Bed Rest
Oct. 28th
A Week Later
(18 Weeks)
Madelaine laid in a state of semi-sleep with her body pillow between her legs and Travis next to her watching Fixer Upper, his guilty pleasure. She got home from the hospital on Wednesday and it was the following Thursday. She wasn't allowed to get out of bed unless it was to pee or shower. She was confined to bed rest until her next doctor's appointment on Monday...November 22nd and that was hard for a busy person like herself. She had to take all of her meetings through calls and the meetings she had to be face-to-face in, Travis came with her and she used extreme caution. She had no choice, if her blood pressure got to high her stitches would bleed and if her sugar was too low she would pass out. So, to keep from ending up on inpatient bed rest she decided to just stay home as much as possible. "Baby," Travis said, passing the TV remote to Madelaine. Madelaine slightly opened her eyes and looked up.
"Yeah," she whispered. Travis got off the bed, causing Fig to jump into the pillow behind Madelaine and cuddle into her upper back.
"I'm leaving for the show. Fig is behind you. If your listening tonight, cool. If not, don't worry about it. Get some sleep," Travis said. Madelaine nodded and nestled her head back into its warm spot. Travis kissed Madelaine's head and left out the house.
Half an hour later, Madelaine's reminder went off to let her know Travis' show was starting. She absentmindedly turned on his show and closed her eyes to listen. For twenty minutes, Madelaine was in an out of listening to music until Travis finally came on. "We got my man Nick Jonas back on here today, what's up man?" Travis asked, excitedly.
"I'm great man," he said.
"I feel like congratulations are in order. You and Brea are about to welcome your second little girl," Travis said. Madelaine heard Nick chuckle and accept it.
"Yeah man it's crazy. And I heard you and your girl were about have a baby, too and y'all are getting married," Nick said. Madelaine could hear Travis grin through the phone.
"Yeah man. We're actually having twins. A boy and a girl," Travis beamed. Nick returned the congratulations.
"You got names, yet? I know Brea had names as soon we found out both times," he said. Travis chuckled.
"Yeah we got names, but I don't know if Madelaine wants me to say or not. However, I will say that the babies have our initials," Travis giggled. "Mads, if you're listening I love you, baby. And please be resting," Travis said making Nick laugh.
"Brea, if you're listening, stop eating my damn cereal," he joked. Travis shared a laugh and got into the music part of the interview which wasn't super interesting to Madelaine, so she fell back asleep.
Fifteen minutes passed, before Madelaine was woken up by Lili and Camila. "Mads," Lili whispered. Madelaine rubbed her eyes and sat up. "Here," Lili said, setting a bag on the bed.
"What is it?" She asked, accidentally waking up Fig, making him move to her lap to go back to sleep. "Sorry Fig," she apologized, before turning back Lili.
"We brought you snacks and dinner. And I brought you some of Daisy's old clothes that she grew out of. It's a mix of newborn all the way to six months," Lili said. Madelaine's eyes went wide.
"Six months? Lili she's on 5 months how did she grow out of six months?" The concerned redhead asked. Lili sat the storage tub of clothes on the bed as Camila put the food on the dresser.
"Well, she's formula and breast fed and loves mashed potatoes, so baby girl got big quickly," Lili giggled. "She's healthy, but she's a little big," Lili said. Camila and Madelaine laughed thinking about the fact they never really realized how big she was since they saw her every day.
"Well, whatcha got for me? Cause I really don't want to buy anything for Melina. It's bad enough no one has a boy so I have to buy all this stuff for Tobias," Madelaine said. She watched Lili and Cami dump the tub out of the bed, then laughed when it covered half the bed.
"Daisy had a lot of collection items, because if a new collection came out Cami had to buy one of everything in her size," Lili blamed. Cami rose her hands on defense.
"Hey, they were cute and Daisy looked adorable in all of them," Cami defended. Lili sat on one corner of the bed as Cami took the other.
"I look forward to this. I already know Vanessa is going to spoil Tobias and Travis has already started to spoiled both of them," Madelaine said, picking clothes out of the pile and making smaller piles based on size.
"How could he already spoil them?" Cami asked. Madelaine placed the pads of her fingers on her her temple and shook her head.
"He bought Mel a rose gold crib to 'match my ring' and bought Tobias a hand crafted, dark stained wood crib. Melina has her name engraved in the arc on the crib and Tobias has his carved into the top of his. The lady at the mattress store sold him baby safe pillow top mattresses because why get regular ones?" Madelaine explained. She saw the intrigue that smeared across Lili and Cami's faces and dropped Fig on the bed next to her. "Come see," Madelaine said.
"Are you supposed to be up?" Lili asked as she and Cami rushed to Madelaine's sides.
"Guys, I'm fine. I'm not stressed and my stitches are almost dissolved. I'm good," Madelaine assured. The besties shared a look before shakily agreeing. They walked down the hall and got to the room in progress. "It's a little messy, Vanessa came by yesterday and dropped off some stuff for Toby that we are still sorting through," Madelaine said. She opened the door to reveal a nursery literally split in half. Half of the room was white with gold and rose gold specks in the paint. And the other half was grey with records stenciled on the wall. A tan zigzag line ran down the middle where the colors met. In light pink 'Melina' was written on her side and in black 'Tobias' was written on his side with a huge white '&' in the middle.
"Oh my gosh," Camila whispered. While there was boys clothes all over Toby's side and packages on Melina's side, the room was amazing. There were shadow boxes on the wall with ultrasound pictures from the most recent hospitalization on both sides and baby girl shoes on a shelf on Melina's side.
"There's nothing over the cribs for obvious safety reason, so I told Travis that I wanted to put him to paint a moon over Mel's crib and a sun over Toby's crib," Madelaine said. Lili opened the closet door to see little girl and little boy outfits hung up.
"Mad's, their closet is better than mine," Lili laughed. Madelaine nodded.
"That's what I'm saying! Travis has all these designer friends who want to spoil my babies. And then of course Vanessa. All these bags from Nordstrom's are clothes with a range from newborn to 12 months. Like, Toby is set!" Madelaine said. The two stared in awe of all the things Madelaine already had.
"So is a baby shower out of the question?" Camila joked as she and Lil dropped to there knees and looked through the bags of clothes. Madelaine sat in the grey rocking chair on the dividing wall and placed her hands on her stomach.
"I feel like if I schedule a baby shower, I'm gonna go into labor before we can actually have it," Madelaine said. Lili looked back and nodded.
"Probably," Lili laughed as she got up. "I'm gonna her the clothes in your room and bring them in here?" She said. Madelaine nodded and talked to Cami about something random as Lili jogged to the master bedroom. When she got there she saw a gold, shiny wrapper on the floor that she was all too familiar with. She picked it up and took it back to the nursery, behind her back. "Didn't you just get out of the hospital?" Lili investigated. Madelaine looked up from Camila and stared at Lili with confusion.
"Yeah, why?" She asked.
"Have you and Travis engaged in sex since you've been hospitalized?" Lili pulled the condom wrapper from behind her back. Madelaine looked at the condom wrapper and instantly her acting skills had to shine. She hadn't slept with Travis in weeks, but she wasn't going to let them know that. Madelaine plaster a fake smile and giggled as she got out of the chair and took the wrapper.
"You know us. Can't keep our hands off of each other," Madelaine pretended. "I'll just go throw this away. And I have to pee," she lied. Lili smacked her ass as Madelaine made her way to her bathroom and locked the door. She sat on the edge of the tub as tears started to flow. She didn't want to believe that her boyfriend was cheating on her, but how much clearer did it get? He left an open condom wrapper on the floor of their bedroom. Didn't he have any respect for their relationship at all? Madelaine asked herself those same questions as she wrapped her arms around herself and cried.
In the nursery Lili and Cami sorted through the clothes by size as all the other piles were until Travis came up the stairs and caught a glimpse of Lili on the floor and only heard Cami. "Hey guys. Where's Mads?" He asked not seeing her in her favorite chair. Lili looked up at him with a smirk.
"She went to the bathroom. She looked embarrassed after I found your condom wrapper on the floor," Lili said. Travis tried not to look confused and nodded.
"Oh okay," he said. He didn't want to contradict whatever Madelaine had said, but he was confused as to why there was a condom wrapper on their floor. Travis took off his hat and went to his bedroom to see even more baby clothes on the bed. He was about to walk into the bathroom when he figured out that the door was locked. Which was strange seeing as Madelaine hated locked doors. "Baby," Travis called. He heard Madelaine whimper a bit and got scared. "Baby, what's wrong? Are you okay?" Travis called.
"Leave me alone!" Madelaine screamed back. Travis jimmied the door handle and to no avail still stood opposite from in.
"Why?" He asked. Madelaine came out the bathroom and shoved the wrapper at him.
"Did you just fucking ask why? Are dumb or stupid? Ever since I've gotten pregnant there has been a disconnect between us. Because I think this is a closed relationship and you think this is a game," Madelaine yelled. "First, with Taylor and smoking in the nursery even though I think you were lying your ass off. And now fucking some bitch in our house... no, in our bed and not having enough respect to at least own up and tell me!" She said. Travis looked at the wrapper in minor disgust and definite confusion.
"What? I didn't...."
"That's mine," someone said. Travis's eyes went wide, but Madelaine had to move pass the column to see Davis standing at the door.
"Dude, what the fuck?" Travis yelled.
"You kicked me out so I wanted to get back at you! I hired a hooker and we did it in your bed," Davis said. Madelaine could feel her anger levels rising and with anger rising, her blood pressure went with it. She placed her hand over the only spot not fully healed from her surgery and definitely felt something wet. She pulled her hand around her stomach and nodded.
"Travis," she whispered. Travis's blood started to boil when he saw Madelaine's hand. He charged towards Davis and grabbed him by the collar.
"Why the fuck did you come here anyways? To fuck with my girl and my kids?" Travis screamed.
"Hey, no! Go to your fiancé!" Lili stepped in. She pulled Travis back and glared at Davis.
"You can get the rest of your shit when it's on the lawn. Hopefully you get here before it all turns to ash!" Travis yelled. Lili pushes him towards the bathroom where Cami and Madelaine were.
"Go get the rest of your things and leave," Lili said, escorting him to the office to make sure he didn't steal anything.
In the bathroom Madelaine leaned against the counter as Camila followed Madelaine's instructions and dressed the bleeding area. "Baby, are you okay?" Travis asked, cupping Madelaine's face in his hands. She nodded and grabbed onto his hands with her now clean hands. "I would never. I swear," Travis said. He kissed Madelaine sweetly, but forcefully to let her know he was serious. Camila tapped Madelaine's baby bump and Travis's leg as they were mid make out.
"Hey!" She said, catching their attention. "I'm still down here and I'm trying to get your baby mama to stop bleeding. So, if you could stop making her move that would be great," Camila said. Madelaine giggled and let go of Travis to watch him sit on the edge of the tub and watch Cami finish up. Not too long after that, Lili came into the bathroom and took a deep breath.
"Well I got your keys back," she said holding up the original they gave him and two spares he made. She tossed the ring at Travis and sat on the counter beside Madelaine. "You live in a crazy house," Lili whispered, causing Madelaine and Camila to giggle and Travis flashed a smile. He was still angry and needed and outlet.
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