Chapter ninety one - Happily Ever After (part one)
You thought you might be about to throw up.
This was the most nervous you'd ever been, without a doubt. Which, when you thought about it, was absurd. You had been through hell and back, and now all you had to do was walk down a piece of carpet in front of your closest friends and family and you were shaking like a leaf at the mere thought of it.
I'm going to throw up.
No you're not.
I really think I am.
Y/N, calm down. This'll all be over soon.
You could try to sound a bit more excited about our actual wedding day.
Sorry, I am. I think I might throw up too, actually.
You smiled, relaxing your grip on the bouquet of flowers you were holding.
"Are you talking to him? That's cheating!" Sif asked you, smiling. She looked gorgeous in her bridesmaids dress.
"It's not cheating! It's helping." you replied, looking over your shoulder to see where your other two bridesmaids had got to. Val was chasing Morgan (who, incidentally, was squealing with laughter) across the lawn of Tony and Pepper's cabin, trying to get her to stand nicely ahead of you and failing miserably.
It was two weeks after you'd sat on the hill and watched the sunrise in Wakanda. You were stood in the porch with Sif, waiting to walk around the corner and down the aisle to Loki.
You couldn't have asked for better weather. The sky was a perfect blue and it was fairly warm, but not too warm. Everything looked amazing; Pepper had pulled out all the stops to make everything perfect for you.
Please hurry up. Thor is getting on my nerves.
Oh, leave him. He's excited for you.
He's annoying.
You were prevented from replying by Nat and Tony emerging from the house.
"Ta da!" Nat said, gesturing towards you with a flourish. She'd been over the moon when you'd asked her to be your maid of honour. Almost as happy as Tony had been when you'd asked him to give you away.
You smiled at Tony and held out your arms spinning in a slow circle for him. Once you were in your dress and your hair and make-up were done you'd been happy with the result. You'd considered casting an illusion to hide the scar on your face, but Loki had beat that idea into the ground almost the second you'd thought of it.
"Don't you dare." he'd said.
"Because it's part of you. And you know how I feel about it."
Loki liked your scar. He'd tried to hide it from you at first because of how you'd acquired it, but you knew. And he knew that you knew.
"Not too shabby, huh?" Nat asked proudly. She'd done your hair and make up for you, assisted by Pepper.
Tony, overcome by emotion, didn't speak, just moved towards you and hugged you tightly.
"Oh, okay. Mind- mind the dress!" Nat said, flapping her hands.
"It's alright." you grinned, hugging Tony back equally as tightly. To hell with the dress. You doubted Loki would mind if it was a little creased.
"Where's that daughter of mine?" Tony asked as he pulled away from you, looking around. You pointed towards Val, who had resorted to picking Morgan up and throwing her over her shoulder in an attempt to get her back up to the porch.
"Right. Good." he said, rolling his eyes, "Is everyone ready?"
"I think so-" you started, before realising that he was talking to Pepper over an actual ear piece.
"Why have you got ear pieces on?" you asked incredulously.
"This doesn't just all happen by magic Y/N, people have to plan!" Tony reprimanded you in a mock sarcastic tone.
"I'd better run. See you in a minute!" Nat said, hugging you with a lot more care than Tony had before dashing around the side of the porch towards the seats.
Val finally arrived with Morgan, plonking her down in front of Tony. She was sporting a large mud stain across the front of her dress. Val was out of breath, her hair coming loose from its updo.
"Val, look!" Sif protested, gesturing at Morgan's dress.
"For Christ's sake. Are you okay?" Tony muttered, bending down to assess the damage. Morgan nodded solemnly; you grinned.
"Look, it's fine. Come here Morgan." you said, crouching down to her level as she turned to face you. You moved your hand over the front of her dress, your mist sparkling, and the mud stain was gone; the dress looked good as new.
"Pepper would kill to be able to do that." Tony told you as you straightened up. You smiled.
Y/N, please.
I'm coming!
You knew how much he'd be disliking all of this. The people. The small talk. The suit.
I don't dislike it.
You're a liar.
I'd do it a thousand times over for you.
You hadn't cried for a grand total of three days now, and you'd told yourself that you wouldn't break that streak today. It was getting harder by the minute.
I love you.
If you love me you will get here right now.
"Are you ready?" Tony was asking you.
"Yeah." you said, trying to push your nerves down. It was just your friends and family, and not even that many of them. There was nothing to be scared of.
"Right, you. Remember what we talked about?" Tony asked, turning and crouching down to address his daughter.
"Yep." Morgan said, nodding confidently.
"Good. Now go and make some people cry." Tony told her, kissing her on the top of her head and handing her a basket of flower petals. Sif and Val both hugged you before setting off after Morgan.
Tony gave you a mock bow before holding out his arm to you. You smiled and took it.
"You nervous?"
"Hellishly so."
"You have been to space and time travelled kid. You can handle a walk down the aisle." Tony told you confidently, squeezing your arm.
"I know." you smiled, walking around the side of the porch with him and listening to the 'aww's' as Morgan presumably stepped out on to the aisle, followed by Val and Sif.
"That's my girl." Tony muttered, craning his neck to watch his daughter. You smiled at the sight, trying to slow your heart beat. It was only Loki for god's sake.
Thanks very much.
I didn't mean it like that.
No, it's fine. I'm charmed.
You smiled, suddenly eager to move. You wanted to see him. Tony was watching you.
"Ready to go?"
You nodded, not trusting yourself to speak. Tony turned to you and took you by the shoulders, and suddenly you were forcibly reminded of when he'd done the same thing on Titan all those years ago.
It felt like a lifetime since you'd been there with him.
"I feel like I should make a speech or... give you some fatherly advice or something." he said.
"You know that I know, don't you?" you replied, smiling at him.
Update, Thor is already crying.
"You look so beautiful, kid. So grown up."
"Don't you dare make me cry."
"Sorry. Let's go quickly then."
You were laughing as Tony marched you round the corner, and then the aisle was in front of you. And you were walking down the steps towards it. There was a soft murmur of appreciation from everyone gathered as you came into view, and...
Loki looked so handsome.
Wow yourself.
Everyone was looking at you and Tony. You didn't know where to look but at Loki. You hadn't seen him all morning. Technically you weren't meant to have seen him since yesterday evening, but that had been a 'rule', so obviously Loki had felt a burning desire to break it. Which you both definitely had.
Now you were walking down the aisle and thinking about the previous night you'd spent together, which was not what you had planned. Loki was smirking at you. Everyone was watching you. What a nightmare.
Stop it.
He wasn't sorry in the slightest; you fought to keep a pretty smile on your face and not start laughing. Your gaze moved to Thor, who was silently sobbing next to Loki.
He's been a nightmare.
You love him.
My previous statement still stands.
As does mine.
You were finally at the end of the aisle. Tony released your arm, somewhat reluctantly, and hugged you tightly.
"Love you kid." he whispered.
Don't cry.
Then Nat was there to take your flowers, and finally you were next to Loki, who found your hand almost immediately.
Made it.
Made it.
He was shaking. You squeezed his hand and he squeezed back, hard, glancing sideways at you. The vicar, or pastor or whatever he was, in front of you had started talking.
You look...
No, you look.
You shot him a sideways smile and he shook his head slightly, unable to take his eyes off of you.
Concentrate. We have to talk in a minute.
You'd wanted to keep the ceremony to the bare minimum, for Loki's sake. You hadn't written your own vows, you'd both decided that there wasn't much point. You both knew.
Eventually, the vicar asked you if you would take Loki as your husband. You were facing him now, holding both of his hands in front of you. There were new rings on both yours and his fingers.
"I do."
Loki was watching you in slight disbelief, deadly serious now. The vicar asked Loki the same question about you.
I do.
You watched him for a moment, seeing if he'd notice, a smile working its way on to your face.
Out loud?
"I do." he said, out loud this time. You were smiling at him like an idiot now.
The vicar had hardly finished announcing that he was pronouncing you husband and wife before Loki had pulled you towards him and kissed you deeply. You hardly heard everyone cheering behind you.
This. This had made every second of pain and grief and angst worth it.
Almost worth it.
Never again. I promise you.
You broke away from the kiss and smiled at him, your eyes swimming with tears.
I love you.
I love you too.
You walked back down the aisle with him, beaming at your friends and family, this time without a care in the world, unable to remember what you'd been so worried about before.
The rest of the day passed in a happy, chaotic blur.
There were pictures, and then everyone ate and drank sat at tables under the huge marquee which had been set up next to the lake. Tony and Thor made speeches, both of which well and truly put an end to your three day streak of no tears.
Loki had to cast an illusion during Thor's speech so that no one could see what his face actually looked like (tear-stained), gripping your hand under the table so hard that it hurt.
Afterwards there was dancing and more drinking and general all round happiness. Maybe it was because you'd spent five years being miserable, but you genuinely couldn't remember being happier than you were today. Ever.
You and Loki performed a completely improvised first dance which actually, thankfully, turned out to be half decent. Thor and Sif joined you barely a minute after it had started, followed by everyone else, following some earlier instructions which you'd bestowed upon Thor, knowing that Loki would rather not have people watch him dance for three minutes.
Neither of you wanted to ruin the moment, but Asgard was all you thought of as you danced.
It's in bad taste to have a destination wedding.
It's our home.
Can you imagine this lot travelling by Bifrost?
Loki smiled into the top of your head.
I'd like to see them try.
Everyone else joined you on the dancefloor soon after, and then you were stolen from Loki by Tony.
"Having fun?"
"Everything is all so perfect. Thank you so much." you told him with a smile.
"It's been my pleasure. But mostly Pepper's." he told you, looking over his shoulder at his wife who was talking to Happy.
Thor stole you next; he cried again while you danced. He'd since cut his hair for the wedding and had lost several pounds in the last two weeks, having taken Frigga's advice to look after himself.
Next you danced with Bucky, and then Steve, and then Nat... you lost count of the people you danced and talked with as the day drew onwards, too fast. Before you knew it the light was fading, but your wedding day was far from over.
There was more food, and then fireworks when it finally fell dark which everyone watched from across the lake.
Remember our first New Year's Eve at the tower?
I do.
Remember what happened just before the fireworks?
A beat, and then he smiled slowly.
I do.
You smirked, and then rested your head against Loki's shoulder, watching the sky. What a care-free, easy life you'd lived back then. You'd had no idea.
When the fireworks were done everyone piled back into the marquee for more drinking and dancing. Tony lit a bonfire, assisted by your magic when he failed to light it after fifteen arduous (slightly tipsy) minutes and Morgan put up a furious fight with her mother about going to bed.
Pepper eventually caved; you and Peter danced with Morgan for a bit to try and tire her out, but she wasn't to be exhausted. You didn't know why you were surprised, she was a Stark.
The hours blurred together and suddenly it was gone midnight, almost one am. Morgan had long since been carried upstairs by Pepper, a very drunk Bucky had disappeared and people were beginning to retire for the night.
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