The Captured.
"You're going to regret this." Enzo muttered as his wrists and ankles were tied down by heavy chains that siphoned just enough of his magic to keep him down and docile. "Shut up!" Jose hissed as he backhanded slapped the demon who slumped to the side. "Stop it!" Johnny grolwed as his eyes shifted to a darkness Neill who walked in was familiar with. "I know, they're children, —I'll control myself." The kitsune confessed as he backed away. "What did we ever do to you, why did we have to be punished for crimes we never committed, you left us, abandoned us to go have your happily ever after, instead of coming back to beg for mercy, —you put us in chains!" Johnny hissed as Jose looked to Neill in disbelief.
"And they call me a monster." He muttered but was cut off when Neill growled toward him. "I want, —we want the source, either you or your brother know where it is, and if you don't give it to me, I'll drain you of every last drop of your power until you're a husk with nothing inside, same goes for your mate over there." Neill replied as he caressed Johnny's cheek but he turned away from him. "The source isn't with us." He whispered as he looked at their younger brothers tied up and gagged, wherever they were it was nullifying Ari's spells which meant they had no protection, —at all, they were at a loss.
"We'll see, you can torture the demon, then my son." Neill told Jose who grinned as tears burned Johnny's eyes, he could only watch as his mate screamed in pain, Godddess help us.
Adrian Brooke.
"Where are they?!" Ari suddenly yelled as he barged into the house, a cold wind blowing around the house at his arrival. "Johnny, Enzo, Kent!" Jax yelled all over the house as their parents walked into the house with the patriarch. "Boys, whats wrong, I thought you went on a date?" Nik asked as Ari walked forward. "Are Enzo and the boys back home?" He demanded and Nik shook his head in refusal. "They went shopping, Johnny updated me about two hours —." Nik didn't finish that statement as Ari's eyes glazed over orange. "No, —no, no." He muttered when he couldn't feel any of them, Johnny sent out a cry for help, they had been taken.
"Jax what's going on?" The patriarch demanded. "Ari got a mental message from Johnny saying they had been taken, the next thing they were gone, —vanished, we couldn't feel them at all, so we thought to check the house but they aren't here." Jax explained as Ari couldn't take it anymore, he was fighting the darkness bubbling inside him. You are the medium, not good, not evil, but accept it and become, show them why they should fear you, show them why you are the Medium.
A surge of power rushed into Ari as he breathed out and his eyes changed to black with orange catslits, his outfit became darker with strong shields encasing his whole body. "I should've done this, the moment he came for us." Ari whispered. "Babe, no, —there's always another way." Jax pleaded as Ari knew he probably had knowledge on what he was about to do as a darker power took hold of the witch. "Stay here, — if they come for you guys, you can protect them." Ari ordered as he floated upward and a gate opened above him which he passed through.
The gateway opened in New England, right outside the quaint little home that belonged to Neill and his family, they were inside, his two children, a boy and a girl with their mother. "Lacuscio." Ari cast the orange lightning on the house, it first hit a red barrier, then destroyed it and moved on to the house itself destroying it. "Incendia." Ari added another spell and the house was on flames that threatened to swallow it whole as Neill and his new family were inside scrambling for safety until —she their mother jumped out of a window holding one child, she went back in and grabbed the other and ran to safety but they never got far as Ari released lightning over their path.
"What do you want!" The she wolf yelled as she held her children close. "To show him that he shouldn't have come for what I hold dear, now I've come for you." Ari replied as he unleashed lightning on the woman, she screamed so hard before falling to her knees drained. "Docile." He whispered as he waved his hand putting a bind on the woman then invaded the minds of her children to knock them unconscious. "You look nothing like him." The witch commented as he waved them over to him, a dark orange energy encasing them.
"Now lets go visit Jose's daughter, hmm." Ari muttered as he walked forward and vanished with Neill's family in tow. He appeared in PineWood, small town, no one would even imagine the most dangerous man in the world had hidden his only daughter here. Ari smiled looking at the two story home, and indeed it was filled with love, she had never known her father's cruelty, just his affection. A growl called out to Adrian as beside the house glowing red eyes called to him. "I know why you're here witch." She hissed as she walked out from the shroud of darkness, her tails already whipping and lashing wildly around her. "Is that so?" Ari asked with a chuckle as the kitsune hissed and growled.
"He told me you'd come some day, told me you'd be merciless —." She began but Ari stopped her. "Oh honey, I haven't even begun being merciless." He chortled as he waved his hand throwing the kitsune into the trees near the home then focused on the home itself. "Break." He ordered and the wood, the railing, the windows, everything shattered, splintered and broke apart by sheer will as Ari smiled. "Incendia." He cast the spell again and like Neill's little home, it was covered in flames so high and so hot they would take a long time to quench. "No!" He heard the woman yell as she jumped into the blazing house to save her family.
She got them out alright, the five heaved as they had minor burns on them. The kitsune growled and went to attack Ari but her husband stopped her. "He's too strong, he destroyed our house in an instant— don't." He pleaded. "I'd listen to him." Ari chuckled as he looked at her with a cheshire grin. "Or don't." He added bringing his palms together below his mouth. "Ignugus." He cast the spell and blew dragon fire on the whole family, the kitsune used herself as the shield to protect her family. "Mom!" Her children screamed as her husband lunged forward but Ari slightly swayed his head to the right and knocked him out.
As for Jose's daughter, she was recovering, already growling and wanting to attack Ari and she did, she lunged for him blasting him with force energy but it did nothing to Ari's shield. "You have a long way to go before you can even dent my shiled." The witch called out as he summoned large black spears from thin air and impaled the woman with them, each tail, arms and legs, pinning her down to the ground then unleashing orange lightning on her. "Stop, please no!" She screamed as not only did the lightning hit her directly, the spears conducted it making her feel it folds over until she was knocked out by electrocution.
"Absonom." Ari whispered knocking out the children, leaving them with their father as their mother was wrapped in orange waves binding her before vanishing with the witch who had set their home on fire, half of it was ash already. The witch knew where exactly his brothers had been taken, the place had a very ancient dark object placed there to nullify any magic of any who weren't those who placed the object, it didn't take a genius to pin point where exactly so Ari just went back to Greeeneway Bay, the vast forests which had several packs, but a particular pack's land, the kitsune clan.
When he appered there his captives also appeared with him. "Why are you doing this." Neill's she wolf questioned. "Because I want you to feel what I feel, to know what I know and to witness the evil that are the men you love." The witch replied as Jose's daughter scoffed. "You're no better, you're also evil." She accused and Ari smiled. "Poor woman, you don't even know your father killed your mother." Ari whispered to the woman whose eyes widened in shock. "What, —you're lying, that can't be true." She argued. "Then where do you think the blood he was cleaning up that night came from, was it just an accident, —dont kid yourself." The witch laughed comically as they moved toward the broken down pack house.
The first one to walk out of the abandoned building was Neill, then a couple of his men, lastly Jose. "Dad!" Neill's children called out, the shock in his eyes more apparent than anything. "Father!" Jose's daughter called out, as did Neill's she wolf. "Neill, tell him he's wrong, tell him you didn't do anything to him." The she wolf begged as Ari scoffed, seeing as Neill looked at Ari in disbelief. "How could you?" He accused. "They're just pups." He hissed. "Hypocrite!" The witch hissed back. "Aren't my brothers pups, huh, aren't the children you took pups!" The witch shot back.
"Has he ever told you about his past, how he abandoned us, —then came back to use us to usurp his father's power, greed and no morals, you sacrifice the lives of your own children for nothing but power to rule people who don't want you!" The witch yelled as his power flared and behind him his captives screamed. "Please, make it stop, please I'm begging you!" Neill's she wolf begged. "Adrian, I understand your pain, but they weren't part of this." Jose stated. "That's rich, you came for my family relentlessly, I come for yours and they're the innocent ones, you're all hypocrites, I have tried to stay away from this, Johnny, Enzo, my mate they all told you to stay away but you never listened, they were my best part to being reasonable but you didn't stop, you kept coming like a never ending plague." The witch hissed as his power skyrocketed and destroyed the dark object.
The object was gone and Ari felt the minds of his brothers, what he found out made the sky rumble, clouds covering the sky. "How dare you put them in chains?" He hissed as Jose realized what he'd done and looked back to the pack house in awe. "I want you to know that even now, after everything you've done, I'm being merciful." The witch whispered as an energy ripple came from him and threw everyone of their feet. "I want my brothers!" Ari screamed but Neill's eyes hardened. "No, I will drain them of every last drop of mana they have, you'll have them back, useless." He replied shocking everyone especially his family.
"Neill, what are you talking about, think about our children." The woman called out as Jose laughed. "Did you really think he cared." He laughed as his own daughter was in disbelief. "You leave me no choice then." Ari muttered as he shot up into the sky. "Weavers of time, I call upon you, give me your will and let it guide my hand, phesmatos cantos mortina kekhtu divare et etetenra —caecus mortiphina." Ari cast the spell and bent space to his will, as the triplets were pulled out of the basement they were in, chains and gags gone, their bodies untouched, in exchange was Jose's daughter, Neill's she wolf and her children were next as Johnny and Enzo materialized fully unharmed and unchained, in exchange was the she wolf and her children.
The power Ari had built up blazed oranged until he released it and it caused tremors for miles. "You came for us!" Johnny hugged his brother as tears fell from his eyes. "I'd always come for you." He reassured as they huddled around him crying in happiness. "I need to deal with Neill once and for all, so you head on home." Ari asserted as he opened a portal for the five of them. "Aren't you coming?" Kent questioned. "I'll be there real soon, I just need to teach a wolf some manners okay my love." Ari replied hugging his sweet little brother. "Come on Kent, Ari will be okay." Enzo coaxed as they went through the portal and it closed as they were finally through.
"Neill your time has come." The witch called out as he appeared in the basement where Neill was, still blinded by his so called drain on his brothers, he failed to notice that he was draining Jose's daughter. "Neill stop!" Jose yelled as a tail appeared from him and he slammed Neill into the wall with it. "How did you do it, no witch can bend much less change reality like that." Jose exclaimed as Ari just smiled. "There has never been a witch like me." Ari replied as he held out his hand and threw Jose to the same wall he'd thrown Neill, only there was more impact. "Father!" His daughter cried out.
"You know what he's done, yet you still care, how pitiful." The witch whispered as he forced his magic into Jose. "No, stop!" He screamed as Ari was burning away the possession he had on the body he was in. "Daughter!" Jose screamed as his daughter forcibly broke her chains, lunged for her father and in an instant they were gone leaving just the five of them. "They know what you are now Neill, I doubt you'll ever mean anything to them now." He asserted as the she wolf and her children struggled with the gags. "Please you've shown us, we believe you, now let us go." The woman begged as Ari had dissolved the gags.
"Oh sweetheart, he wanted you didn't he, after I'm done with him, you can have him, whatever is left of him anyway." He mused as a war cry came from Neill. "I wont let you!" He screamed but orange force energy threw him back. "Devils hold." Ari cast the spell and chains held Neill, straining from the ceiling and the ground. "I'll need you chained for the ritual, it's curious what you can find out when you head dive into the mind of your uncle, I never thought it was significant, until I hatched my plan, your birthday—." Ari began as he conjured a moonstone, it's emerald colour shining in the dimly lit basement.
The witch held out his hand and summoned a thousand candles. "Candulus incendia." He whispered and they all flared an orange flame, in the middle of the candles was Neill, and Ari who had conjured a bowl full of ingredients and another fire which he was now heating the emerald rock in. "Please, —this is madness, please don't." Neill begged. "This is the ancestors will." Ari hissed back in a thousand voices terrifying the wolf and his family behind him. "You brought this on yourself." Ari added as he conjured a knife and ripped off Neill's clothing to reveal his bare chest, he also grabbed his belt from his waist.."This will hurt." He told him forcing the belt into his mouth.
"Please, don't do this —." His muffled words were hindered by the belt. "You wanted a husk, I'm giving you one, no witch will ever be able to unbind you, unless they have the ancestors hand." Ari informed making the wolf struggle and scream. "Nacrute macion derevinye satuos —nekhtu sevaris demer." Ari began the ritual casting the spell whilst dipping the knife into the bowl filled with blood from a serpent heart and other ingredients, he used the knife to cut symbols and glyphs into the wolf's skin which sizzled on contact. "Adrian!" He screamed but there was no remorse to be found in Adrian, he had been pushed beyond his limits.
He dipped the knife again. "Seduvati encremati severati selus." He cast another spell, cutting the bond between bodies, as the blade touched the wolf he screamed, because not only was the blade cutting his body physically but his connection to his will and his wolf, putting his wolf in chains that no one could ever break, leaving his body and mind nothing but a husk that will age at a mystic rate, that was all. "Velos ligare mentispho erivati —kheiko vadulti sivno, I bind this wolf within the confines of the ancestral plane, no magic, no power unless granted by the ancestors shall be able to break it free." He cast the last spell as Neill screamed so hard whilst biting down on the belt, the emerald was red hot as it scorched his skin over the seals that had been cut into him.
It shattered once the spell was finally complete and Neill cried, his tears sizzled on his skin and on the fire, the witch waved his hand and the candles, all he had conjured vanished. "There will be no next time that I feel my family and I threatened by you, —because you won't even know who you are." Ari whispered. "Just kill me." Neill begged. "Death is too good for you dear one, you will be confined to your mind, catatonic for whatever time, that's my punishment." He replied as Ari's psychic power weighed on everyone's minds, they could feel him rip into Neill, tearing his mind to shreds, leaving nothing untouched, his whole mind was shattered, upturned and left to burn in the destruction, the man slumped over as the chains that held him vanished.
Ari waved his hand and tossed Neill's body over to the she wolf and her kids. "I am not cruel—." He stated as the chains on them vanished and she quickly took her children into her embrace. "But when they warned you about me, you should've listened."
Outside, that's where Ari appeared after leaving a portal open for the family which led back to their destroyed home, when he floated upward he was surprised to see the mirage of Jose standing opposite him. "I wonder how much power it's taking to maintain that." He mused as Jose scoffed. "A lot thanks to you, but today you showed me just how sinister witches can be, you made your own father a vegetable, if that's not monstrous I don't know what is, but my dear Ari you've shown me something else too, what I was looking for, —the source wasn't a thing, object or random being, it's been right in front of me this whole time, —and I'll have you." Jose hissed as Ari canceled out the magic connecting them, he'd worry about Jose tomorrow, today he'd dealt with one monster already.
Sovietro Mansion.
No place was like home, and no matter what we did, how much we mess up, we are always drawn back home and that was true for Alora as she stood at the gates of her home, she couldn't stand being away from all she loved, she was tired of it.
So, she came back home, ready to beg for mercy.
The Medium.
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Saint Jay.
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