A/N: Too soon for another chapter? Probably. Oh well.
Michael and Jeremy ended up playing Mario Kart, which ended their cuddling session.
Both of them were far too competitive, it almost seemed fake.
Several rounds later, Michael threw the remote on the ground. "One more blue shell and I will not hesitate you out of my house."
"Nah, you'll miss me too much."
A twinge of pink brushed across Michael's face. "Yeah, probably."
Jeremy kissed Michael's cheek and cracked his back before standing up.
"So, wanna walk now? It's been awhile since I've bought you a slushie, you know."
Michael's face lit up like that of a child when he heard the magical word, "slushie."
He couldn't help it, he always had an affinity for the frozen treat- even in December.
He outstretched his arms for Jeremy to pull him off of the couch, and they were on their way.
At first, the two stood a few inches apart, hesitant with being 'together' in public for obvious reasons.
Eventually though, Michael's hands became too cold. Now, he loved the cold with a passion, but holding Jeremy's hand was too nice of an option to pass up.
Michael noticed the way the boy blushed as he intertwined his hand with Jeremy's.
Oddly, it hasn't snowed much this winter.
This was what the two were currently talking about. Usually by now, the asphalt would be covered in the constantly building white snow, but no storms had passed through the area.
Michael and Jeremy were too wrapped up in a pointless debate about the best activity to do in the snow to realize they passed the 7-Eleven.
Michael looked up and then behind him, laughing when he saw the neon sign in the distance. "I think we passed it."
Jeremy looked up, laughing as well. "It's because your stubborn ass doesn't think snowball fights are superior to building snowmen."
Michael rolled his eyes at Jeremy's words and headed in the other direction towards the familiar building.
Jeremy huffed before following behind him, catching up only to grasp Michael's hand again.
Michael instantly went to the back of the store towards the slushies- where there was no line because it was early winter.
Hey, Michael wasn't complaining.
The two filled their cups to the top and Jeremy paid at the register.
They left the store, intertwined their hands again, and headed back to Michael's house.
Jeremy noticed that Michael took a different route to avoid passing the park. Jeremy could not be more grateful, he wasn't ready to see the park anytime soon with what happened.
Jeremy's mind started to spiral into a darker place as he wondered if there was any evidence left of his interaction with Christine.
Michael noticed Jeremy's change in demeanor as well as the panicked look that crossed over his face, so he hugged Jeremy.
He spoke quietly, careful not to startle Jeremy. "Shh, Jer. It's over now. You're okay, I won't let her hurt you."
Jeremy hugged Michael, relieved that the boy's soothing voice almost completely calmed him down.
They resumed their walk, enjoying the crisp, cool air.
Jeremy usually would have been freezing by now, but he actually brought a warm jacket with him for once.
When they were about a block away, the snow started to fall at a rapid pace.
The boys laughed at the coincidence of the conversation they had earlier.
Jeremy had an idea. "Change of plans. Scratch playing video games for once. We go back to yours, drink some hot chocolate, and wait for more snow to fall. Then, we can have snowball fights-"
Michael gave him a hopeful look, silently pleading with puppy eyes as a little kid would.
"Fine. And have a snowman building contest?"
Michael nodded excitedly, he loved the nostalgia of building snowmen.
The two practically raced to Michael's house, sighing in content as the warmth of the heater surrounded them.
Sure, Michael loved the cold more than a lot of things, but it was always nice to come inside and feel the subtle numbness accompanying the sudden temperature change.
Michael turned on the stove and poured water in the kettle, waiting for it to become hot enough.
He pulled out the packets of hot chocolate mix and a bag of marshmallows, causing Jeremy's eyes to light up. Yeah, those would probably be gone by the time the day was over.
The kettle was starting to make that annoying screech so Michael turned off the stove and grabbed two mugs.
He poured the water into the mugs a little over halfway and mixed the chocolate in. He poured some milk into the sugary beverage and added an overwhelming amount of mini marshmallows.
Who was he kidding, there was never such thing as too many marshmallows.
Jeremy reached for the mug, lifting it up.
Michael saw what Jeremy was doing and quickly spoke. "Wait! You might-" Jeremy let out a yelp as the scalding hot liquid burned his tongue. "-get burned" Michael couldn't help but laugh at Jeremy's stupidity.
"It was totally worth it," Jeremy rebutted.
The drinks didn't take too long to cool down a touch, so the boys slowly drank the liquid, adding more marshmallows at will.
Michael looked at Jeremy who burst out laughing in turn.
"You have a little something on your lip,"
Michael wiped the liquidated marshmallow and hot chocolate mixture off of his upper lip.
He then looked out of the window, surprised to see that a solid inch of snow had formed in the half hour or so.
It shouldn't have come as that much of a shock, the snow was falling pretty heavily.
Once they finished the hot chocolate, Michael and Jeremy walked back outside to a nearby field.
Jeremy took some time to take in his surroundings with astonishment. He had seen snow so many times, but it never ceased to amaze him.
Michael took this as an opportunity to make a fairly small snowball and chuck it at Jeremy's back- which was turned against him.
Without turning around, Jeremy said, "Oh, It's on." Jeremy knew how to make larger snowballs in a shorter amount of time, so he made two and threw them both at Michael.
Any passerby could see the two racing around the abandoned field, chucking various sized snowballs at each other.
Michael pretended to collapse when Jeremy through another snowball at him, partly from exhaustion.
He lied there for a moment before he moved his arms and legs wildly in attempt to make a snow angel.
Jeremy copied Michael's movements, the cold snow chilling his back immensely.
Michael sat up and took a picture of Jeremy next to him, before walking to the other side of the field and pushing snow on the ground to create a large, lopsided sphere.
It took a while, but Michael had three fairly sized snowballs on top of each other.
Sometime during the process, Jeremy caught on and started doing the same.
Michael walked the perimeter of the field and snapped two thin branches off of a dead tree.
He also collected two rocks for eyes, and finished assembling his snowman.
Sure, it was basic, but he used the only materials available to him and he was proud.
Jeremy gave up while pushing the snow around and ended up with a much smaller snowman. He didn't care though, he enjoyed Michael's taunts of "I win!"
Jeremy formed a snowball and threw it at the tiny snowman, knocking it over.
"That was oddly exhilarating, you should try it!"
Michael obliged, first knocking the head off of his snowman, followed by the other parts.
Both of the boys were slightly soaked due to the snow melting with their body heat, so they decided to go back to Michael's.
As Jeremy changed his clothes, Michael successfully started a fire in the fireplace after a few tries.
Jeremy came back and Michael changed his clothes before coming back to cuddle with Jeremy, who wrapped himself in a blanket.
The two embraced each other's warmth in silence before Michael spoke up.
"That was fun."
When he was met with silence, he spoke again. "Jer?"
Michael looked over to see that Jeremy had quickly fallen asleep, causing Michael to chuckle. It was only four, but a nap was well needed.
"Sleep tight, mahal ko." With that, Michael kissed Jeremy's forehead and dozed off as well.
A/N: This was cute, I enjoyed writing it a lot.
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