Travis and Vanessa wheeled Madelaine into the ER of Saint Ambrose Hospital with Arizona pulling on her lab coat and waving a bag at the nurses station. "I'm from Grey Sloan. Please page Addison Shepherd from Ocean Side Wellness," she said wheeling Madelaine to the elevator to take them up to mother and baby. "Mads, how are you feeling? Any pressure, leaking, or bleeding?" Arizona asked. Madelaine shook her head and pushed down on her stomach.
"A little bit of pressure, but no fluids and I don't think I'm blood," she said. Arizona nodded and pushed Madelaine down the hall and to her room.
"Alright, get changed into the gown on the bed and I'll come back and check you," She said. Vanessa and Travis sat on the couch as Madelaine went into the bathroom and changed her clothes. Vanessa looked over to Travis to see that he was shaking and clearly scared.
"Hey, she's gonna be okay. I promise," Vanessa tried. Travis shook his head.
"I did this to her. It's my fault we might lose our babies," Travis said. Vanessa looked at him weird.
"What are you talking about?" She asked. On the other side of the door Madelaine could hear what they were saying and she was very confused.
"It's karma for what Taylor and I did," he said. Vanessa's eyes went wide, assuming what he was talking about.
"Travis, you didn't," She said. Travis looked up and shrugged.
"I didn't mean to hurt Mads. I was trying to do something nice and I guess it backfired," he said. Madelaine came out of the bathroom teary eyed.
"Travis," she whispered. The musician looked up from his hands to see his fiancé standing before him.
"Mads, it's not what you think," Travis said. Madelaine wiped her tears and folded her arms.
"Then explain it, because it sounds like you slept with one of my best friends," She cried. Travis stood up and moved around the bed to stand face-to-face with Madelaine.
"No. We never slept together. We were painting the nursery and trying to surprise you, but earlier today as I was finishing up Melinda's name, Taylor and I were smoking in the babies room and I know you tell me not to, but I wasn't thinking. When I realized what room we were in we stopped," he said. Madelaine bit her lip not sure if he was being honest or not and got in the bed. She was still in pain and her brain wasn't functioning fully, so she didn't know what to do.
"You were..." Madelaine trailed off trying not to get a headache. "I can't even. I hate when you smoke in our room and you...ugh," she growled. Vanessa saw her best friend getting stressed to the Mac and stepped in.
"Maybe, you should just go. Go home and get her some stuff in case she has to stay. Just give her some space," Vanessa said. Travis nodded and went to peck Madelaine, when she moved away from him and slid closer to Vanessa's side of the bed. Travis quietly left the room as Vanessa crawled into the bed and allowed Madelaine to lay on her shoulder.
"What if he's lying? What if something happened?" Madelaine cried. Vanessa shook her head and stroked Madelaine's hair.
"Don't say that. What if he's being honest? Travis has never cheated on you before. You have no reason not to trust him," Vanessa said. She didn't want to see her friends heart broken, but she also knew what Travis was capable of and cheating wasn't necessary it. Soon thereafter, Arizona came back in, with a red headed doctor in scrubs.
"Alright, Mads. I'm going to check you and see what's happening," Arizona said. Vanessa got off the bed and took Madelaine's hand into hers. Madelaine laid back in the bed and pulled her knees up. Arizona sat on the edge of the bed and checked to see if Madelaine was dilated. The other doctor stared at Arizona with her arms crossed. "Nope, not dilated," she said. However, when she pulled her hand into the light there was blood on her gloves. "But, we have bleeding. Just what I thought," Robbins sighed, taking off her gloves. "I'll go get an OR prepped," Arizona announced, leaving the doctor she brought with Madelaine.
"Okay, honey, listen. This may be the scariest thing to happen during your otherwise healthy pregnancy. Because your bleeding and contracting, we believe you have a placental abruption. That basically means that there is blood between you uterus wall and the placenta. And we have to get that fixed. If we leave it, the blood could be pressing on one of your babies and cause heart and lung defects or death. So, I want to jump right in and get that taken care of," Addison said. Madelaine nodded and wiped her tears.
"Are my babies going to survive this? Could the surgery hurt them?" She asked not even caring about herself, but for her babies.
"Every surgery has risks, but with me as your surgeon the risk will be greatly minimized. Trust me, I do this all the time," Addison said. Madelaine looked at Vanessa and shrugged.
"Okay, do what ever you need to do," Madelaine agreed. Addison left the room to get ready for surgery. Vanessa felt her best friend squeeze her hand tightly as Madelaine's phone started to blow up. "Let me see my phone," she said. Vanessa grabbed the iPhone from the window seal and passed it to Madelaine.
Madelaine red through all of the sweet tweets from her cast mates and fans as a nurse hooked her up to an IV. But her heat sank when she didn't even get a text from Taylor or Travis. Her latest text was before they even left the house.
So, she decided to text him. Even though she wanted to rip his head off, she wanted him by her side and her better judgement agreed. Madelaine knew deep down that Travis wasn't a cheater and Taylor would never do anything to hurt her. Especially while she was pregnant.
Not even three seconds after sending her last message, Travis called her. "I'm on my way back. I grabbed some stuff like Vanessa said. And I'm 15 minutes out. If I don't get there before you go in, I'll be there when you get out," Travis said. Madelaine took her hair out if the sleek ponytail and did her best to get it into a messy bun.
"Okay. I love you," She said.
"I love you too, baby," he said before hanging up. Madelaine contemplated on whether she wanted to call her parents and the answer was a solid no. But she did text her brother to keep him updated.
"Okay, Madelaine. I think we're ready for ya," the nurse smiled. Vanessa took Madelaine's phone and watched her get under the covers of the bed.
"I love you babes! I'll be right here when you get back," Vanessa smiled as Madelaine was rolled out of the room. Madelaine gave small smile and placed her hands on her bump. She was ready for the pain to be over. And she was ready for the babies to grow and develop the way they were meant to.
Three hours later, Madelaine woke up back in her room with and a little loopy. She looked over to see Travis asleep on couch and Vanessa in sweat pants and camisole next to him. "V," Madelaine whispered. Instantaneously, Vanessa looked up from her phone and beamed.
"Mads, how are you feeling? Dr. Shepherd said that your surgery went amazingly," Vanessa said. Madelaine fully focused on her friend and wasn't quiet sure why her head was so low. Vanessa turned her head to match Madelaine's. The redhead looked straight to see that her feet higher than her body and got absolutely confused.
"Why am I laying like this?" Madelaine asked. Vanessa held up her finger and grabbed her phone.
"The doctor said it was trendelenburg," she read, "To stop your contractions. Don't worry it's only for the next six hours. And after they lay you normally, if you can go two hours with any contractions you can lay normally," Vanessa explained. Madelaine sighed and pointed at her man.
"Wake his ass up!" She said. Vanessa giggled and slapped Travis' arm.
"Your fiancé is back in the room," Vanessa announced. Travis slowly sat up and let his eyes flutter open.
"Hey baby," he stretched, before rubbing his eyes. "You look...why are you upside down?" He asked. Vanessa was about to explain when Madelaine shook her head.
"Don't worry about it, it's temporary. Did my parents call or anything?" Madelaine asked. Vanessa dropped her gaze to her lap as Travis sucked on his bottom lip. Madelaine bit the inside of her bottom lip and turned her head away from them. She could feel herself about to cry, but she was reciting in her head what Nathalie told her. The babies and Travis were her family now. "Travis can you give V and I a second?" Madelaine asked, wiping the lone tear that fell. Travis nodded and left out as Madelaine turned back to Vanessa.
"You gonna be okay Mama?" Vanessa asked. Madelaine nodded.
"Yeah, but I need you to do something for me," she said. Vanessa gave her a weird look. "I need you go to the house, go into the nursery, take some pictures and send them to me," Madelaine said. Vanessa rose an eyebrow and stared at her friend in confusion.
"Why? You're going home in a couple of days. Just look then," Vanessa said. Madelaine sighed.
"I can't. If they were doing what they said, then she's probably still painting meaning I can't go in there because of the fumes. So you have to do it for me," Madelaine said. Vanessa scoffed and held her arms out.
"Nancy Drew, pump your brakes! What happened to you trusting Travis?" Vanessa asked. Madelaine shook her head.
"I do, but I also want to see what they've done," Mommy-to-be explained. "I don't want to have to pay someone to redo it because I hate it," she said. Vanessa giggled and agreed.
"Fine. I'll be back tomorrow with pictures and food. Veggie Grill for lunch tomorrow?" She asked. Madelaine pointed at her bestie with a smile.
"Yeah, bitch! You know what I like," Madelaine said. Vanessa nodded and grabbed her purse. As Vanessa left, Travis was coming back.
"She going home?" He asked. Madelaine nodded. "Is it bad that I wanna see your stitches?" Travis asked. Madelaine tried not to laugh and nodded.
"Uh, just a little," Madelaine said. She placed her hand on her stomach and felt in of the babies hit her hand with what she assumed was either a leg or a arm. "Baby, come here! Feel this," she beamed. Travis stood between the couch and the bed. He stuck his hand out and allowed Madelaine to guide it to the perfect spot. Both babies moved to his touch and hit his hand. Travis gasped and placed his hand over his mouth.
"Baby," he whispered slowly. "That's my daughter and my son," he smiled. He got on his knees and put his head right next to her stomach. "Tobias, Melina, this is daddy. I can't wait for you guys to get here. Your mommy and I are already in love with you, but we don't want to meet you just yet. Tobias, be nice to Melina in there. And Melina, well you can do no wrong in my eyes already so I already know Tobias did something," Travis joked. Madelaine gasped with a giggle and popped Travis' head.
"Travis don't talk about my baby boy," she said. A soon as she said that Tobias, she assumed, kicked her. "I swear, this kid better be a mama's boy the way I just defended him," Madelaine smiled. Travis laughed and sat back on the couch.
"You and Melina already have me wrapped around your fingers, so Tobias better be on my side," Travis laughed. Madelaine shook her head and placed her hands over her stomach.
"He's mine. I can already tell," she giggled, before having a nurse come in to check her incisions. Then and only then did Madelaine realize it was midnight. After the nurse left, she did her best to get some sleep, in hopes that her contractions wouldn't come back so she could lay normally and eventually go home.
To My Bomb.Com Friends and Supporters,
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