I ended up staying at the studio for about another hour. It was harder to concentrate after Niall left. I just felt so bad for being so snappy!
On my way to my apartment I grabbed a cup of your typical fall time coffee and listened to your typical, soft fall time music. This past week has been so weird.
I really hated to admit it but the dumb Horan boy was always on my mind. Anytime anyone paid me any attention at all, I practically fell in love with them and it pissed me off. Really; one time it was snowing and I was checking out at a supermarket, so the cashier told me to stay warm, and I thought about him for like two days. Who does that?
Well who talks to themselves? I thought. Me, that's who. I groaned and took a sip of my drink, burning my tongue. This day keeps getting better.
Finally I made it back to my humble abode and threw my things on the small couch, flopping down next to them. I figured I should probably call Niall before he thought of me as a horrible monster.
He picked up right after the first ring. "Emma? You okay?" he asked, a hint of panic in his tone. I suddenly became a lot more alert.
"'re okay right?" I asked, beginning to worry. "Why wouldn't I be? What's wrong?"
Niall breathed out a sigh of relief. "I'm good....just didn't expect a call I suppose," he replied. My heart almost dropped a bit, and I don't know why.
"Oh...well I'm sorry I was being so awful earlier. I don't know what got into me, I must just be tired," I apologized.
"Really, it's not a problem! I hardly noticed," he said. "Maybe you're getting sick?" he wondered.
Although it was a possibility, I doubted it. I didn't usually get sick until October and November. "Maybe," I replied, yawning.
"You sound like you should get some sleep. Want me to bring you something?" he asked.
"No, no that's okay," I replied. "Thank you though. I'll talk to you later, I am really sleepy," I said. He said goodbye, and I hung up. Why was I so tired all of the sudden? I didn't have much time to think about it until I fell asleep on my couch.
Not even forty five minutes later, I wake up to a loud knocking on my door. I slept just long enough to be slightly confused when I woke up, and that was not going to help the situation I was about to get into.
"Who is it?" I said through the closed door.
"That's not important. I think you should open the door," a man's voice replied. I looked through the peep hole on the door and saw a guy, who looked to be in his mid twenties with sandy brown hair. He was almost scrawny.
I carefully opened the door a crack. "Yes?" I asked carefully.
"Look, I'm not trying to rob you or anything sweet pea, money is hardly something I need," he replied. I scowled. "In just a few minutes, your little friend, Niall, is going to be coming up here. He's going to ask if you're okay, and you're going to say you're fine. Then you're going to give him this," the man said, handing me an envelope
"Who are you?" I asked, bewildered. "Why do you know all this? Wha-" I was saying when he interrupted me.
"Emma, please," he said, sending chills down my spine. I never told him my name. "I know a lot of information about a lot of things. I've really got to be going though. Hopefully I won't have to see you again, because I doubt it'll be this pleasant." he said.
"Is that a threat?" I asked. What in the world was going on?
Before I had time to ask again, the man was already stepping into the elevator. I shut my door and locked it, shaking my head. Maybe that was just a joke? a practical joke someone played...
I went into my small kitchen to make myself a cup of tea. I just poured some cold tea in a mug and set it in the microwave for a couple of minutes, too tired to do anything else.
The microwave beeped, and I took out the hot mug, pouring some milk in to cool it down. I took a few sips, trying to clear my head when there was another knock at the door. My stomach dropped. I cautiously walked over to the door, and opened it.
It was Niall.
I gasped and dropped my mug on the floor, shattering it. I took a step back.
"Emma!" Niall exclaimed. "Are you okay?"
"I-I..." I stuttered. "What are you doing here?" I finally asked. "I need to clean up this mess."
"Let me," Niall offers. I grabbed the broom, and he swept it up. I used a towel to mop up the rest of the tea on the floor, and then we sat on the couch.
"Why so jumpy today?" Niall asks. "Do I look that bad?" he joked. I didn't laugh.
"I have something to give you," I said hesitantly, and pulled the envelope out of my back pocket. I handed it over to Niall. When he opened it, his face paled.
"Niall," I whispered. "What is it?"
"It's....nothing really. I should probably go," he said, and got up, grabbing his jacket off of the back of a chair.
"Wait!" I said, jumping up after him. I grabbed his wrist, turning him around. "I need to know what is in the envelope."
"Emma...who gave you this?" Niall asked, looking deep into my eyes.
"He didn't say his name, he just showed up at my door," I replied. I felt like I was talking more to myself than to him. "He knew my name."
"What did he look like?" Niall asked seriously.
"Um...he was probably about five eight, and he had sandy brown hair. He was almost kind of scrawny."
"What else did he say?"
"He said that you'd be coming here, and that if he had to see me again it wouldn't be pleasant," I said, barely audible. "Niall what is going on?"
Niall put his hands on top of his head and puffed air into his cheeks. "Okay. Okay. Look, here's the deal. There are a couple of guys who came into my pharmacy one night, right before closing. I was the only one there. They said if I didn't give them what they needed, they'd hurt me and the people I cared about. So, I gave them these drugs they asked for......I didn't think they'd come back...." Niall trailed off.
"How many times have you seen them? Is this the only other time you've seen them?" I asked, panicked.
"No, they've come around just a couple times before. It's okay though, really," Niall argued.
"Niall, this is illegal! This is so illegal! What both of you are doing! You could be classified as a dealer or something oh my god," I said, standing up. Niall stood as well.
"Please don't freak out," he said. "They're all bark and no bite I promise. If I just keep giving them what they need, it's no big deal," he tried to reassure me.
"Why don't you call the cops?" I asked, facing him.
"Because then they'd be all bite and no bark," Niall said, barely audible. "I'm going to go," he said, and opened the door.
"Wait, Niall," I asked. "I'm danger am I?"
"Oh no," Niall answered. "Not at all. You're perfectly fine."
"Are you?"
He paused. "As far as I know, I'm just fine as well." We looked at each other for a few seconds before he let out a breath, closed the door, and left.
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