Michael was talking to Jeremy outside of the school, not mentioning a thing about the text Christine sent last night.
"Speak of the devil," Michael thought to himself as Christine walked towards them. He simply put on his best fake smile as Christine dragged Jeremy inside somewhere. Jeremy, being a good friend said, "but, what about Michael?" "He'll be fine, Jeremy," Christine replied, not looking back.
Michael decided to just go to his class early, he had nothing better to do. He rested his head on his desk, sighing. He wanted his player two back, but he knew that wouldn't happen anytime soon.
His first couple of classes went fine, he had math class with Jeremy and Christine wasn't in it, so he got some time in with his best friend.
He couldn't help but notice that Jeremy was incredibly happier now. It's funny how Michael used to think that he'd be happy as long as Jeremy was happy.
He was feeling pretty miserable, to be honest.
At lunch Michael sat in his usual spot, waiting for Jeremy to join him.
He waved at Jeremy as soon as he came in the cafeteria, holding hands with Christine. Jeremy started walking over to Michael with a smile on his face, when Christine dragged him towards her usual table with Brooke, Chloe, Jenna, Jake, and Rich.
Jeremy's smile faltered for a millisecond, before returning to where it was.
Of course, Michael noticed. He also noticed the few times Jeremy glanced at him from across the cafeteria, not that Michael was staring or anything.
He couldn't take it anymore, so he ran to the bathroom and locked himself in the stall.
Hours turned into days, days turned into weeks, and Michael was getting used to being ignored by the person he loved the most.
He couldn't help but feel a sense of déjà vu towards the situation. It's almost as if Christine was trying to metaphorically turn optic nerve blocking on. Or maybe Jeremy forgot about the fun the two used to have.
Michael realized all of this as he was walking through the shops downtown. He sighed and walked into a random store, trying to get his mind off of things.
Then, something colorful caught his eye. He looked on his jacket sleeve to see if there was room, which there was.
He had to pry his eyes away from his "Player One" patch currently on his other arm and purchased the rainbow flag patch.
He thought of it as a way to feel more comfortable with himself. As he was starting to realize he was gay, he was in a state of denial. He cared so much about what others thought about him. To be fair, he still did, but the one person who he really cared about was Jeremy. He didn't want to lose his Jeremy.
Now, it seemed as if there was nothing to lose.
Michael walked home and went into his room. He took out the iron and his new patch and applied it to his jacket.
For the first time in a few weeks, Michael smiled a genuine smile.
"It's not that big of a deal," Michael told himself reassuringly. He did catch a few people looking at the new addition on his arm, but no one did or said anything. "Ah," Michael thought. "The perks of being a nobody."
Michael didn't even hear any rumors about it, which actually shocked him. Perhaps the student body already knew, maybe it wasn't a shock to anyone. A giant weight was lifted off of his shoulders.
It wasn't until the final bell rung when Michael felt a tap on his shoulder at his locker.
"You're not too scared to show the world, huh?" Michael turned around to see the one person he wanted to see the least. "Christine?" "Don't act so shocked. But really, color me impressed! I never thought you would actually do it." Michael shut his locker, rather loudly, and fully turned to Christine.
"I bet you wish Jeremy saw, what a shame. Speaking of, better go to play rehearsal!" Christine leaned in closer to Michael, almost whispering. "Jeremy is waiting for me." With that, she strutted away.
And that was a terrific way to ruin the best day Michael had in a long time.
He just wished he could talk to Jeremy about it.
Michael drove home, too exhausted to even cry. As soon as he got home, he slept.
Michael woke up around 2 AM, still shaking from a bad dream. It was a Friday, so he wasn't worried about the time. He played random games on his phone for hours until he couldn't take his burning eyes any longer. He dozed off again, this time having an amazing dream about having a relationship with Jeremy. Too bad it would never happen.
Michael had to do something. He texted Jeremy, wincing at the contact name he had for the boy.
Michael: Hey, I know it's been a while, but can we talk?
Player two <3: What's up?
Michael: In person.
Player two <3: Oh.
Player two <3: I'll be over around 3.
Michael spent a majority of the time pacing back and forth in his room. As soon as he heard a knock at his bedroom door, Michael felt nervous butterflies swarming around his stomach, and they hurt.
Reluctantly, Michael opened the door, revealing a mildly disheveled Jeremy.
Weakly, Michael said, "C-come in"
The two sat on Michael's bed, each with a water bottle in hand. Jeremy was the first to break the silence. "So..."
"Right..." Michael blushed, speaking softer, "right."
The frail boy pulled out his phone from his hoodie pocket and pulled up the text from Christine.
"Uh, um, s-so the night you and Chr-Christine started dating, she sent me this me-message"
Michael curled up into a ball after he handed Jeremy his phone. He looked up to see Jeremy's jaw dropped wide open.
"I-I can't believe it!"
Michael uncurled from the ball he was in, slightly hopeful.
"I can't believe you would frame my girlfriend with something as unbelievably stupid as this! I thought you supported our relationship! I thought you were a decent human being!" Jeremy's voice raised with every line. "I thought we were friends, Michael. I knew it, you were just jealous that you don't have a girlfriend too now, I don't want to play your selfish little games anymore."
"Jealous? Of you having a girlfriend? Are you that oblivious? I'M GAY." Michael paused, whimpering as he processed what he said.
Jeremy's angry expression faded away for a second, before returning twice as strong.
"Then why would you fake that message from Christine?" Jeremy stood up.
"IT WASN'T FA-" then, the door slammed shut.
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