Jeremy ended up falling asleep in the car soon after the short conversation.
Michael gently nudged Jeremy awake as he pulled into Jeremy's driveway, causing the boy to slowly flutter his eyes open before unbuckling his seatbelt.
Jeremy stood up and got out of the car before stretching and walking away.
Halfway to his door, Jeremy turned around and motioned at Michael. "Are you coming?"
"Uh I just though you might need some space I don't know do you wan-"
Jeremy took a step towards the car.
"I may have been through a whole lot of shit recently, but you've been right there with me. Come on, you aren't intruding."
With that, Michael pulled the car door open and locked it behind him, following Jeremy on the worn down cobblestone pathway to his front door.
Sadie woke up to her third day of regaining her memory wanting nothing more than to go back to sleep. They've told Sadie nothing about her life, her family, or her friends. She didn't know how she got into the hospital, but she wanted out.
Only the most basic knowledge was implanted into Sadie's brain. The doctors kept whispering to each other, but Sadie could never hear what they were saying despite how much she strained her ears.
At this point it felt like Sadie was drifting far from reality.
She didn't feel human, all she felt she was good for at this point was an experiment. Constantly being poked, prodded, and examined, Sadie dreaded waking up.
Despite it being so early in the process, Sadie didn't want to put up with it any longer.
Yet she was so weak, so fragile, she couldn't unscramble the many puzzle pieces in her brain. She couldn't seem to do the simplest tasks and was so helpless.
As much as she wanted to curl up into a ball at that moment, the doctors entered the room again.
So, Sadie cleared her mind and tried to focus on what they were saying.
Without memories in her brain to distract her, this task was way too easy to accomplish for Sadie.
Jeremy sat on the couch and suddenly became overwhelmed with emotions yet again.
He couldn't form any coherent thoughts, all he did was cry.
Michael sat down next to Jeremy, rubbing the small of his back in circles to soothe him.
However, this only made Jeremy sob more and proceed to bury his head in his boyfriend's chest.
Michael didn't seem to mind, he just squeezed Jeremy tighter, letting his own tears fall.
As if Jeremy's emotions weren't all over the place enough, the realization that school started again tomorrow dawned on him.
With this knowledge, Jeremy's breaths quickened along with his irregular heartbeat.
As much as Michael was panicking on the inside like Jeremy, he didn't show it and started playing with Jeremy's dark hair.
He had to stay strong for his boyfriend, he didn't want to cause any more negative emotions.
After a long period of time, neither boy had any tears left. Both of their eyes felt heavy and Jeremy gave in to the temptation.
As much as Michael wanted to follow suit, he had things to do.
Today, the doctors actually introduced the idea of a specific person to Sadie.
It was part of one of their main experiments and a huge deal breaker when it came to Sadie's treatment.
First, they sat down and showed Sadie a laminated piece of paper with a photo filling the space.
Sadie sat there for a while, staring at the photo she recognized the guy as he was the first person she saw after regaining consciousness. However, she was stressing out internally because of the way the nurses were staring at her expectantly, so she tried to conjure up something- anything in her brain to connect the image with a name.
Alas, she couldn't seem to connect the dots.
So, one of the doctors decided to speak up, the other doctor glancing at her suspiciously. "This man, right here, is Michael Mell," she gestured at the photo in her other hand.
She looked at her coworker before continuing.
"He is- well, was your best friend. You guys were inseparable, always together. Recently though, the accident happened and now-"
She paused, wondering how to go about saying this vaguely. "Now you're here, I guess."
"That's all? You aren't going to tell me what 'the accident' is? You aren't helping me regain my memory by dodging around everything I ask, you know."
The male doctor started to change the subject as Sadie began to increase the amount of overall violence she was using, but the female doctor had other plans.
She walked over to the cabinet, filling a syringe with clear liquid from a vile.
Sadie knew that the liquid was supposed to knock her out, considering she's been given it before.
She also realized how small the dosage currently being given was.
Since Sadie knew exactly how to act after being injected with this, she faked her drowsiness in a pretty convincing manner.
She pretended to black out and as soon as the door to her room opened and closed again, she bolted up and became lost in her thoughts.
Michael quickly walked to the store, collecting all of Jeremy's favorite foods along with his favorite movie that just recently came out. He used the rest of his money and purchased an extremely soft blanket.
With that, Michael walked back to Jeremy's house while shivering, before tiptoeing down to the basement with bags of food in hand.
Some of the food required prepping or materials, so Michael made several silent trips up and down the stairs.
He collapsed on a bean bag chair as soon as he finished what he was doing.
He set up one of the movies on the flatscreen tv and dragged himself upstairs, walking over to where Jeremy was still asleep.
He bent down and started peppering his boyfriend's face with delicate kisses, lacing his hand into Jeremy's.
Jeremy's eyes fluttered open and soon focused on the beautiful boy looking lovingly at Jeremy.
Jeremy let out a small yelp of surprise as Michael swiftly picked him up bridal style, carrying him down the stairs.
Jeremy's stomach growled as he looked at the array of food in front of him.
It took every ounce of his being to keep from devouring every bite.
He and Michael both had their fills as they cuddled under the vibrant blanket and watched the rest of the movie.
This moment was the perfect ending to a not-so-perfect winter break.
After a brief period of crying and panicking, Sadie grabbed her phone off of the table by her hospital bed, glancing up in two different directions every once in a while.
Oddly, she didn't see any texts from Michael in her messages. She would think that her supposed best friend would text her, but Sadie just figured they talked on a different platform.
She went to her contacts instead and scrolled through, finding Michael's name. She got a few flashes of memory from seeing some of the names on the list, cringing slightly. She somewhat knew why the doctors were hiding stuff from her now, but her brain was still fuzzy.
Despite the confusion and a massive headache, Sadie had to make her decision now.
She speedily typed out a message before sending it to Michael.
At this moment, she just wanted to end on somewhat good terms with him. She didn't care about anything else, she was starting to realize what a terrible person she was.
She really couldn't take the stress, the agony of living as an experiment was too much.
Jeremy fell asleep again albeit happily this time, and Michael was about to do the same.
There was nothing Michael loved more in this world than Jeremy, and all he wanted to do was stare at the beautiful boy every hour of every day. Alas, he was too tired and could barely keep his eyes open, not to mention he had to get up early for school tomorrow.
Except, just as he was falling asleep, Michael's phone buzzed on the coffee table.
He grabbed it, squinting in the bright light.
Sadie: I'm sorry.
Interpret this how you want, there probably won't be a sequel for this story. However, I will probably put out a new story soon. I continue to be so grateful for all the love and support this story has receive, I seriously cannot describe how glad I am that this wasn't a waste of time. I'm kind of emotional right now, this story was a big part of my life for some time. I didn't think I would ever be able to finish this story, but here I am. Thank you for reading, stay tuned for a new story soon-ish. ❤️
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