Chapter sixty one - Tony and gypsy
A/N: I've had a rubbish week and reading all of your comments always cheers me up, so have an early chapter :) I hope everyone has an awesome day <3
You and Thor hastened to Bruce's side.
"Banner. Hey, hey, hey. You all right Banner? Sun's going down, sun's going down. That's it, breathe. I won't hurt you. Sun's going down." Thor soothed him, rubbing his arm vigorously.
"Thor? Y/N?" Bruce asked in confusion. He was wearing only what had previously been Hulk's skirt and massive necklaces.
"Yeah." you smiled, reaching out to touch his arm. He looked awful: groggy and disorientated.
"What happened to your hair?" he asked Thor. It wasn't the first question you might have thought to ask if you had been in his situation, but you'd let him off given the circumstances.
"Some creepy old man cut it off."
"It looks good."
You let out a laugh of disbelief and Bruce turned to look at you, frowning in confusion.
"Where are we? How's Nat?"
"Nat is good, I'm sure." Thor reassured him.
"And what about Sokovia?"
Your heart ached with sympathy for him; he really didn't remember anything.
"Sokovia?" Thor frowned, a second behind you.
"The city, Sokovia. Did we save it?"
"Banner, listen..." Thor started.
"What?" Bruce said, almost desperately.
"Sokovia, Ultron... that was two years ago."
"What are you saying? I've been Hulk for two years?"
"I'm afraid so."
Bruce's eyes widened as he tried to process this information. You felt awful for him, knowing only a fraction of what he felt, but a fraction nonetheless. For you Sokovia had only been four months ago.
"What the hell happened?!" he asked, getting to his feet and rushing over to the flight console. You and Thor shared a look before following him.
"Banner, there's something you should know..."
"Voice activation required." a voice emitted from the console.
"Banner." Bruce said.
"Welcome, Strongest Avenger." the voice said.
"What?" Thor frowned in annoyance.
"Ship's log..." Banner said, and the ship's log appeared on the screen. You watched as a video of Hulk thrashing around in zero gravity in deep space played. He looked stressed and practically car sick, much like Banner did as he watched the footage.
"Guys. Where are we?" Bruce asked, his voice suddenly sounding very small.
"Yeah, about that." Thor said. Then...
"It's bad news, bad news today."
You looked around in shock as the Grandmaster's voice echoed through the air. Bruce rushed to the windshield and you followed, looking up to see a massive hologram projection of the Grandmaster hovering above the city.
"Sakaar, hear ye. Attention please. I have some bad news. My beloved, exalted Champion has turned up missing. Take to the streets. Celebrate my champion." his voice rolled across the city. Perhaps that was why he'd called upon Loki. To find Bruce. You hoped he'd make the connection between his missing brother and the lack of Bruce's presence.
"Who's that?" Bruce asked.
"He kind of runs the place. You actually lived in his house." Thor told him. You kicked Thor in the shins and glared at him.
"Not helping." you mouthed.
"I did...?" Bruce was saying.
"Yeah, quite a lot's happened. You and I had a fight recently."
You rolled your eyes as Thor went ahead and blatantly ignored your warning.
"Did I win?" Banner asked.
"No, I won. Easily." Thor asserted.
"That doesn't sound right." Bruce muttered.
"Well, it's true." Thor told him matter of factly.
"It seems that the criminally seductive Lord of Thunder has stolen him away." the Grandmaster continued, decreasing your chances of going unnoticed by almost one hundred percent.
"Seductive God of Thunder. We need to move." Thor said, while you looked around the jet.
"Oh, no. This is bad. This is really, really bad. I think I'm freaking out." Bruce was saying.
"No, no, don't freak out." Thor told him. You had trouble holding back an eye roll. Then you spotted some of Tony's clothes in a bag on a shelf that had been bashed up by Hulk.
"Here, put these on." you told Bruce, grabbing Tony's clothes and tossing them to him.
"These are Tony's clothes." he said, regarding them with slight disdain.
"I know." you replied.
"Come on!" Thor was saying.
"Is he here? Is Loki here?" Bruce asked you.
"No, he's not here. Loki is, somewhere." you told him, turning your back as he changed into Tony's clothes.
"Oh. Are you two still...?" he asked, voice muffled as he pulled Tony's shirt over his head.
"We are still, yes." you replied, unable to help the smile which worked its way on to your face.
"Will you hurry up! We'll have time for a lovely catch up later, after we get out of here." Thor told you both.
"Okay, okay! I'm ready." Bruce said, and you exited the jet. You put your hand on the side of the bashed up Quinjet, not wishing to leave it behind. It held so many memories.
"Y/N! Let's go." Thor said. You reluctantly followed him and Bruce out of the junkyard where the Quinjet had landed and down some cobbled streets, keeping to the shadows.
"Hey, I forgot to tell you. Loki is okay, he's here too." Thor said to you as you stealthily made your way down the streets.
"I know, I've seen him." you replied.
"Of course you have." Thor retorted, giving you a fond look.
"Have you seen him?"
"Yeah, we spoke briefly when I got here. He seems to have been having a lovely time."
"Tell me about it." you muttered, and Thor gave you a look.
"He wants us to stay here." you told him. Thor didn't even bat an eyelash.
"Of course he does." he replied derisively, and then he seemed to have a thought.
"You don't want to stay here... do you?"
"Of course not! Don't be absurd, Asgard needs us."
Thor visibly relaxed.
"How on Asgard did you end up with my brother." he said, shaking his head.
"It was meant to be." you smiled.
"It would appear so." Thor replied, smiling too when he caught sight of your face.
"I talked to Heimdall too." he continued.
"What?! What did he say?"
"He showed me... she's tearing Asgard apart. Heimdall is helping refugees to a stronghold built by our ancestors, but he wants to evacuate everyone. He can't let Hela leave, but she's destroying Asgard... he told me to find you and to go through one of the doorways to get back, 'the big one'." he finished, looking up at the sky which was littered with wormholes. The biggest one looked absolutely terrifying.
"He wants us to go through that thing?"
"If it'll get us home..." Thor said. You nodded slowly, staring at the wormhole.
It wasn't long until Bruce started to freak out again. His thoughts were so loud and panicky it was beginning to give you another headache.
"I need to sit down." Bruce suddenly groaned, and staggered over to a step on the side of the street. Thor sighed and you threw him a look before sitting on either side of him. You rubbed Bruce's back as he groaned, head in hands, while Thor kept a look out for threats.
"The sun's going down. It's getting really low, the sun's going down, it's getting real low..." Thor was muttering.
"Would you stop saying that?!" Bruce burst out, making you jump.
"I just need you to stay calm." Thor told him.
"Calm?! I'm on an alien planet!" Bruce retorted. He had a good point.
"It's just a planet. You've been on a planet before." Thor countered.
"Yeah! One!" Bruce shot back.
"Now you've been on two. That's a good thing. It's a new experience." Thor told him. You rolled your eyes at his logic.
"My neurons, they're firing faster than my brain can handle the information." Bruce complained, looking vaguely sick.
"Hey, just breathe." you said, your hand still on his back.
"The whole thing is totally different this time." Bruce said, apparently having not heard you.
"In the past, I always felt like Hulk and I each had a hand on the wheel, but this time it's like he had the key and I was locked in the trunk."
"Alright, well, you're back now, that's all that matters." Thor said distractedly, still looking down the street. You had to roll your eyes this time.
"No, it's not what matters. What I'm trying to tell you is that if I turn into the Hulk again Banner may never come back. And we're stranded on a planet that is designed to stress me out."
"We're not stranded, I'm gonna figure out a way to get us home." Thor said determinedly.
"Thank you." Banner sighed in relief.
"Not your home though. Asgard." he continued.
"Listen, my people are in great danger. You and I, and Y/N, we have to fight this really powerful being who also happens to be my sister." Thor explained. Bruce looked at you in utter shock and then back at Thor.
"Okay, that is so wrong on so many... I don't wanna fight your sister. That's a family issue. Y/N, tell him that's a family issue."
"No, she's an evil being." Thor corrected him before you could open your mouth.
"I don't care what she is. I'm not fighting any more 'beings'. I'm sick of it, I just told you, if I turn into the Hulk, I am never gonna come back again. And you don't care." Bruce complained.
"That's not true!" you protested, although Thor seemed to be thinking exactly along those lines.
"No, no. I'm putting together the team. The Hulk is the fire." he said. You shook your head.
"Wait, you're just using me to get to the Hulk." Bruce accused Thor.
"What? No!" Thor backtracked swiftly.
"It's gross. You don't care about me. You're not my friends." Bruce told you, shrugging your hand off of his back.
"No! I don't even like the Hulk. He's all like, 'smash, smash, smash.' I prefer you." Thor said confidently.
"Thanks." Bruce replied flatly.
"But if I'm being honest, when it comes to fighting evil beings, he is very powerful and useful."
"Thor!" you burst out in annoyance. He shrugged as if to say, 'it's true'.
"Banner's powerful and useful too!" Bruce told you.
"Is he though?" Thor replied, pulling a face. Now it was your turn to put your head in your hands.
"How many PhDs does Hulk have. Zero. How many PhDs does Banner have? Seven." Bruce said angrily, as though Thor would have any idea what that meant.
"Fine, you won't have to fight anyone. But we're in danger here, so we have to move." Thor said, casting about for inspiration and grabbing a towel off of the floor from next to him, which he then proceeded to put over his head.
"What are you doing?" you asked while Bruce looked on in confusion.
"I need a disguise. I'm a fugitive." Thor replied, as though it was the most obvious reason in the world.
"That's hardly a disguise..." you started.
"I need a disguise." Bruce said suddenly.
"You are the disguise." Thor retorted.
Bruce dug around in the pockets of Tony's jacket and unearthed a pair of sunglasses. You were hit with another sudden pang of homesickness. You missed Tony so much.
"I'll be Tony Stark." Bruce said.
"What?" Thor asked.
"Yeah. Tony and the gypsy. And..." Bruce trailed off, turning to you. You turned yourself invisible and then reappeared.
"Right, just Tony and the gypsy."
"No, no you're not Tony. You're Bruce Banner." Thor told him, looking for all the world like a madman with red war paint on his face and a towel on his head.
"Then why did you dress me up like Tony?"
"Because you were naked."
"I'll give you that."
Thor stood up and you and Bruce followed suit. Bruce stood awkwardly on one leg and appeared to be adjusting his crotch.
"What are you doing? Stop doing that?" Thor said in disgust, hitting Bruce's hand away.
"Tony wears his pants super tight!"
"Why are you being so weird?"
"I don't know. Maybe the fact that I was trapped for two years inside a monster made me a little weird!" Bruce half shouted, flashing green for a second.
"Hey, it's okay, you're good, calm down. Come on, listen, we're gonna go to Asgard and you're not gonna have to think about the Hulk ever again. Alright?" Thor lied, soothing him.
"Alright." Bruce said grudgingly.
Not half a second after the word had left his mouth, Bruce was hit in the face with a splatter of green paint. You and Thor both grimaced, and then suddenly the three of you were swept into a massive street festival. Sakaarians in fancy dress were dancing and cheering while throwing green paint powdered paint everywhere. It was total chaos; you lost Thor and Bruce within seconds and quickly spotted a pack of scrappers searching for Bruce, after the reward.
Thankfully, seconds later you saw a glimpse of Thor's stupid towel disguise; you muscled your way through the noisy crowd towards him, but then spotted a terrified looking Bruce and changed course to make your way towards him instead.
You finally reached him and grabbed on to his arm, wondering briefly if he was about to pass out. Turning to look for Thor you were greeted with the sight of a massive scrapper looming over you and Banner, grinning horribly. Thor stumbled in front of you clutching his towel, and then suddenly the scrapper was on the floor.
Behind the scrapper stood a young woman with some cool looking armour and white war paint on her face. She stared back at you and Bruce who were gawping at her.
"Hi." Thor said. You turned to look at him. Did he know this woman?
"Hi." she replied.
"I was gonna do that." Thor told her, gesturing towards the scrapper on the floor.
"Yeah, well, I did it first." she retorted.
"That's good. What are you doing here?"
"What are you doing here? I thought you were leaving."
"I got side tracked."
"What's with the..." the woman asked, gesturing towards the towel on Thor's head.
"It's my disguise." Thor told her.
"But I can see your face."
"Not when I do this you can't." Thor countered, pulling the towel across his face.
"Not to interrupt, but we might want to get out of here." you suggested, looking over towards the remaining scrappers.
"Come on then." the woman said, before turning and leading you down an alleyway away from the street party.
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