( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (i'm sorry i had to)
Rich and Jake spent the day in bed, doing god knows what.
At some point, Jake went to get food from Rich's kitchen and Rich searched through the seemingly endless options of things to watch on Netflix.
Despite the innumerable amount of selections, Rich couldn't find anything to watch. Jake walked back in with his mouth full of cereal.
As soon as he caught sight of Jake, Rich started complaining. "I swear there's nothing to watch on this stupid thing." He started groaning about it when out of nowhere, there was easily the worst headache he dealt with in his life.
He continued groaning, but this time in immense pain.
Jake chucked a pillow at Rich. "I'm sure there's something to watch, you big baby."
"Rich? This isn't funny."
Rich jumped as the headache somehow became worse. He was starting to get worried, as the only reason why he usually got headaches were because of that idiotic pill he took.
"Wait," Rich managed to say, still wincing at the pain coursing through his brain.
Rich ran to the kitchen, Jake following him. He slammed open the fridge, searching on every shelf.
"Jake! Did you drink the last Mountain Dew Red in here?"
"Yeah, why?" Jake's eyes widened as soon as he finished speaking. "Shit. It's back, isn't it?"
Rich rarely cried anymore because of the way his Squip treated him. Every time Rich would even think about crying, the Squip would shock him because "real men don't cry." As much as Rich hated to admit it, this was more than enough to train him in the long run. He hadn't cried since.
However, Rich's eyes filled to the brim with tears. Rich so desperately tried not to cry, but he couldn't stop the tears from spilling.
"Wait.. Baby no, please don't cry, it'll be okay."
Then, a loud ringing pulsed through Rich's brain. He could only take so much before he ended up crouched down, covering his ears.
He didn't realize he was screaming until he felt his throat aching. A voice explained the situation and Rich tried to spoke to Jake as softly as he could, repeating what the voice said.
Jake's face turned white as he heard the morbid words coming out of Rich's mouth. He started to panic, not knowing how much pain Rich was in. This felt all too familiar as Jake thought back to the fire at his party. He just wished he could take the pain away from Rich, even if it meant carrying it himself. There were so many things Jake wanted to do with Rich that he hadn't yet. Of course the evil technology came to ruin Rich's life again.
Jake was questioning the possibility of only people within ten miles being affected. The whole thing sounded impossible, yet he somehow knew that the combustion couldn't be something made up. No one in their right minds would create this as a sick twisted joke.
Jake really was going to lose Rich.
When he realized this, Jake started bawling like a baby, trying to comfort Rich on the kitchen floor.
In the midst of it all, Jake remembered something, yet the thought almost instantly faded from his memory.
He tried to recollect the memory, he just knew that it was incredibly helpful. He just couldn't bring it back.
Suddenly, he remembered. "Wait!"
Jake ran upstairs, running into Rich's brother's old room.
Once he went to college, Rich's family never bothered to empty his room.
For some reason, late one night, Rich and Jake searched his room. It was probably just out of curiosity, but that wasn't the point.
Jake very vividly remembered that there was a can of Mountain Dew Red on Rich's brother's dresser.
He ran into the room, grabbing the can of probably flat soda.
He sprinted faster than he ever had back down the stairs, almost tumbling as he tripped and fell.
He picked himself back up at the speed of light, ignoring the subtle ache of the impact.
He shoved the can towards Rich, who gratefully took it and chugged half.
Rich let out another shrill scream, despite his throat already killing him.
Then, the ringing, the headache, everything stopped.
Rich practically jumped onto Jake, who caught him and held him.
"Dude, you actually just saved my life!" He didn't hesitate to firmly press his lips onto Jake. "I love you so much! No homo though," Rich joked.
"Bro, I literally sucked your dick earlier."
Rich glared at Jake, forcing him to speak.
"Alright, fine. No homo. Zero, zip, nada."
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