tw: Abuse, car crash, death, addiction, and self hatred.
Christine fled the scene, accidentally dropping her gun in the process. For a moment, she pondered going back for it, considering they could easily find her fingerprints, but she decided against it.
She heard the sirens closer than ever now. The sound of footsteps stopping in the surrounding area. Christine presumed that they found Jeremy, considering their panicked whispers and commands.
They were so close, so Christine ran. She didn't know where she was, it was somewhere in the vast park filled with trees. She heard cars passing by on the road, she was getting closer.
Christine knew she should've been more careful with her steps. Her pounding heart matched the heavy pace in which her feet were slamming against the ground.
She paid no attention to the metallic taste of blood on her lips. Whether it was her own blood from biting her lip- which was always a habit of hers- or Jeremy's blood from the cut on his face where she kissed him that final time, she didn't care enough about it.
She wasn't sure if Jeremy was going to live or not, but she couldn't care less. Sure, she loved him at some point, but she always cared about herself and herself only.
She never, ever cared for anybody else except for her own self and her sister, but her sister was long gone by now.
Christine should've died in that car crash, but it had to have been Nikki. Christine never forgave herself, so she shut everybody else out.
A few months after her sister's life was ripped from her, Jake asked Christine out.
Christine found a sense of hope in her relationship with Jake. She thought things would finally start looking up for her.
She never mentioned the death of her sister to anyone, somehow managing to hide the information from Jenna Rolan and the like.
She had all of this pent up anger inside of her that was slowly being alleviated and she was so, so glad. She only cared about Jake for so long before he came out to her as gay.
Christine only lasted a few days without Jake, she was back to square one. She started to have frequent panic attacks again, but the nightmares were always the worst part. When Christine managed to get some sleep, all she got was the crash replaying over and over again.
Then, she remembered how Jeremy confessed to liking her about three weeks before.
She really didn't like Jeremy like that, but she thought it would reduce her pain like the relationship with Jake did.
That day when Christine asked him out was pretty extraordinary from what Christine was becoming used to. Her brain created imaginary butterflies when she kissed Jeremy, but she pretended like they were real.
But she could never love him. And Christine knew this.
All of her pent up anger was leaking out slowly. First, she mocked Jeremy, calling him a chicken for wanting to sit with Michael at lunch instead of with Chloe and Brooke.
She started dragging Jeremy away from Michael any time he attempted to talk to him. She knew it hurt him, but in a twisted, sadistic way, she somewhat got off on it.
But she wanted more.
She ripped up the birthday card for Jeremy from Michael.
She liked to say that she had nothing against Michael, but really- she didn't want the same thing to happen that happened in her previous relationship.
She knew that Jeremy would do anything for her, so she used it to her advantage.
After burning most of Jeremy's artifacts from Michael, Christine began phase two of her plan.
She was so unhappy with her life that she began to drag Jeremy down with her by twisting his view of his once best friend.
She started lying about the things Michael would do to her, saying that he was trying to make her cheat on Jeremy with him.
Jeremy didn't believe it at first, but he eventually started to.
Every time Jeremy mentioned Michael, Christine would punch him. Hard.
In phase three of Christine's plan, she deconstructed any bit of self respect Jeremy had. She called him fat, ugly, and worthless and made him repeat everything she said back to her. Every time Jeremy ate anything in Christine's presence, she would knock the food out of his hand.
She knew the effect this had on Jeremy. She saw his darkened eyes and the way his face seemed hollower. She noticed every time Jeremy looked in the mirror for longer than he should've, and the disapproval on his face as he studied his appearance while doing so.
Strangely, this helped boost Christine's self esteem, but the pain was far from gone out of her system.
She developed a drinking habit as well as an addiction to several types of drugs. Abusing these substances helped her take the rest of the pain away, leaving her in a state of tranquility. The next bad thing she did changed her life for the worse, but she wouldn't admit that. She didn't tell anybody.
The once bubbly Christine Canigula people knew and loved was far too gone.
Eventually, the school had to make budget cuts, meaning the only reason she ever went to school was gone. No more drama club, the only non-artificial sense of happiness Christine ever got. Because of this, phase four had begun.
She managed to almost completely destruct any trust Jeremy once placed onto Michael. So when Jeremy asked Christine about the text she 'allegedly' sent, the first thing Christine did was slap Jeremy across the face.
After consuming more alcohol than necessary, Christine drove to Michael's house. She knew the dangers of drinking and driving, but at this point she didn't care if she died.
She pulled up to Michael's house and she knew what she wanted. She had been bottling up her emotions again and took every last bit of it out on Michael. She told herself that he deserved each and every hit, kick, and insult she threw at him.
Seeing Michael out cold filled her with a satisfaction no drug ever could.
So, she was incredibly frustrated when Jeremy called her to help aid Michael's injuries, but she hid it well.
As she bandaged Michael, she thought about how all of her hard work went down the drain, and she could already feel more anger bubbling up inside of her. She suppressed this anger and continued acting like she was sad about Michael's injuries.
She was so unhappy in her current relationship, so she called up a random guy from school as sort of a one night stand kind of deal.
Mock horror flooded Christine's face when Jeremy walked in, tears flooding down his face whilst holding a basket and a teddy bear.
She was both relieved and angered when Jeremy whispered, "We're over" before running out.
She was finally free from the relationship she hated, but now she had no one who would willingly act as a punch bag for her. So, she did what she usually did and blamed it on Michael.
She told the guy to leave and started plotting her next idea.
Days later, Christine kept supplies in her purse and headed over to Michael's house again, tying his legs and cutting him up, leaving him to bleed out.
Of course, Jeremy found out. And Christine was seething.
Prison was not good to Christine. She was going through withdrawals and was quickly falling apart again.
Somehow, by a mixture of pure coincidence, some luck, and knowledge from the many crime shows she watched, Christine managed to break out of that hell hole.
Just like Christine predicted, Michael and Jeremy started dating while she was locked up. She told everyone that she was bailed out by a distant relative, and moved on with her life acting as if nothing happened.
When Michael left his phone on his desk, it was a golden opportunity for Christine. Thankfully, it was only at 3% so there was just enough time to go through with her plan. As soon as she sent the message, Michael's phone died. Talk about perfect timing. Christine walked out of the classroom, watching Michael run in out of the corner of her eye.
And then, Christine went through with the last phase of her plan that night.
Now, she was running through towards the familiar road that eventually led to her house.
She managed to stay in the underground shelter at her house that was built for emergencies for a few days. Life was boring underground with little food, but it was the only way Christine could stay away from prison.
She heard the sirens and knew that this was it. She ran out of the shelter, heart beating faster than it ever was. She jumped into her car, opening the door on the drivers side. She jumped in and pressed the button to open the glove box, revealing a bottle of Mountain Dew Red. The familiar voice rattled through her skull, making Christine wince.
You don't want to do that, Christine. You'll regret everything- and you don't want to live with that. Please, trust me on this.
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