"Hey, um Christine, I was wondering if I could talk to you for a second," Jeremy started. He took a deep, albeit shaky breath and continued. "I- um I've been meaning to tell you... uh okay so Ikindasortamaybehaveaminor-nonotminorabigcrushonyouandihaveforawhileandivebeenmeaningtotellyoubutiwasterrified."
He let out another shaky breath.
Suddenly, loud, slow claps filled Jeremy's basement.
"Well, it was definitely an improvement from last week, I'll give you that," Jeremy's best friend Michael critiqued. "Soon enough you'll actually be able to tell her!"
A slight blush crept onto Jeremy's cheeks. "You really think so?" Hope filled his voice. "Of course, I know so!" Michael couldn't help but notice the way Jeremy's eyes sparkled as he thought about Christine.
Of course, it took Jeremy a few tries today to practice talking to Christine, and Michael wasn't really helping with making the task any easier.
You see, after last weeks confession, which was surprisingly worse, Michael thought it would be a good idea to go to the mall and buy a wig... and a dress for the occasion. So every time Jeremy would look up at "Christine," he would burst out laughing at the sight of his best friend.
After one more desperate attempt to woo Christine, an exasperated Michael flopped onto the couch. "You owe me a slushie." Jeremy chuckled. "You and your slushies will be the death of me" Michael faked a look of worry. "Well don't die! Who else would buy me slushies?" Jeremy playfully hit Michael.
After Michael changed back into his signature hoodie, the two of them sat comfortably in silence, simply enjoying the other's presence. This was a common occurrence, with them being best friends for so long. Not to mention, they have spent way too many hours playing video games earlier, if that was possible.
After several minutes, Jeremy got up to see if Michael wanted something to eat, only to see that the boy had fallen asleep. Jeremy couldn't help but smile at the sight. He checked the time on his phone to see that it was much later than he thought. He would've woken Michael up so he could move onto Jeremy's bed, but Michael just looked so peaceful where he was, curled up into a ball on the couch. Jeremy decided to leave Michael be after he draped a blanket over the sleeping boy, going to his bed for a well-needed rest.
Jeremy awoke from his dream to hear the bathroom door shut. Thinking nothing of it, he started to slowly drift back to sleep. And then, Jeremy sat upright.
Muffled sobs came from the bathroom, and Jeremy recognized the cry instantly. He tiptoed towards the bathroom and heard the faint words, "...will never like me." The rest wasn't audible, but that wasn't what Jeremy cared about. He turned the doorknob, thankful that it wasn't locked, and his heart broke at the sight of his best friend curled into a ball by the sink.
"Michael?" Jeremy asked softly, careful not to startle the poor boy. Michael uncurled slightly and looked up at Jeremy, tears streaming down his face. Jeremy walked towards Michael, continuing with his slow pace. "Bad dream?" Michael wiped his face with his sleeve and nodded.
Jeremy paused for a second, considering his few options before quickly choosing. He opened his arms and hugged Michael tightly, he hated seeing his best friend in this state. Michael hugged Jeremy a little closer, and they fell asleep just like that, on the bathroom floor.
A/N. This is shorter than I wanted it to be. This is probably my first time ever writing anything outside of school to be honest, so I hope my writing improves eventually. Also, I'm not sure when this takes place squip-wise, so bear with me. I'll try to update this soon, I hope you enjoyed!
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