said. "since the first day he met you, he's been obsessed with you. i know you feel the same way about him. you two should see the way you look at each other, that's love right there."
bella smiled as she looked down and messed with her bracelets. "look, i don't think you know this, but when you packed up for miami, he was fucking miserable. it's like a part of him was gone. i know a part of you was gone too when you two called it quits." dutch said. "the first couple of months, he was hoping you two would work things out, but then when he finally decided to say something, he found out you were seeing a guy in miami. he'd officially lost you, which was his biggest fear."
"it was mine too." bella said, as she felt her eyes sting with tears. "especially with stevie around."
"i know it was hard for both of you." dutch said. "but now that you two are back together, don't let it go. if you two really love each other, don't let each other go."
bella smiled as she bit her lip and nodded. "i won't." she said. "thank you. we really miss you."
"don't get all sappy on me, diva." dutch said. "but i miss you guys too."
"take care, alright?" bella said, laughing before standing up to hug him. "i'll see you later, be good."
"i won't." dutch said, smiling. "say hi to stevie for me. tell the guys and the girls i miss them and tell johnny not to fuck this up again."
"i will." bella said, embracing dutch once more.
"the guy at the impound lot said we need $4,000
pesos." johnny said, walking into a small market. "that's like a million dollars."
"that's $200 dollars, but still that's about half of what we have." robby said.
"we're not gonna find miguel without the van." johnny said.
"where are we gonna get $4,000 pesos and how?" stevie said.
as they walked around the market, there was a crowd of people gathered and placing bets around a table where two men were seated. each man was holding a pepper in their hands.
"that's a red savina." robby said. "that thing will burn a hole right through you."
johnny and stevie turned to look at robby, with a look of curiosity on their faces. "mom and i watch hot ones on youtube." he said, before turning his attention back to the crowd.
"oh, me too! ash and i watch it all the time." stevie said, turning her attention back to the table. they watched a man take a bite of the pepper and quickly run from the table. the winner was handed the money. johnny turned to look at stevie, as she turned to look at him. "what are you thinking now?"
"this is our shot to get back on track." johnny said. "if you see me about to choke, cover my mouth so i don't spit it out."
"oh no." stevie said, running a hand through her hair.
"wait, i'll do it." robby said.
"no, robby. i got us into this." johnny said.
"it's like you said, this is our best shot and i know i can win." robby said.
"he's right." stevie said, with a smirk, before turning to her little brother. "go kick some ass, you got this."
robby sat down as johnny and stevie stood behind him. the crowd began to place their bets as stevie handed some money to robby. the teen took the money and placed it in the middle. as the challenge began, stevie took her phone out and began recording.
the jar of red savina peppers was now empty as robby, ate the last one. he cringed as he took a bite of the pepper, meanwhile the crowd cheered him on, including johnny and stevie.
"that's my boy!" johnny said.
"let's go little bro!" stevie said, smiling.
robby began to sweat as the man in front of him began to poke fun at him. "uno más." robby said, as stevie turned to look at him with a look of concern. "give me the hottest pepper you've got."
for the final round, a man brought out a pepper that was nicknamed 'el dragon'. there was now tension in the air as the man took the peppers out of the jar and served them.
"we're going all in." johnny said, placing the money in the middle of the table. "todo!"
"you got this, hon." stevie said. "we'd bet on you any day of the week."
robby took the pepper and held it in the palms of his hands. he closed his eyes and took deep breaths before shoving the pepper into his mouth. his face turned red as the pepper burned down his throat. stevie nervously ran a hand through her hair as she looked at her brother, who was struggling to swallow the pepper. robby began to chew the pepper and eventually swallowed it as he looked up at the man in front of him, who looked surprised.
the other man took the pepper and shoved it into his mouth and began to chew. his expression changed as the pepper began to burn. he then reached for the glass of milk as johnny, robby, and stevie began to cheer. the celebration was cut short as the man spit out the milk. stevie laughed as she looked at her father and brother, who were drenched in milk.
"i'll just take that." stevie said, as she reached over to the table and grabbed the money. "muchas gracias."
after running some errands all morning, bella decided to visit her father and laura, as she's been missing them for a while now. she got out of her car and walked over to her father's grave, placing her purse down and taking a seat in front of her father's headstone. she took a deep breath as she felt her eyes water.
"hi daddy." bella said. "a lot has happened since the last time i came here. work's going good. i was at new york fashion week and i showcased my collection. i was terrified but everything went well, thankfully. now, i'm doing la fashion week and i also started modeling again. i know you wanted me to go into medicine, like you or law like mom, but this is my career and i don't regret choosing this."
"stevie's talking to me again, we grew close again. we were just talking about you the other day. she found an old photo of you and her. it was the cutest thing ever. i remember that you always referred to her as your little rockstar." bella said, with a chuckle. "i also started seeing johnny again. i know you're probably thinking "him? again?", but it's going great actually. i really missed him and i'm glad he came back."
bella took a deep breath as she began to cry. "you don't know how much i miss you. i need you here with me because honestly, i'm nervous about everything. you always knew what to say and how to comfort me. i just hope i'm making you proud. mom, stevie, and i miss you so much. i hope you're doing okay. i love you so much, daddy."
bella stood up and walked back to her car. as she opened the car door, she grabbed the bouquet of flowers that she brought to place on laura's headstone. as she approached her late mother-in-law's headstone, she noticed that the flowers that were now wilted, so she began to take the wilted flower out and replaced them with the bouquet of daises.
"hey laura." bella said. "i know how much you loved daisies, so i saw these flowers and thought of you. i hope you're doing well. i know it's been a while since i last came, but just know that we miss you very much. thank you for always being there for me and taking me in, even after johnny and i split up. i love you."
bella stood up and walked over to her car. she got into the car and took a deep breath before she drove off. tears welled up in her eyes as she memories of her father and laura came to mind. there was no doubt that she missed them so much, but they would always live forever in her memory.
after winning the pepper competition, johnny, robby, and stevie were able to get the dodge caravan back from the impound lot and were
finally back on the road. robby sat in the front seat, drinking a gallon of milk. "hey, take it easy." stevie said, as she softly chuckled.
"are you sure you're alright?" johnny said.
"yeah, never better." robby said.
"i still don't know how you managed to eat that last chili." johnny said.
"yeah, how did you do it exactly?" stevie said. "that other guy was dying."
"i didn't." robby said, as he grabbed the pepper from his pocket.
"then what did you eat?" stevie said.
robby smirked as he grabbed the bag of candy, showing it to his father and sister, earning a laugh from them.
"no freaking way." stevie said, laughing.
"that's gonna make for one hell of a story." johnny said, smiling. "that's about the most badass thing i've ever seen."
there was a brief moment of silence as johnny's phone began to ring with a phone call from carmen. he reached over to grab the phone and answered it. "carmen?"
"johnny, miguel is with his dad." carmen said on the other line. "he doesn't understand that he's in danger. he doesn't know the kind of man hector is."
"did he say anything?" johnny said.
"nothing, but i think i heard hector say they were going someplace. el hoyo verde." carmen said.
"they're going to el hoyo verde. stevie, look it up." johnny said as stevie grabbed her phone.
"go back the way we came." stevie said.
"we're on our way." johnny said, as he hung up the phone. "what even is that place?"
"it looks like a fight club." stevie said.
"ah shit." johnny said. "your mom's gonna kill me if she finds out–
"look, why don't you two take this one?" stevie said. "i'll be okay! i can go look around and i know you're probably gonna need a getaway car, so i can go pick you guys up."
"you sure?" johnny said. "i don't wanna leave you behind."
"i'll be fine, dad." stevie said. "i can handle myself."
"alright, but stay close." johnny said.
"i will." stevie said. "please find miguel and bring him in one piece."
bella arrived at her north hollywood home and was greeted by the smell of her mother's cooking. she tossed her purse aside and walked to the kitchen where she found jules and her mother standing in the kitchen and talking.
"something smells delicious." bella said.
"hey, you've been missing in action all day." jules said.
"i was running some errands and i also went to visit some people." bella said, taking a seat beside her mother. "i could use the distraction before the rush of fashion week prep."
"you're nervous about this, aren't you?" lisa said, serving her daughter a plate of lasagna.
"very." bella said, as she grabbed a fork. "i just feel like my head is spinning."
"have you heard from johnny and stevie?" jules said. "what's up with them?"
"i spoke to them this morning. they should be on their way back soon." bella said. "i guess i'm just missing them."
"they'll be back soon, don't worry." lisa said, embracing her daughter. "going back to fashion week, remember when you were little and you would take my vogue magazines? you were so excited to grow up and become a designer, said you were gonna name your first collection :"bella". you worked so hard to get where you are right now."
"it was a lot harder than i thought it would be." bella said.
"you still did it." jules said. "and you did an amazing job."
bella smiled as she placed her fork down and took a sip of her cherry coke. "i never got to name my collection 'bella'." she said, chuckling.
"it's never too late." lisa said. "that could be the name of your collection. it's your comeback, it's all about you.
"you're right." bella said. "thanks mom. and jules, i'm gonna need your help with planning."
"i got you, izzy." jules said.
stevie walked around a small shop and looked around, buying little souvenirs for her family, friends, and boyfriend. after walking around the small market and exploring for a while, she went to the beach to relax. there was something about mexican beaches that seemed calm and relaxing. as she sat down to admire the sunset for a while, she felt her phone ring as the caller id read alex ❤️
"hey baby! how are you?" stevie said, smiling.
"hey, i'm doing good, just missing you." alex smiled. "how's everything going?"
"well, we're closer to finding miguel. dad and robby went to see if they could find him and bring him home." stevie said.
"you're not with them?" alex said.
"not at the moment. i'm just exploring and taking it all in. mexico is so beautiful." stevie said.
"i bet it is." alex said. "knowing you, you're probably on the beach, taking in the sunset."
"that's exactly what i'm doing." stevie said, with a chuckle.
"i knew it." alex said, laughing. "i just wish i was there with you."
"yeah, i wish you were here too." stevie said. "i'll be back soon, hon. i'll call you as soon as we get home."
"alright, and hey, maybe one day we could go down there together." alex said.
"one day." stevie said. "i'll see you later. i miss you and i love you."
"love you too babe." alex said, as stevie hung up the phone.
stevie placed her phone in her purse as she continued to take in the scenery. the beach was nice and calm as the only sound that was heard was that of the waves crashing in the sand. as she looked around the beach, a young woman holding a baby caught her attention. she smiled as she looked at the baby, who was crawling around the beach and playing in the sand.
stevie was snapped out of her thoughts as her phone began to ring, this time with a phone call from robby. "what's up, robby?" she said.
"i think we found miguel, but dad and i fought some guys. they mistook us for the feds." robby said. "but we know where hector took miguel."
"alright, i'm on my way." stevie said, grabbing her purse. "let's get miguel and let's head home."
it was a couple of minutes past 12:30 in the morning, bella softly yawned as she continued to work on finalizing designs and the plans for the upcoming fashion week. she ran a hand through her hair as she looked through her emails and other files on her laptop.
the soft sound of the radio helped her focus, but was beginning to slowly rock her to sleep. she yawned once more, but did not let the tiredness affect her. she took one of her designs and pinned it to her board that hung above the small desk in her apartment.
her work served as a distraction from her feelings. she's missed stevie and johnny these past couple of days and although they were on their way home, it could not be soon enough. she couldn't wait to see them both.
bella was snapped out of her thoughts as she heard a loud knock on her door. although it was late, she was expecting lillian and jenna as they were gonna help her plan for fashion week. she walked over to the door and to her surprise, she found johnny standing outside her door.
"hey you." bella said, smiling as she pulled him in for a hug. "i missed you so much. i can't believe you're here."
"hey." johnny said. "i missed you too."
"what are you doing here?" bella said, as he walked into the apartment. "where's stevie?"
"she went home. robby's gonna stay with her for a few days." johnny said. "what're you doing still up?"
"i was getting some work done. i was expecting jen and lil, but i'm so glad it's you. i'm so glad you're finally home." bella said. "i missed you so much."
"so did i." johnny said, as he kissed her once more. the kisses became more passionate as he gripped her waist, pulling bella closer to his body. "it's late, you should go to bed."
"we should go to bed." bella said, as she softly bit her lip.
"fuck, i love you isabella." johnny said.
"i love you more."
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