"How huge is that Stadium??", Lara asked looking on a plan of the venue that showed that they had barely made it halfway around after walking almost ten minutes.
"Well, quite a few people are supposed to fit in there.", Emilia laughed.
"Yeah you're right, it's just my first time being at a concert this size."
"Omg it's my first time too! I was a bit scared to be honest cause who knows what might happen... I'm not that good at doing things like this alone."
"I was scared too."
They both laughed.
"Where exactly are we actually going?"
Lara scratched her head.
"Well, I was hoping to find someone who might be able to tell us where I can meet Phil..."
Looking at her watch Lara added: "I only have half an hour left."
Emilia could tell how excited Lara was, especially since she knew that she would be just as excited in this situation.
"Don't panic." - They both smiled at the obvious reference only Coldplayers got - "We'll figure it out somehow. You will meet Phil and it will be great."
"Thank you.", Lara smiled.
They were both so concentrated on talking that they didn't notice that they suddenly bumped into someone while walking.
"Oh my god sorry!"
They both blushed because they had been so stupid to not notice the person walking the opposite direction of them.
"Don't worry.", a strangely familiar voice laughed.
"Oh... my... god..."
The two girls only now properly looked at the face of the man they had bumped into.
"You're... You're Phil? Phil Harvey?", Lara stuttered, hardly able to use her mind or voice.
"Yes, I am. Who are you?"
Phil put on a really friendly smile, one of the kind that made you instantly like and want to be friends with a person.
The girls both couldn't helped staring and letting out a tiny fangirl squeak.
Lara could feel her heart beating faster and she felt like she was gonna faint soon.
"Aww don't worry girls, I don't bite!"
Phil laughed at them going crazy at meeting him but he seemed to think it was cute.
The two girls smiled, still not able to say anything.
After what felt like an eternity Emilia finally managed to bring out something.
"Uhmm, hi Phil! I'm Emilia. So nice to meet you!"
"I'm Lara. I'm like, your biggest fan I guess.", she shyly laughed. "In fact I won a meet-up with you but... We were actually on our way to find someone who could tell us where to meet you."
Lara was surprised at herself for actually being able to form a proper sentence.
"Nice to meet you girls! Oh my god really? I was told I was supposed meet a fan today but I was really confused as well cause they gave me hardly any information... I'm really sorry for the inconvenience Lara."
"Don't worry! I met you now luckily so it's all good."
Lara couldn't hide her excitement about meeting her favorite member of Coldplay anymore. Well, actually she couldn't from the beginning.
"Uhmm, can I hug you?", Lara asked with a broad grin on her face.
They both hugged Phil and Lara inhaled his scent deeply. He smelled so amazing. So... Phil-like. How could she even know what Phil-like was?
After that they took selfies and Emilia remembered what she had brought with her.
Getting out the booklet of her Viva La Vida Or Death And All His Friends CD - some strange presentiment had led her to take it with her to the concert - she gave it Phil to sign.
"Soo..." - Phil looked on his phone for the time - "It's almost the time for the meet-up, shall I show you around a bit in the backstage area?"
Though she was happy for Lara of course Emilia was also a bit disappointed because it was Lara who won the competition so Lara would have to leave her and go backstage area alone.
Emilia hugged Lara and said: "We'll meet again at the concert, right?"
Phil looked surprised. "Wait Emilia, if you want you can come too of course! I'm sure no one will mind!"
Emilia's widened. "Oh my god for real??"
"Thank you so much Phil!!!"
Emilia got really excited. She never had been backstage anywhere, not to mention at the concert of her favorite band.
"Okay great, come with me!"
Phil lead them the way towards the backstage area and they followed him, both still shaking.
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