Madelaine and Vanessa sat at their usual table in the back of the café when Lili, Daisy, and Camila showed up. Lili carried the diaper bag, as Camila held Daisy's car seat. Madelaine watched them and quickly turned back to Vanessa. "If that isn't you when this baby comes, we won't go anywhere until it is," she joked. Vanessa sipped her tea and nodded.
"Of course, it will be. You'll have to pry my Godbaby away from me," Vanessa said. Madelaine laughed and watched Lili and Camila get settled at the table.
"What's so funny?" Camila asked, setting Daisy in the sling and sliding into the booth so that Lili sat on the outside. Vanessa and Madelaine glanced at each other, before bursting out laughing.
"I actually called us here to talk about that," Madelaine started. The newcomers looked at her weird as the simultaneously cocked their heads to the side. RIght before Madelaine could finish, Daisy started to fuss and pull at her car seat straps.
"Why?" Lili asked with a smile towards her daughter. "Why do you always want to get out?" She said while taking off the buckles and picking her up to show her in footed pajama's. "Are you happy now, you can see everything,"Lili smiled. she kissed Daisy's cheek causing the baby to break into a fit of laughter, which snowballed to the rest of the table. "Can we let Aunt Mads talk now?" She said. The baby girl played with her hands in solitude, as Madelaine continued.
"So, funny story. Remember when Vanessa took me to the hospital the literal day before we began shooting?" Madelaine asked. Camila and Lili nodded, pinpointing exactly to when she was referring. "Well, when I was there, they told me that it was common for pregnant woman to pass out from dehydration and stuff," she slickly said. Cami's eye's lit up as soon as she heard a keyword in Madelaine's sentence.
"You're pregnant?" Cami almost shouted. Madelaine nodded. Lili gasped with a smile not too far behind.
"Yeah, I'm due in March. I'm nine weeks today," Madelaine informed. Cami slapped her hand over her mouth.
"Girl! First the house, then a ring, now a baby? You have hit the trifecta of goals!" Camila gushed. Lili still sat speechlessly, before composing he thoughts.
"Can I just say that I called it in the airport! I know my symptoms," Lili cheered. Madelaine swallowed her sip and nodded.
"You did! I will give you that. And before you ask, Travis is freaking out. He has told all of his friends which means I have to tell my parents before he posts it on Twitter or Insta since he has a picture of the ultrasound on his phone," Madelaine said. She pulled up the picture of Fetus on her phone and showed the girls. I call the baby fetus, but he calls it bean," she smiled as the girls passed her phone around.
"Awe, I remember when Cole and I found out about Daisy," Lili reminisced.
"Did you wanna go into a state of panic? Because I did. I was fine the first day, but then I imagined my pregnancy farther down the road and almost had a panic attack," Madelaine revealed. "I even considered," Madelaine trailed off hoping the girls knew what she meant. Camila and Vanessa were confused, but Lili knew exactly where Madelaine was getting at.
"I felt the exact same way. You know that Cole and I were in a bad place when we found out. And a baby was that last thing we wanted, but seeing her heartbeat and all of her first inside of me made it clear I could never," Lili said. Madelaine pushed her hair behind her ears and looked up to keep from crying.
"I feel so bad to ever think of doing that to my child, but at the time I was so wrapped up in what everyone else would think that I lost sight of me," Madelaine said. Lili took her co-star's hand rubbed her thumb along the top.
"We love you. And we are happy for you. We will be here for you through this entire thing. I promise," Lili said. And just like that from one mother to another confidence had been restored. Vanessa laid her head on Madelaine's shoulder and took her left hand.
"You're going to be an amazing mother," Vanessa smiled. Madelaine wiped the last of her tears and looked around her friend group. Lili had passed Daisy to Camila and started to eat her muffin. Vanessa was already searching up more baby gifts. And Camila was 'explaining' to Daisy that another baby was about to join the family.
"I love you guys, and I love that you guys are supportive," Madelaine said.
"So guys, like I told Mads, I think that no matter what the gender is we should do a red themed baby shower," Vanessa subject hopped. Camila nodded in agreement and sipped her coffee.
"I love that! And I still have the glass candy jars from Lili's shower," Camila suggested. Madelaine nodded and slipped her hand to stomach.
"Guys, let me passed the first trimester, then we can plan. I finally fully understand what Lili meant about the first trimester being the scariest," Madelaine said. Lili nodded along with the other girls. "But, since you ladies are the first to know, how should I tell the boys?" She asked. The girls all caught deviant looks and smirked towards Madelaine. "Oh lord," she giggled.
Around 10 PM the Madnessa Manor had welcomed comfort into its doors with Vanessa in bed asleep and Madelaine in bed semi-working. She scrolled through her emails and watched Live PD until her phone went off indicating a FaceTime from Travis. "Hey, baby," she answered, setting her laptop on the floor and slipping lower into bed.
"Hey, what are you doing?" Travis asked. Madelaine looked down to see Travis was on the couch with a couple of bags around him.
"I'm watching TV and trying not to throw up," Madelaine answered. Travis looked closer into the camera as if that closed up the 300,000 mile or so ago between them.
"What's happening? Are you still cramping?" Travis asked. Madelaine nodded and started to pull her hair into a messy bun.
"Yeah, but the cramps are causing me to be more nauseous," Madelaine sighed. Travis poked out his lip in sympathy.
"Well, I've got something to show you," Travis smiled. Madelaine was ready to see her surprise, but she was also ready to be done with feeling like she's going to throw up.
"What is it?" She asked, impatiently. Travis started to giggle and pulled Madelaine's best friend into frame. "Taylor! What are you doing back?" Madelaine screamed, instantly happy.
"I got in this morning," she said. Madelaine quickly looked at Travis, who was laughing so hard.
"Is that why you left so abruptly today?" Madelaine asked. Travis nodded as he tried to catch his breath. "You ass! You could've told me!" Madelaine giggled. "Does she know?" Madelaine asked. Taylor looked at Travis with confusion colored on her face.
"Nope. I wanted you to tell her," he replied. Madelaine got out of bed and went to the full length mirror in the corner of her room. She pulled her t-shirt up to sport her tiny, yet noticeable baby bump.
"Are you ready, spaghetti?" She asked. Taylor nodded, making Mads flip her camera around to show them. "That's your niece or nephew," Madelaine smirked. Taylor's hands clasped over her mouth as excitement drilled through her.
"You're pregnant? Oh my gosh! That's fucking amazing," Taylor freaked. Travis cleared his throat, indicating that he had something else's that Madelaine was supposed to share. Madelaine, being the goofy person that she was, heard him and chose to ignore him.
"Yep, that's it," she laughed. Travis's jaw dropped.
"Girl you better show her that ring," Travis said. Taylor gasped and grabbed at the phone.
"Show me!" She yelled. Madelaine dropped her shirt, flipped the phone around and showed the ring that was still on her necklace.
"Why aren't you wearing it?" Travis asked. Madelaine rolled her eyes and pulled the camera away from her neck.
"I already told you. My hand was swollen after the hospital trip and it was hurting," Madelaine explained. Travis smacked his lips and pulled started to fidget off camera. "What are you doing?" Madelaine asked. Taylor turned with her back to Travis, so that Madelaine could see Travis rolling a blunt. "You know you won't be able to smoke in the house when the baby gets here," Madelaine said. Travis nodded.
"Yep, that's why I've gotta do it as much as I can now," Travis said. Madelaine once again rolled her eyes and slipped back into her bed. "What time will you be home tomorrow?" Travis whined.
"I have a flight at 8 PM, so I'll be in around 10. And you have to come get me," Madelaine reminded Travis nodded and lit his joint.
"Alright, baby, I got you. Get some sleep and I'll see you and my baby tomorrow night," Travis said. Madelaine nodded and ended the call. She shut off her TV, plugged in her phone, and turned out the lamp. She needed to get to sleep as quickly as possible, in order not to stress herself or her baby out thinking about all the things that she had to do the next day.
To My Bomb.Com Friends and Supporters,
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