In Front of Macy's: The Do-Over
The road to recovery stretched out in front of Claire Ogilvie. Without the support of Maxwell and Oliver Weeks, she would have floundered and eventually given up. Her best friends remained at her side throughout the long haul. She appreciated their efforts.
Uncle Maynard promised to hold open her position at the recording studio. He owed Claire a lot, considering the ongoing popularity of his new star. He often reminded her of her part in Maxwell's success. She managed a small smile and assured him of her desire to return to his employment.
The festering wound on Claire's ankle became a permanent scar. Huge and ugly, it stood out like a sore thumb. When she showed it to Maxwell, he kissed it tenderly.
"No one is going to stare at your ankle," the superstar stated, gazing into her eyes lovingly. "Not with a beautiful face like yours."
"You're buttering me up, Maxwell," Claire answered, leaning back against her pillow. "I'm not as pretty as I once was."
Claire avoided mirrors. Her once smooth complexion and cheery expression disappeared following her captivity. Gerald wiped away her happy-go-lucky attitude and replaced it with a gloomy outlook. After much persuasion, she agreed to attend therapy sessions. Her psychiatrist listened avidly to her story and prescribed medication. Nevertheless, she didn't feel it was helpful.
"Give it some time, Claire." Maxwell grasped her hands and looked at her pleadingly. "It's still too close in your mind. Memories fade."
"Not this one," Claire responded glumly. "You can't know what I faced. Memories of abuse won't disappear overnight or even years from now. I will always remember Gerald's horrible leering face and how he misused me."
"He'll never misuse you again, sweetest," Maxwell proclaimed hotly. "I will make your life sunshine and roses from now on. I promise." Instead of answering, Claire nodded against his chest when he embraced her.
Claire was determined to support Maxwell as much as he helped her. After much thought, she realized he suffered as much as she did. Oliver told her confidently about his friend's decline during what he called 'the missing years.' Although he didn't physically suffer as she had, the mental and emotional scars ran deep. She encouraged him to start writing music again.
Maxwell and Claire returned to London, where he cut a new album—his first in several years. She accompanied him on a world tour with stops in Japan, Australia, the US, and Europe. His new songs rose quickly on the worldwide charts. Screaming fans met them at the airports, and local paparazzi followed them as they sped through capital cities.
At the completion of the tour, the young couple felt satisfied with their lives. Caught up in the whirlwind, they put their troubles aside and lived for the moment.
"I love you," Claire declared, kissing the tip of Maxwell's nose. She rubbed her hand in circles on his chest. Their lovemaking delighted her.
Following her experience with Gerald, she cringed at human touches and interactions. It took her a long time to accept Maxwell's attempts at intercourse. Finally, Claire gave herself to him entirely in a wave of love. At that point, she felt she had taken a long step toward recovery.
"I love you too," Maxwell proclaimed, drawing her close. His patience and tenderness finally paid off.
Wistfully, Maxwell rubbed a long platinum strand between his thumb and forefinger. He loved the softness of Claire's hair and the delicate color. It reminded him of the first time they met. Closing his eyes, he saw her framed in the door of Oliver Weeks' café. Had he loved her at that moment? He thought he did; he felt sure he did.
In mid-November, the song Meet Me at Macy's reappeared on the Hot 100. Over the years, it became a holiday standard, receiving the most airplay between Halloween and the New Year of any other newly popular song. Instead of refusing Macy's annual plea for Maxwell's appearance, he agreed to perform on this occasion.
"Meet me at Macy's," Maxwell begged Claire.
Claire's face turned pallid, and she shook her head mournfully. Over the years, she had grown away from her tragedy. However, she had not developed far enough to stand in front of Macy's again. Maxwell continued to persuade her, and she continued to refuse adamantly.
"Face your demons," Ollie urged when Claire told him her misgivings. "You won't completely heal until you can return to Macy's."
"I can't, Ollie. I'm sorry, I can't." Claire covered her face with her hands. Her body trembled.
"I will escort you personally if it makes you feel better," Oliver offered, touching her shoulder and hugging her. "No one will harm you."
Oliver had to get Claire to Macy's. He knew a secret and promised Maxwell he would take her to a specific spot on Thanksgiving Day.
"C'mon, Claire," Ollie pleaded, "for Maxwell?"
Claire finally consented.
Thanksgiving morning dawned clear and pleasant. Temperatures remained mild throughout the morning. Claire Ogilvie stood close to Oliver Weeks and entwined her hand in his palm. He pressed it warmly, keeping her close to his side. She shivered, not from cold but from memory.
One by one, the floats and balloons streamed past. Claire barely watched the Broadway performances. They didn't interest her. Behind her heaving bosom, her heart beat wildly. Several times, she tried to escape, but Oliver held her tightly. He soothed her as best as he could.
Finally, Maxwell appeared in the turkey float. The words to Meet Me at Macy's tore at Claire's heart. Tears sprang to her eyes, and she buried her face in Oliver's warm chest. He hugged her closely.
A hand fell on her back, and Claire nearly leaped out of her skin. Oliver pushed her gently away, but she clung to him furiously. When her companion spoke soothingly into her ear, she lifted her head and met Maxwell's pleading eyes.
Tenderly, Maxwell took Claire by the hand and led her into the street. She hung back momentarily, but when he grinned, she realized she was safe. Softly, he crooned his hit song as he held his true love in his arms. Claire smiled weakly, tears glistening on her eyelashes. Around them, the crowd sent up a wild cheer. Oliver grinned proudly from the sidelines.
Unexpectedly, Maxwell knelt before Claire. The Macy's mob hushed, a stunning silence suddenly surrounding them. He took her trembling hand and slipped a diamond ring on the third finger of her right hand.
"Marry me?" he asked. The microphone he wore hidden in his shirt picked his question up. Around the couple, the crowd went wild with excitement.
"Yes," Claire sobbed, hearing her response echoing along the street. "Oh, yes." She collapsed into Maxwell's arms. Over the loudspeakers, Meet Me at Macy's began to play once more.
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