XXXIII .. papa was a cobra kai!
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BEFORE taking a seat beside her mother, bella stood up and walked over to the kitchen to pour herself more coffee. she smiled as she looked over to see stevie and lisa talk, listening intently to their conversation.
"so then what happened?" lisa said.
"he kinda confessed that he still had feelings for me." stevie smiled, taking one last sip of her orange juice.
"oh really?" bella said. "so what'd you say? how's that going?"
"i guess we're taking it slow." stevie said. "or what you 80s people call 'going steady'."
"i haven't heard that phrase in years." bella laughed as she continued to eat her breakfast. "anyway, i'm happy for you two. i'm glad you two sorted things out and if this becomes something more, as long as you two are happy."
"thanks ma." stevie said, as she checked her phone for the time. "i better head out. i'm picking up robby."
"picking him up?" bella said. "so he's out already?"
"yeah. i spoke to shannon and she kinda gave me the 'okay', so i'm gonna go get him before it starts pouring and the freeway gets crowded." stevie said, grabbing her purse.
"alright, i'll call you." bella said, as stevie said goodbye to her and lisa. "be careful, hon."
"call me if anything ma." stevie said. "bye grandma! thanks for breakfast."
"you're welcome, sweetheart." lisa smiled as she then turned to bella who let out a sigh. "and you seem very happy this morning. what's up with you? did you have a good night?"
"why do you always assume that i had a good night because i was out?" bella laughed, sipping on her coffee.
"you're forgetting i gave birth to you. i know you better than you know yourself." lisa said. "so where'd johnny take you this time?"
"how'd you even–"
"i know that little smile." lisa said. "so what happened?"
"well, it wasn't a night, more like the entire day." bella said. "he's gonna start a new dojo. his old sensei kinda took the cobra kai back and now he's kinda doing his own thing. he asked me if i could help him out with location so we went dojo-hunting."
"so how'd that go?" lisa said.
"it's gonna sound weird, but i actually had fun." bella smiled. "it felt just like old times, just the two of us hanging out."
"wow, so both you girls had an eventful day yesterday." lisa said. "my daughter and granddaughter, both with their exes, it's a milestone."
"i know it sounds crazy but i enjoyed it and i actually missed the feeling of us being together." bella sighed.
"so what now?" lisa said.
"i don't know because i don't know what he's thinking or feeling." bella said. "but i just got this feeling, i cant describe it."
"it's happening again." lisa said.
"what, ma?" bella said.
"you caught feelings for him." lisa smirked, as she sipped on her coffee. "you can't stop thinking about him, you're not complaining or ranting about how he's a loser, and you've got that little smile. you're in love."
"i'm not sure about this, ma." bella sighed, putting her fork down. "we're good with this whole friends thing, anything beyond that will just make this complicated."
"good point." lisa said as she grabbed her plate and coffee mug, placing it in the sink.
the clouds started rolling in as stevie parked her white mustang outside the juvenile detention facility. the blonde lowered the volume on her music and checked her phone for the time before grabbing it and shoving it in her back pocket.
as she undid her seatbelt, she looked up to find both her father and daniel standing at the entrance. the blonde got out of her car and walked over to the entrance as she found the two men bickering.
"that's your problem, johnny. you're whole life you've been striking first." daniel said, as stevie overheard. "you never once considered maybe you should think first."
"you know what i'm thinking now?" johnny said.
"yeah, i got a pretty good idea." daniel said, as they now stood face to face.
"you both are kidding me right?" stevie spoke up, getting their attention. "you two really wanna do this right now?"
"seriously?" robby said as he walked out. both men took a step back and turned to face robby as stevie stood behind them.
"robby." daniel said.
"hey robby." johnny said.
"i told you i don't want you here." robby said.
"you're my son, i wanted to be here." johnny said.
"so did i." daniel said.
"don't do me any favors. it's your fault i was in here." robby said, furrowing his brows.
"i know you're upset, but i was doing what was best for you." daniel said. "and now that you're out, i want you to know that i'm here. you'll always have a home at miyagi-do."
"or with me." johnny said.
"both of you, stay out of my life." robby said. "i'm going with stevie, at least i can still trust her."
"go wait in the car, i'll take care of it." stevie said, as robby walked to her car.
"you didn't tell me you were picking him up." johnny said.
"i spoke to shannon a few days ago, so i have her permission." stevie said. "he's gonna stay at my place until she's out. i got him, don't worry about it."
as stevie walked to the car, it began to pour. she got into the car with robby who was sitting in the passenger seat. she turned on the engine and lowered the volume on the radio before looking over to her younger brother.
"you must be hungry, so let's go get some lunch." stevie said, giving the teen a soft smile. "i know you got some things do to, but i wanna make sure you eat first."
"thank you, stevie." robby said. "thanks for being here."
"no problem, kiddo." stevie said. "you know i got you."
after spending the morning in north hollywood, bella spent the rest of the day in her burbank apartment, taking out the christmas decorations. as she grabbed the box of ornaments and other decorations out from her storage area, she heard her phone ring. the brunette sighed as she grabbed her cell phone, seeing that she was getting a call from chrissy.
"hey, what's up?" bella said, sitting on the floor and taking a breather.
"so i have some news." chrissy said. "johnny hasn't called you right?"
"um, nope. not yet." bella said. "why? did something happen to him?"
"i just received word that the city council cancelled this year's all valley." chrissy said.
"woah, they did what?" bella said, as she stood up. "when? how? why?"
"from what i heard, the city pulled the permits after the fight." chrissy said. "they believe that the tournament and the sport encourages violence, because of everything that went down at the high school."
"no way. i can't believe it." bella said, running a hand through her hair and nervously pacing. "encouraging violence? you've gotta be fucking joking."
"that's the exact same thing i thought, but oh well." chrissy said. "maybe it's for the best? if it prevents cobra kai from showcasing their violent behavior, then i guess it's good?"
"so is it a done deal or they're just considering it?" bella said.
"from what i've heard, it's done. the city council is holding a hearing, but i'm not sure how effective that'll be." chrissy said. "but just wanted to let you know before johnny tells you. so expect a phone call from him."
"i'll see what's up." bella said. "thanks for the 411."
the brunette hung up and placed her phone on the center table. she paced around the living room for a while before continuing with the decorations. bella thought about the cancellation of the tournament as she opened up the box of decorations.
this tournament has been going on for 50 years now and nobody has ever thought about cancelling it. the fight has definitely come to change things, drastically. in a way, maybe it was for the best. bella also thought about the students of the rest of the dojos around the valley, it wasn't fair for them to miss out on a tournament because of the actions of one dojo. there had to be way to fight this.
bella grabbed her phone, keys, and wallet before walking out of the apartment. she decided to head over to reseda and visit johnny, after hearing the news. as she got in her car, she pulled out of the parking lot and drove to reseda.
upon arriving, she parked her car next to the dodge caravan and walked over to johnny's apartment. she softly knocked on his door as she then paced around the courtyard, waiting for him
to open the door. bella let out a sigh of relief as she saw johnny open the door.
"oh hey." johnny said. "what are you doin' here?"
"just checking in." bella said. "i came at a bad time, didn't i?"
"no, no, i just got back." johnny said, opening the door as bella walked in. "can i get you anything? water, juice, a beer?"
"juice is fine." bella chuckled as she took a seat on the sofa while johnny walked over to the fridge and grabbed a gallon of orange juice and a glass.
"here ya go." johnny said, handing the glass to bella. "hope the juice is alright, don't think it's expired yet."
"it's good, thank you." bella said, taking a sip of the juice, which was a few days expired. "so how's it going with the dojo?"
"not that great." johnny sighed. "miguel kinda had a hard time today, he wants to compete but i can't risk him getting hurt. now, he hates me."
"he's a teenager." bella chuckled. "if he's happy with you all the time, you're doing something wrong. just like when stevie was a teenager, y'know she hated us more than anyone."
"i just don't wanna screw things up with miguel like i did with robby." johnny said.
"you've done so much him." bella said. "you got him out of bed, you got him walking again. you made him smile, he's never gonna forget that."
johnny smiled at bella as she returned the smile. "the reason i'm here is because i heard about the tournament." she said.
"yeah, who needs it anyway?" johnny said.
"you do." bella said, intertwining her hand with his. "i know how important this is for you and i see how hard you and this kids work. you're a sensei. it's what you were meant to be, it's your calling. there could be other kids like miguel that need you in their corner. i may not say it often but i'm proud of you and those kids. i'm probably the last person that you'd expect to tell you this, but you need to save the tournament."
"i don't know how i'm going to do it." johnny said.
"by doing what you do best." bella smiled. "fight."
the city council began with the meeting, in which an older man began making his complain about the new city maintenance covers placed around the city. as the council heard this appeal, stevie arrived and took a seat next to chrissy, who was sitting in the middle row. as stevie settled into her seat, she then turned to find her parents walking in, taking a seat near daniel and his family.
"next, we will hear appeals for the cancellation of the all valley under-18 karate tournament." councilperson roberts said. "who would like to go first?"
both johnny and daniel stood up and walked to the front, stopping once they noticed kreese standing up and taking the podium.
"ah shit." chrissy muttered to herself.
"ladies and gentlemen, i'm retired army captain john kreese." kreese said, as the two other men sat down. johnny looked over to bella as she only managed to shrug.
"thank you for your service." councilperson roberts said.
"it was an honor to serve." kreese said, smiling proudly. "and i continue to serve in our community by teaching our children strength and discipline through karate. i was devastated to hear about the cancellation of the tournament because of the fight at the high school. why are my students being penalized because of the violence perpetrated by dojos like miyagi-do?"
"you're fucking kidding me." bella said, rolling her eyes.
"now wait just a minute–"
"ms. monroe, please keep your comments to yourself and mr. larusso, please, it's not your turn to speak." councilperson roberts said.
"i apologize councilwoman roberts, but this man–"
"councilperson roberts." kreese said, correcting daniel.
"thank you captain kreese." councilperson roberts smiled. "please continue."
"i think my colleagues here would agree that all we want is the best for our students and our community." kreese continued. "cobra kai's goal is to prepare the valley's youth for the unfortunate realities of the real world. it's hard out there, i'm simply just preparing them to defend themselves."
"alright, councilperson roberts i'm sorry." daniel spoke up. "but this guy is selling you a bad bill of goods. just a few weeks ago, my students were injured by a bunch of his cobra kais in an abandoned recreational facility."
"who started that fight? if memory serves, it was your out-of-control daughter." kreese said, causing amanda to stand up and defend sam.
"hey! you leave my daughter out of this, you piece of shit!" amanda said.
"ma'am, please restrain yourself." councilperson roberts called out to amanda as johnny and bella looked at each other and laughed.
"it's funny that you say that because i've had to file a restraining order against her for physically assaulting me." kreese said, as amanda grew angrier.
"assault? are you kidding me?" amanda said.
"maybe i should call the authorities?" kreese said.
"that won't be necessary." councilperson roberts said, calling a guard over who escorted amanda out of the room.
"councilperson roberts, i can assure you that i am a positive influence to my students and the hundreds of students before them–"
"that's bullshit!" bella said, standing up.
"horseshit!" johnny said as he stood up as well.
"ms. monroe, please." councilperson roberts said, as bella sat back down and johnny went up front.
"your honor, john lawrence, eagle fang karate." johnny said as he stood next to the podium.
"what the hell is an eagle fang?" stevie said to bella as she just shook her head.
"don't get me started." bella said.
"this man has poisoned the minds of his students and i should know, i was one of them." johnny said.
"were we competitive? sure." kreese said. "but it was all in good sport–"
"this man is a thief and a liar–"
"and he put a live cobra in my dealership!" daniel said.
"enough! sit down, all of you." councilperson roberts said, as the men sat down. "it is clear that this karate tournament is causing division and rivalry in our community. you gentlemen have made an excellent case today as to why this tournament should not continue."
"wait!" miguel said as he went up to the podium. "my name is miguel diaz. i was in the school fight. i was the one kicked off the second floor. y'know, i thought i was gonna be paralyzed. i relearned how to stand, i relearned how to walk, and i want the tournament to continue."
"we are all happy for your recovery, young man." councilperson roberts said. "but i'm afraid you don't understand–"
"yes, he does." sam said as she went forward as well. "we're the ones getting hurt, we're the ones fighting. our voices should matter the most and we want a place where we can compete, fairly and safely."
"when i first moved here, i was bullied and i realized there was no escaping it." miguel said. "some kid will always wanna steal your lunch money, give you a wedgie or a swirlie–"
"a swirlie?" councilperson roberts said, with a confused look.
"when you dunk someone's head in a toilet and flush it." johnny said, standing up and explaining. "pretty funny actually."
"john, just sit down." bella sighed.
"look, what they're trying to say is that instead of pretending like bullying doesn't exist or simply just trying to do away with it, you need to teach kids to defend themselves, both physically and mentally." stevie said, standing up. "karate is about discipline, inner strength, and confidence. these are lessons that aren't just about karate, but for the real world."
"i don't know where i would be today or who i would be today if it wasn't for my sensei." miguel said as he turned to johnny, who smiled. bella softly nudged the blonde smiling at him as well. "we don't need this tournament to do cool kicks or sell tickets, we need it to show the bullies of the world that we're not afraid. it's called the 'all valley' because it's for everyone, to give everyone the chance to show what they can do, to fight, to become a champion, and we deserve that chance."
there was silence as the rest of the council members nodded in agreement. bella and chrissy looked at each other, in hopes that the city council would reconsider after miguel's speech.
"to be honest, i don't get the valley's fascination with karate, but if it means that much to all of you and you're willing to sign waivers that city is not liable, then the all valley under-18 tournament is back on."
bella let out a sigh of relief as she turned to chrissy and stevie, then turning to johnny and embracing him. stevie then embraced her father as everyone in the room began to clap.
"i guess we all got what we wanted." kreese said, turning to daniel and johnny, as he also caught a glimpse of bella.
kreese then turned to look at bella as she held stevie close to her, staring the man down. "good to see you, sweetheart." he smiled as bella remained quiet and rolled her eyes. "be careful what you wish for.
bella took a deep breath as she softly knocked on johnny's door. it was past 11:30, the neighborhood was silent and calm unlike other nights. she looked down at her watch, rethinking her visit to reseda. she calmed down as johnny answered the door with a smile on his face.
"hey." johnny said.
"hi. i hope it's not too late." bella said, nervously chuckling.
"no, it's all right. come in." johnny said as bella walked in. "can i get you anything?"
"i'm good, thanks." bella smiled. "i wanted to come and congratulate you again, i know how important the tournament is for you and for the kids."
"it was all them, stevie too." johnny said. "i didn't tell miguel that he could compete yet, i didn't know he'd be there. i didn't think stevie would be there either, i had nothing to do with that. "
"yeah, you did." bella said. "you taught these kids to fight for what they want and that's exactly what happened. they're passionate about this, and i know you are too."
"thanks for being there." johnny smiled. "i know things have been kinda rough between us, but i really appreciate the support."
"of course." bella smiled. "y'know i'll always have your back."
there was a brief moment of silence, before bella leaned in to kiss johnny. he gripped her waist as she pinned him up against the wall. the kisses turned hotter as bella was pinned up against the wall and wrapped her legs around johnny's waist.
johnny took bella into the bedroom and swiftly closed the door. as they pulled away, bella took a deep breath as she looked into johnny's bright blue eyes and smiled.
"you sure about this?" johnny said, breathing heavily.
"yeah. more than anything." bella smiled as she kissed him once more. he gripped her waist as she ran her hands down his torso and unbuttoned his jeans before undoing her jeans.
johnny's hands went from bella's waist up to the sides of her torso and swiftly removed her top as he did the same. the couple then laid down on the bed as the blonde hovered over her, kissing down her neck while she removed his boxers.
"you're fuckin' beautiful, y'know." johnny said, softly caressing bella's cheek. "you sure about this?"
"yeah." bella smiled. "just shut up and kiss me."
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