For some reason, Nick was super excited to chat with Christine that night, but he really didn't want to wake her up. He knew how angry she could get and he really didn't want to risk it.
He ended up deciding to leave the note instead, hoping that she would see it and hide it. He realized he probably shouldn't have signed his name on the lip of paper, but he went ahead and risked it.
Nick was beginning to like Christine a little bit more than he bargained for. He didn't want to admit it to himself, he didn't want to deal with a relationship- especially not with her. His Squip got rid of any hint of romantic feelings for anyone, but that went away pretty much as soon as it was gone.
Nick completely hated his personality without the Squip, but he didn't try to change it which made everything so much worse.
Nick was pacing around his room before his shift, wondering what he should do.
When Nick got a crush, it started out pretty small and then the impact hit him hard. He was usually stuck in a trance for months, so invested in what his heart wanted. Then, he would inevitably fall out of the crush after months on end of pining, but that was that.
None of his previous crushes were really accessible, much like his current one, although he wouldn't admit to himself that he liked Christine.
In all honesty, Nick was pretty scared to like someone like Christine. He knew how terrible of a person she was, but his mindset wasn't too far off from hers.
Nick was already unhappy with his life again. The days dragged on longer and longer to the point where Nick was far too exhausted to pay attention. He was beginning to slack more and more with his job, and as soon as his boss caught on, he would probably be fired.
His life was completely going into a downward spiral, encasing him in a whirlpool of negativity. He was completely stuck back at square one, the only difference was that he no longer lived with his toxic excuse for a father.
Other than that, the pain of his past were affecting everything he did, once again.
The thing was, Nick knew exactly how to stop the extreme amounts of sadness impacting his life. It might not have been the best method, but it was the only one he was willing to try. He was also aware that it wouldn't be pretty, or cheap for that matter, but it's not like he would regret it at all in the long run.
In fact, there was less than a zero percent chance that he would face any regret in his decision, whatsoever.
Yeah, this plan might happen to go against several of the things that his job stood for, but at this point in time, Nick really didn't care.
It might not have been worth it for anyone else, if anything it would probably be pretty stupid. Despite this, Nick decided that he wouldgo ahead and give it a shot. He already had the skill set for some reason, so it wasn't like he was completely an amateur. He also had most of the materials he needed, which were all a very necessary part of the plan.
He took a deep breath and looked around at the bare walls of the tiny apartment which he could barely afford as it was. This helped him realize that again, he really did have nothing to lose. It was sad, but it was the truth.
He just needed the time to prepare for what he was about to do, hopefully it wouldn't take too long. Nick was already getting impatient about it, which wasn't a good thing.
He would try to get the materials as soon as possible, and that was that.
A/N: somewhat a filler chapter? idk, things are happening soon.
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