Viking norseman
The viking norseman settlers voyagers raiders and damn good navigators these men were to be feared in battle especially at sea. Worshipping the pagan gods these men gain ritches from robbing cristian and jewish villages quite perplexed by the fact they leave such treasure tropes such as these churches under defended almost to easy really.
You sighed in exotion as you rowed a paddle on your ship one of a few dozen ship's. Having been one of the Viking raider who was stationed in the distaster that was this new world people raved on about you like everyone else left as soon as the raids started getting out of hand with attacks starting to come to a daily basis and your idiotic leader refusing to settle anything without blood. Although a smile graced your lips as you heard you now dead leader recive a knife to the back from several of your shipmates. Yes this was the time. To take power.
"Quiet you idiot someone might hear."A familiar weezily voice said only making your smile grow wider. Killing traitors and taking command was already a sweet blessing of odin but hearing that mans voice amoungst the groups only made you glade grip your weapon harder.
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