After an hour of pacing and thinking about what to get Michael for Christmas, Jeremy knew what he had to do.
He walked two miles to the music store, hoping to god that it was open.
Jeremy breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the store wasn't closing for another hour. He entered the store and walked towards the back wall, careful not to bump into the displays full of probably overpriced instruments.
He could've ordered the thing online, but he obviously procrastinated until last minute, which he usually did. Thankfully there was still one left, so he grabbed the bright yellow Pac-Man ukulele and bought it with less than half of the money he brought.
Jeremy went into a few other stores and grabbed envelopes, a Bob Marley mug, wrapping paper, and a sharpie.
He decided to do something else, but he dragged his feet along as he did it. He really didn't want to go to the park, but he saw something intriguing there last time.
As he got there, his heart was racing. He knew he didn't have to do this, but he really wanted to. He just wished there weren't so many bad memories attached to this place.
Nevertheless, he continued along the bushes. Surely enough, where the bushes started to clear, there was a fairly big area that looked like it hadn't been used in a while.
So, Jeremy walked into the area after pushing branches back. There weren't too many, but one of them shot back into his face, which wasn't very pleasant.
The clearing was very much like any one described in books. It was quiet and secluded, lined with a few flowers, dying grass, and plenty of snow.
The bushes around the perimeter were plenty enough for what Jeremy wanted to do, so he left and went back into town.
Finding the solid white sheet was the easy part. Finding solar powered fairy lights was also pretty easy. Finding a battery powered projector, on the other hand, proved to be more difficult than he would like.
It was getting pretty late and Jeremy had plenty of more time consuming things to do, so he was about to give up. He looked in the last aisle that he could, and of course there it was, front and center.
It was more expensive than he would've liked, but that's how most items were.
Finally, he got a few snacks at the grocery store and walked back home, hands full of various shopping bags.
As he finally got home, Jeremy all but threw the bags onto the ground and collapsed onto the couch.
Sighing, he walked around the house in search of a notebook and his laptop. As soon as he tracked the items down, he grabbed the ukulele for Michael and looked up chords. Michael already taught him a few on the cheap ukulele he already owned, but Jeremy didn't remember most of them- the event was at least a year ago.
He arranged a few basic ones in an order where it sounded at least somewhat pleasant to the ears. After that, he groaned in the realization that the difficult part was soon to come. Lyrics.
It would have to be a fairly short song, as Jeremy had to memorize it in such a small period of time, but it was the thought that counts, right?
It was about one in the morning when Jeremy's dad came home and asked what Jeremy was doing, to which Jeremy responded with a long, drawn out explanation that his dad barely paid attention to. Jeremy wondered why he even bothered.
The song took way longer to than Jeremy wanted it to, he was too busy cringing at how terrible of a song that it was. He still found it cringeworthy when it was done, but it was still an improvement from when he started.
Hopefully the next part of his way too complex plan would be easier.
He would go around town hiding clues in the form of notes for Michael to find. He had to look up ideas online, especially since he wasn't that creative.
Jeremy wrote all of the hints down, not that there were very many.
Jeremy was finally able to catch the breaths he didn't know he was holding as soon as he finished. That was far too exhilarating and time consuming.
Jeremy wrapped the mug that was still in the box in metallic red paper before tying a note to the top.
After sticking a bow on the ukulele, Jeremy decided to sleep. He had a long day of setting up ahead of him.
Michael woke up to a text from Jeremy.
Player 2 💕: Come over at noon?
Michael: 'Course!
Michael looked and saw that it was currently ten, which was a bit too early for his liking, but he was already wide awake by now.
Michael did his normal routine of getting ready and then, since he had time to spare, he started watching YouTube.
He almost lost track of time, but he walked over to Jeremy's house.
Just as he reached to open the doorknob, a glint of red reflecting the sunlight caught his eye.
It was a neatly wrapped box- which was surprising, considering Jeremy usually sucked at wrapping gifts. Michael read the note on there and groaned at the words.
Something came up, but go ahead and open this. Text me when you're done.
Michael opened the gift to see the novelty mug with a picture of his favorite artist, Bob Marley. Michael was expecting more after the gift he got Jeremy, but he wasn't disappointed at all, he was just glad Jeremy gave him a gift in the first place.
Even though he wanted to hang out with his boyfriend today, but he understood if something came up.
Michael: I got your gift, you said to text you?
Player 2 💕: You know that bench where our streets intersect? Go there.
Michael: Ok, I'm on my way.
So, Michael walked the short distance to the bench where he saw a note taped onto the side, addressed to him.
Go to Starbucks and pick up order 12. They'll know it's you.
Michael wasn't fond of the idea of a scavenger hunt, he usually just liked to be told things up front. Nevertheless, he tucked the note into his hoodie pocket and walked.
After a while of walking, he arrived in the artificially heated café and walked up to the counter where there was only a small line.
His social anxiety started to kick in, causing Michael to stutter.
"Uh... my b-boyfriend told me to pick up order number tw-twelve?"
The barista gave Michael a knowing look before handing him a hot paper cup. Michael took a sip of the hot cocoa with extra whipped cream and read the side of the cup.
Only a few hints left, I was lazy. Find the place with old stuff, you'll know when you see it.
Michael rolled his eyes for two reasons. The first being the heart Jeremy drew under the note along with the way he described the antique store.
He kept walking, sipping the hot chocolate as he stopped a few doors down at the antique shop. On the counter sat a hand-knitted scarf with pokeballs on it. "Of course," Michael muttered. "And I'm the nerdiest one."
Despite this, he walked to the counter. "Ma'am? Is... Is there like a note somewhere for me?"
The older lady behind the counter looked at Michael strangely before she realized what he was talking about. She opened the cash register before pulling out an envelope and handing it to Michael along with the scarf.
"Have a good day! Also, hang on to him. He's a keeper!"
Michael blushed as he put the dorky scarf on, opening the envelope when he got outside.
Smells like Christmas
This one confused Michael. He looked around at the shops that were laid out close together. It wouldn't be Bath and Body Works, would it?
Jeremy knew Michael was sensitive to artificial smells, he wouldn't put Michael through the risk of a headache.
Then, in the distance, Michael saw the outline of pine trees.
Their town had a showcase of the best pine trees or something, so Michael strode towards the trees, finding a note tucked between the decorated branches of the tallest one.
You know the place where I got shot? Yeah, go there.
This note definitely worried Michael. He saw how scared Jeremy got when they almost walked past the park, he just hoped Jeremy was okay.
Because of this, Michael kept walking faster. He arrived around the oak tree the officers said they found Jeremy, and luckily there was a note taped to the tree.
Michael was actually pretty proud of Jeremy for at least somewhat overcoming the fear of this area, but he was still reasonably worried.
He tried to cover up his worries, so he opened the next note.
Our favorite place as children.
Michael knew that it had to be the playground at the same park- they spent so much time there years and years ago.
Michael speedily strode towards the playground, where a few children played on the snowy equipment, as their parents watched them carefully.
Michael looked around before spotting the colorful envelope by the tire swing he and Jeremy both fell off of as they went on it at the same time. Michael laughed at the memory before grabbing the note.
It's not like he needed to read the note though, there was a trail of flower petals on the ground, leading into the bushes.
He did read the note, which wasn't very helpful.
Getting warmer.
He followed the petals into a clearing he never noticed before, looking over his shoulder to make sure nobody saw him. Maybe this would be their new special place.
He saw Jeremy sitting on a duvet with a bunch of fuzzy blankets.
Michael snuck up behind Jeremy, pulling him in for a hug. Jeremy jumped before realizing it was Michael.
He pulled Michael in for a kiss, who gladly returned it.
Jeremy remembered something and bit his lip, which Michael loved.
He pulled out the Pac-Man ukulele and Michael's eyes widened.
"Holy shit, Jer. I love you so, so much!"
Michael pulled Jeremy in for a tighter hug, before reaching for the wooden instrument.
"Nope. I- I wrote you a song?" Jeremy raised his voice as he said that, as if he was asking a question. This was when his nerves kicked in.
Michael laughed in endearment, so happy to have someone in his life like Jeremy.
"O-okay, I'm not that great of a singer but here I go!"
Michael bit his tongue as he wanted to refuse, Jeremy's singing voice was rather incredible.
Jeremy started the song, and Michael's heart melted.
Michael, I know we've been through a lot,
and this just took way too much thought.
It's not my fault, I can't describe
All the love I feel for you- deep inside.
I spent all night writing this for you,
It's not that great, but it was something I needed to do.
Michael Mell,
My life without you would be worse than hell.
These past few months have been all too grave,
Props to you for being super brave.
I know I wasn't the greatest friend,
Just know, I will love you until the very end.
I am endlessly grateful to call you mine-
I thought this gift should be one of a kind.
You hold the beauty in which I've long sought,
I regret every time that we've fought.
Every time we touch, I am filled with glee,
So you should know you mean the world to me.
There is so much more, don't get me wrong-
There is no way to fit all the things I love about you in a song.
Michael Mell,
My life without you would be worse than hell.
These past few months have been all too grave,
Props to you for being super brave.
I know I wasn't the greatest friend,
Just know, I will love you until the very end.
I am endlessly grateful to call you mine-
I thought this gift should be one of a kind.
The meaning of this song isn't hard to find,
I just never want you to stop being mine.
At the end of the song, Michael was speechless. Sure, Jeremy messed up with the chords a few times, but Michael didn't pay much notice. He was too busy focusing on Jeremy's sweet words.
After some time, Michael pulled Jeremy into another long embrace. The two kissed for what seemed like hours, before pulling it apart.
"And you think I'm the cheesy one."
"Shut up," Jeremy replied while blushing, hitting Michael playfully.
"Seriously, Jer. That was so amazing. You're amazing. I could not love anybody more than I love you."
Jeremy's face was still flushed, nose matching the color of his cheeks from the cold.
Later, Jeremy set up the projector to play their favorite movies as they ate a ton of unhealthy snacks accompanied by pizza.
"Merry late Christmas, Michael."
Michael kissed Jeremy's nose. "I love you."
A/N: At 2,200+ words, this is the longest chapter (and also my favorite.) I wrote the song earlier and it's kinda stupid, but oh well. I actually wrote uke chords to go with it, so if you want them you can PM me <3
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