Marrowkai made you drink 3 different potions, including the dark red one. You didn't like the bitter taste of any of them.
You wanted to ask Marrowkai what they were for but he was busy scrolling through books and scribbling down notes.
You sighed as your boredom started to grow. You wanted to sit and rest but you were still under Marrowkai's control.
Then you saw Marrowkai smirk. He looked at you while holding an orange potion.
"Why am I drinking these?" You asked. Marrowkai looked at you. "Research. You wouldn't understand." He replied. "But I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell you.
"These potions are supposed to kill an average person." He said. Your eyes widened. Kill? "Then how come Im not dead?" You stuttered.
"Because it proves my theory." Marrowkai said. "You have a high amount of mana. Even more than that cowardly Magikill."
You looked at him questioningly. "But mana is only found in spellcasters." You told Marrowkai. "Im just a Swordwrath."
"Hm, maybe." Marrowkai replied as he looked through another one of his books. "Until I uncover what you really are, you will be staying in this castle."
After that, he closed the book and walked towards you. He smirked as he looked at the orange potion.
"Alright, just one more." He said as he gave it to you. But you heard him snickering. "Why are you laughing?" You asked as you were about to unwillingly drink the potion.
He stopped. "Oh. Its just that this potion...
Was designed to internally burn a person's organs. I have never seen anyone live after drinking it." Marrowkai explained.
You froze. "What happened to them?" You hesitantly asked. "Well, a few screams and struggles to keep alive. But after that, they either die on the spot or vaporize." Marrowkai replied.
You rapidly shook your head. "I DON'T WANNA DIE!" You screamed as you tried to struggle but could only stay still.
Marrowkai rolled his non-existent eyes. "I'll actually be surprised if you survived this." He said as he took his staff and was about to make you drink it.
"Please-" You pleaded. But Marrowkai just ignored you. He raised his staff and striked it against the floor.
You shut your eyes as you drank the potion. After drinking the whole bottle, Marrowkai watched you intently. You shivered as you expected the worst.
Suddenly, you felt a sharp pain in your chest. You felt Marrowkai's control leave as you were able to clutch your chest.
You screamed as it hurt badly. You fell to floor and struggled to stand up. Is this how you die?
But then you felt the pain slip away. Wait, is that it? You shakily stood up. You felt perfectly fine now. You smiled as you looked at Marrowkai.
He was extremely shocked. His jaw was open. He quickly grabed his staff and made you stand still.
"What in the name of Typhon?! How did you survive that when many others couldn't even live a minute more after drinking the potion?!" Marrowkai exclaimed.
"You must have more mana than a Magikill, or even me!" He said. You just stood in shock. More mana? Does that mean Im stronger than Alchemy and Marrowkai?
After Marrowkai calmed down, he sighed. "I'll have to research more on what you really are." He said.
Marrowkai led you back to your cell. Excitedly, you ran to Alchemy. "Whoa, kid, you look happy all of a sudden." He told you as Marrowkai left.
"MarrowkaididsomeresearchonmeanddiscoveredthatIhadmoremanathana Magikilland-" You were speaking too fast so you stopped to catch your breath.
"Slow down. I wasn't able to understand a thing you said." Alchemy tried to calm you.
Once you did, you properly explained the entire event. Alchemy had the same expression as Marrowkai. "Are you joking?" He asked.
You shook your head. "No its true!" You said. Alchemy tried to calm down. "Is there anything wrong?" You questioned.
Alchemy shook his head. "Nothing. Its just that, the only person who has more mana than a Magikill or a Marrowkai is..." His sentence trailed away.
"Is who?" You asked. But Alchemy said something to himself and turned to you. "Nah. It can't be. How can something as innocent as you be related to someone as horrible as her?" He smiled.
You stood there, confused. Her? Who's her? Is Alchemy hiding something from me? If so, what?
Alchemy POV
(YN) stood there with a confused look on his/her face. But he/she shrugged it off and sat on another corner, not bothered at all.
However, I was greatly disturbed. According to everything I know, there is only one person in the entire Inamorta who has more mana than regular spellcasters:
If Marrowkai is true to his words, it could mean (YN) could possibly be related to that horrible monster.
But how could that be true? (YN) had his/her own parents. He/she even has his/her own friends. This dosen't make sense.
More importantly, what would they do to (YN) now? What if they use her as a weapon or take away her mana?
I wish I could help, but I can't. Im too much of a coward. The Chaos Empire scares me, ever since what they did to my team...
"EVERYONE! RUN!" Jay, the leader of the scouting team, shouted to everyone. There were only 4 of us left. Jay, me, and 2 other soldiers.
Jay threw his spear at one of the Juggerknights. It was a headshot, killing the Juggerknight.
We ran as fast as we could to try and reach Westwind, the nearest place in Order we could reach.
But then I heard a sound. Jay and I turned and saw the 2 soldiers turn into stone. We froze and looked at each other, knowing exactly who was here.
Suddenly, we saw her. The Queen of Chaos that everyone feared. Her snakes moving in different directions and her red eyes glaring at us.
"There is no escape!" She shouted as her power finished recharging. Just as she was about to petrify us, I felt Jay stand in front of me.
"NO, JAY!" I shouted but it was too late. Even with his shield, Jay was no match for the petrification of Medusa. I saw as he sacrificed his life to save mine.
End of Flashback
I will never forget that day. I look at (YN) as she found a slightly sharp stone and started drawing on the wall.
I won't let that same thing happen to you. I will not let that horrifying monster do anything to you as long as I live.
Until I gather enough strength and courage though, I guess things won't change yet.
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