What Happened
A/N- If you have a better title for this chapter, please let me know. It would be highly appreciated! Please vote, comment, and share this story!!!!!! It would mean a lot. I encourage you to point out any grammar/punctuation errors. I hope you enjoy it!!!!! Please follow me!!
Recap: "Come on, I'm taking you to get something to eat. Let's go."
He turned around and started walking, but I stopped him.
"Wait! You can't go. What about the meet and greet? I'm sure everyone wants to see you. It's too much for you to even be here right now. You need to be there."
"No, it's fine. I'm sure they'll understand. Besides, Liam said I could."
"No, buts. Come on!"
He grabbed my hand and started to drag me to the entrance. He pulled me into the parking lot and opened the passenger door of a black car. I hopped in without saying anything. Who's car is this anyway? I doubt this is his.
Harry got into the driver's seat and started the car. "This is one of the cars that they drive us around in, I bet they won't mind if I borrow it."
I laughed at his logic. He put the car in drive and pulled out of the parking lot. I looked around while Harry drove.
He's not from here...
"Harry, do you even know where you're going?"
"Of course I do. We went to the Mcdonald's before heading to the mall. Didn't you see our cups on the table?"
"Well, no. I didn't"
"Haha, well, yes, I know where I'm going."
I laughed. How would I notice cups sitting on the table?
The car grew silent and I looked at all of the passing buildings and traffic, trying not to think about what happened. Kylie would never believe this.
I turned back to Harry. He sounded strangely serious, something that I don't hear very often.
"What exactly happened to your sister? If you don't mind me asking of course."
I looked back at the window and thought about it for a minute.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't ha-"
"No, it's fine. She- she was driving us to work one day. We wanted to get jobs and save up money to see if we could make enough to go to a concert. One of your concerts. The road we took to get there was being constructed on and one of the lanes were closed. The construction worker told her that it was okay to move through. The traffic on the other side had been stopped. However, someone came by and went into the lane, not caring that the sign said stop. She was turning the corner when we saw the other car coming. He was going too fast for her to get out of the way. We crashed. However, the other guy had swerved at the last minute and had only hit her side. She died on impact."
I heard Harry suck in a breath and release it a moment later.
"However, I didn't even get a scratch."
I still hadn't turned around.
"I'm so sorry, Skyler. I really am. She didn't deserve that. She sounded like an amazing person. I would have loved to meet her."
"Yeah, she was amazing."
The car was silent once again. I could see Mcdonald's just up the road. We were about to pull in when Harry spoke up again.
"Skyler, please don't cry."
I reached up and touched my face to find it wet. I hadn't realized I was crying.
Harry pulled into the parking lot and took the key out of the ignition. He reached over the console of the car and wrapped his arms around me again.
I broke again, my cries borderline hysterical.
"I shouldn't have survived, Harry! I shouldn't be here! I shouldn't be alive! I should have died with her!"
"Shh, Skyler don't talk like that. You should be alive, you should be here. Can you imagine what your parents would have felt if they lost not one daughter, but two?"
"But, she didn't deserve to die!"
"No, she didn't."
Finally, the car was silent except for the whimpers still escaping my mouth from time to time.
I don't know how long we sat there, Harry's arms around me before there was a knock on Harry's window.
I pull away from Harry to look out the window and I see Liam, Louis, and Niall. Harry opens the door, but I stay seated in the car. He stands there talking to them for a little before he realizes that I'm still in the car. Tears are still running down my face as I think about her. I bring my knees up to my chest and wrap my arms around them. I push my head into my knees like I did before and continue to cry.
I hear the door open, but I don't move.
"Skyler, come here."
I ignore Harry and continue to sob into my knees.
Suddenly, Harry laughs.
I look up at him to see why he's laughing. Before I get the chance to ask, he picks me up with an arm around my back and the other under my knees. I start laughing as he backs away from the car and sets me on my feet.
"Harry, what was that for?"
"You wouldn't get out of the car."
My laughter stops and I look at the ground embarrassed.
I'm such a cry baby.
I hear Harry step forward and his arms wrap around me again.
"I'm sorry."
"I'm such a cry baby."
"It's okay to cry."
I feel more arms wrap around me and before I know it I'm standing in the middle of a group hug.
"Thank you."
I smile and eventually, I start laughing. When they hear my laughter, they all back up. I look at all of their faces and they all have smiles.
Niall starts laughing as well.
"It's Skyler, right?"
I nod.
"Why are you laughing?"
I looked at the ground embarrassed as a blush creeps up to my cheeks.
"Um, you guys are just really cute."
They all laugh and we start walking into Mcdonald's.
As we're walking I'm wondering just how I got here. Harry and Louis on one side of me, Niall and Liam on the other side, walking into Mcdonald's.
Maybe, Kylie really is looking after me.
So, as the guys are walking into the doors, I look up at the sky.
"Thank you, Kylie. I miss you."
Suddenly, the wind picks up and blows through my hair. I took one more look at the sky before looking back at the doors. Harry is holding the door for me.
"Come on, Skyler. Are you coming?"
I smile at him, it's hard not to.
"Yeah, I'm coming."
As I was walking in the door, I could swear I heard her voice.
"I love you."
The End
A/N- Thanks for reading!!!! I hope you liked it! And if you did, maybe you could check out some of my other stories? Don't forget to vote and comment!!!!!!! Let me know what you think!!!!
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