-.- this is filled with non existent people but anyways
I am looking forward to February cause I'm gonna try to get into routine and try to be online and engage in my own life excluding everyone minus few Saturday and Sunday hehe
Okay so to catch you all up
Hey I am in college first year, my semester two has began and well let's say my college was a bit unfair because we had an exam on 26th December, the day next to Christmas AND on 1st January- NEW YEAR and let's just say the gaps were horrendous. Main exam had minimum of 1 day and maximum of 4 day gaps whereas the normal had 1-7 days gap
And well I live in hostel so it's just 5 minute journey to my class which proves why I am so lazy to get up from bed. Most of my times goes into cleaning the room, assignment and stuff but that was 2023. In 2024 after exam it went to..... cleaning the room and studying and My bestfriend and Harry Potter movies as well as mental health ahem
I also bought this journal I absolutely love!
I'll show it to you all soon enough (even tho I'm not showing it to anyone but yeah I wanna so why not)
Also I have started to publish and work on insta page- candid heartstring so please please pleaseeee do follow it!
The entire month of January was dedicated of organising myself and I do think I came up with a good routine but yeah.
My roommate had gone to her house for more than half a month and she is returning
And I'm not looking forward to it. Ik ik everyone has problems with roommate but with mine, I have no bond and I'm not interested in forming one with her anymore. For me, we are just two people sharing a room. She may crack jokes and stuff but yeah idc about her. I just care about her as a person or how much I would care about someone I don't know anything about and that's all there is to it. I don't talk to her, I just reply.
I am the one who isn't interested in forming a bond. With her so why it isn't formed is on me than her, but why am I not willing to form one is mostly on her and me
Moving on
Anything u guys wanna ask me?
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