The Nightmare Before Christmas
Madelaine laid in the bed uncomfortably as a familiar face came into the room. "Doctor Shepherd?" Madelaine asked, watching the surgeon that saved her kids the first time walk in. The Redhead looked up from her notes at the redhead lying in the bed.
"Madelaine. What brings you by?" Addison asked. She sat her clipboard on the desk and sat beside Madelaine's legs.
"Uhh, possibly labor and contractions," Madelaine revealed. Addison sighed and got off the bed.
"Alright, pick one person to stay with you and change into this," Addison said before she dropped a gown onto the bed and left out. Madelaine pointed at her brother and Travis before pointing to the door.
"Goodbye," Madelaine said. The guys nodded and headed towards the vending machine. Madelaine closed the curtain and stripped into her sports bra and boyshorts.
"Why did you choose me to stay?" Michelle asked. Madelaine slipped on the gown and folded her clothes up onto the couch before lying back down in the bed.
"Because you're my mother. You gave birth to the most big headed baby ever and I'm terrified of going in labor," Madelaine said. Michelle took her child's hands into her own and sighed.
"I felt the same way when I had your brother. But, when you see Melina and Tobias's big brown eyes and hopefully red hair," Michelle giggled, "you'll understand when I say that going into labor is the best thing to ever happen, even if the pain is unbearable," Michelle said. Madelaine wasn't exactly sure why the excruciating pain she was going through would be the 'best' thing, but she wasn't going to question her mother. Soon, Addison came back with blue gloves on.
"Alright, ladies let's see what's happening with these babies," Addison said. Madelaine pulled her knees up and placed her left arm under her head as her mom rubbed her right one in support. "Madelaine, do you know if your water broke?" Addison asked.
"Uhh, I'm gonna say no, but your face says otherwise," Madelaine answered. Addison took her fingers out of Madelaine's cervix with a nod.
"Yeah, your mucus plug is gone and you're dilated 7 centimeters. So, we're gonna move this party up to labor and delivery," Addison calmly said. Madelaine bit her lip and tried not to freak out.
"Uh, how— what are the chances for survival? Best case scenario?" Michelle asked, seeing Madelaine's fear of the unknown stamped on her forehead. Addison sighed and took off her gloves as she folded her arms.
"Best case scenario is the only case scenario. I will do everything in my power to have you walking out of here two weeks from now with healthy babies. Worst case scenario they'll be here three weeks," Addison confidently said. Madelaine played off of the energy that Addison was giving off and sat up.
"So, what's the next move?" Madelaine asked. Addison pulled out the chart to make sure she was sure of her plan. And with all that was going on, she wanted to get the babies out of distress as soon as possible.
"I definitely want to get you up to labor and delivery, but I think we're gonna do an ultrasound to see where the twins are positioned," Addison said. Madelaine took a deep breath and watched the doctor leave as Travis and Shaun rushed back in. Madelaine hung her head shielded her face for everyone as tears started to roll down her cheeks.
"Guys, can you give us a minute?" Travis asked, seeing the distress that Madelaine was in. Michelle and Shaun silently made their way back to the vending machine that Shaun had just left to give the couple some air per request. "Baby, talk to me. What did the doctor say?" Travis asked, placing his hand gently under her chin and pulling her face up to meet his.
"I'm in active labor and that I have to deliver the twins," Madelaine paraphrased. Travis wrapped his arms around Madelaine as she sobbed in his chest.
"It's okay baby, the twins will be okay," Travis tried to convince. He wanted to sound strong even though he was fighting the urge to cry himself. Those babies were his world, but so was Madelaine making it his duty as a fiancé and father to be the rock for his family.
Two hours later, upstairs in labor and delivery, Madelaine went through the gruesome motions of labor epidural free. Since she had come in so late, she was past the safety point of being able to get the drug and was forced to feel every grueling part. Any at this point, the actress was exhausted. There was no longer a rest period between contractions they were either really painful or excruciatingly painful. "Owe," Madelaine moaned as another contraction peaked. She gripped onto the side of the bed and tried not to scream. Her lower back was on fire, and her body was shaking from the pain.
"How are we doing guys?" Addison rhetorically asked as she came back into the room to check Madelaine once more. As the world renown doctor checked Madelaine's cervix she caught a look of surprise and quickly called for the nurses.
"What's going on?" Travis asked. A swarm of nurses came in at Addison's call and quickly moved around the room with papers and blankets.
"Madelaine, baby A is crowning. On your next contraction, I'm gonna need you to push," Addison advised. Madelaine nodded before a nurse took one leg and another showed Travis how to take the other. The room silently waited fifteen seconds before Addison gave Madelaine the green light. "Go...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10. Okay take a break," Addison coached. Madelaine shook her head and stared Travis in the eyes.
"I can't do this. I literally can't do this," she cried as the tiredness set in. She was doing her best to keep her eyes open, but she wanted nothing more than to go to sleep.
"Yes you can, baby. You literally don't have any other choice," Travis jokingly encouraged. He quickly saw Madelaine wasn't in the laughing mood when she stared at him with the straightest face ever.
"We're not having any more kids after this. Don't even ask me for anything for the next 5 years," Madelaine said. Travis's eyes went wide as he looked away.
"Okay, Mads, one more push and you'll have your firstborn," Addison actually encouraged, before nurse pointed out Madelaine's next contraction. "Alright, give me a good push," Addison said. Madelaine did her absolute best on the little energy she had to bring her child into this world and with the help of Addison pulling him out, Tobias Tatum Mills was born. "See, that wasn't so bad," Addison smiled, placing him in the arms of a nurse who quickly took the baby boy and laid him under a warm light to clean him off and inspect him. Madelaine couldn't take her eyes off of him and hardly even noticed that Melina was basically out of her. A heartbreaking cry broke out from Madelaine's left, telling her that her son was okay, but Melina was a different story. "Get her on an oxygen tube and down to the NICU. I want both of them on feeding tubes as soon as possible. The first 72 are crucial people, let's move," Addison commanded as she delivered the placenta, which was worse than the birth itself. Madelaine gripped onto Travis's hand for dear life as the last bit of her pregnancy was released from her body.
"Travis go with them!" Madelaine pushed. Travis started to argue, but Madelaine was not about to hear it. "Go with our babies!" she yelled. The musician nodded and followed the team of nurses and doctors to the floor above them. Madelaine laid back in the bed as the contractions died down. They weren't completely gone, but they were manageable. Besides, she was too worried about her kids to even concentrate on anything outside of that.
47 Minutes Later
Madelaine was finally settled in on the Mother and baby floor alone, which was slightly depressing since she was a mother without her babies on the floor. She had sent everyone to find out something about the babies and their conditions. Her stress levels were through the rough and she was having the worst anxiety since she was attacked at 16. Void of movement, the actress stared at her phone, waiting for an update or anything from Travis. But, despite her wishful thinking, her line was dead. That was until a knock on the door, that she wasn't necessarily looking for, but ended up okay with, sounded. "Come in?" Madelaine shakily answered. The door slowly opened to reveal her best friend with a diaper bag and duffel bag.
"I brought everything you asked and a little more," Vanessa said. Madelaine made a pouty face with a small smile behind it and held out her arms. Vanessa dropped the bags on Shaun and embraced her best friend in a tight, well-needed hug.
"V, they were so small," Madelaine cried into her costars shoulder. Vanessa nodded and allowed Madelaine to sob as she stroked her hair.
"Travis updated me on my way here. He said they were each 3 pounds and 12 ounces," Vanessa whispered. Madelaine laid her head on Vanessa's shoulder and stared out into the snowy parking lot. "Just one day at a time," Vanessa whispered. Madelaine nodded and laid back in the bed as Vanessa went to the diaper bag and pulled out the take-home outfits.
Madelaine smiled at the onesies that were clearly going to drown the twins, even as a size newborn. "Oh and I picked up a could of things of preemie diapers when I realized the ones in the diaper bag were going to be way too big," Vanessa said. Madelaine watched as her friend pulled out the baby supplies she had packed for her. She couldn't help but smile, Vanessa was truly becoming God-mommy and Madelaine was absolutely here for it. "Hey, Lili wants to know if she could call. She and Cami want to talk to you," Vanessa asked. Madelaine shrugged, knowing she needed the distraction.
To My Bomb.Com Friends And Supporters,
The twins are here! Will they both survive? Guess we'll find out.
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