Above is a picture of summer.
Having received a text from Summer offering to give a lift to school. I got ready throwing on a blue sweatshirt and a pair of black leggings. Pulling my hair in braids and completing the look with a pair of white sneakers. I made my way outta my room.
I am not a fan of making up to school I love my natural look.
" Hey mom, morning and thanks for yesterday". I smiled at her kissing her cheeks.
" Oh morning princess and it was nothing. Anything for you". She replied as she served pancakes to Ava.
Where is dad?. I asked her.
He has an important presentation at work, he left earlier.
Oh and you also deserve a pancake too right?. She jokingly asked.
Grinning at her, I nodded a yes. Pouring strawberry syrup on it, I was about to take a bite when my phone beeped.
It was a message from Summers. Hurriedly, stuffing the pancakes in my mouth. I kissed my mom and Ava goodbye.
Grabbing my bag, I made my way to the door. I was about to open the door when Summer beat me to it.
" Hola there bes, how is your head now, is it better? ". She fired instantly.
Smiling at her forwardness, " Am fine thanks a lot".
Sissy is this your new friend, she is beautiful. Ava questioned as I looked down to see her staring at Summer waving timidly.
"Oh hi there cutie, yes am your sisters friend and am Summers. She replied her pinching her little cheeks.
"You are so beautiful too". She finally concluded with a smile.
Thank you...... Oh am sorry I forgot my manners. Stretching her little hands to her. " I am Avalana, but you can call me Ava".
Goodness girl.. your sister is way cuter than you are girl. I love her already. Summer gushed out with amusement.
Patting Ava's head which I know she detests a lot. She glared at before saying.
" You know sissy, you know I detest this, it makes me look so small but am 6 now".
Making both I and Summers let out a laugh as she demonstrated showcasing six of her fingers.
" Aren't you girls late for school?. My mom emerged from I don't know where.
Good morning Ms. Houston. Summer greeted.
Oh hi... Good morning and you are..... Mom questioned asking for a name.
" Summer Jones ma'am ". She replied her with her hands streched forward.
Alright then, it is nice meeting one of those who helped out my daughter here yesterday. Thanks a lot Summer and call me Jane please, Ms. Houston makes me feel old.
Alright ma'am, sorry I mean Jane. Summer stated making us laugh.
With Ava clinging unto Summer for a hug, we bid them goodbye and hopped into her car, it is so beautiful.
A blue convertible open roof Benz with a fabulous interior. It was breathtaking.
"Nice car". I commented as she was dealing with her seatbelt.
Thanks, my dad bought it for my 17th birthday. She replied smiling.
" So about yesterday ". Am telling you this child here is so forward.
" Go on girl, am all ears, you can tell me anything Bes". She faced me with a smile.
" Bes".... What does that even mean. I asked.
Oh silly, that is bestie. She replied rolling her eyes at my outburst.
Ohh ok but wait am your bestie. I dumbly asked.
God... Girl, I thought you were wiser than this, sure you are my bestie.
Awnnnn. this girl here is so sweet... I am so grateful. I said as I gave her a hug.
Chill girl or we might have an accident. She scolded me.
But I really wish we could be friends forever. She continued smiling at me.
So now tell me about Shawn.
Blushing harder at the mention of his name. I remembered the conversation I had with my mom last night.
"If you are really attracted to him, then it means one thing. Let's say infatuation or lust and it might be those things only. It might also be love.That spark you felt is a feeling you get when you love someone. Dear, at this moment you need to follow your heart,it is the only solution to the questions rumning through your mind".
I need to follow my heart Sum, I like him. I had never believed in love at first sight but you knoe this is happening to me at the moment. I never felt this way towards s guy before, it is so new. And the way he looks at me, the way he makes me want to know more about him, the way he cares about my wellbeing.
Should I also talk about when we first met yesterday at the cafeteria, when i stared into his eyes... God.... Sum I don't know what is happening to me. My heart beats so hard whenever he speaks even when he isn't there. I crave him... I want to dislike him, he is a playboy but I cannot.
I don't want to feel all this. I don't want to be heartbroken. It is crazy right?. I finally concluded.
I didn't even know we were in the school's parking lot. I was so indulged in what I was saying.
"Bes, I understand you, you are just scared to love. You haven't been in a relationship before so don't assume things.You see, love comes in different terms and meaning, it happens anytime. It doesn't give seasons or warning that it is coming.
"You might think Shawn is a playboy but I am vouching for him bes he has the purest heart. He is really sweet if you get to know him. And am for sure he likes you too and besides he gave you a pet name. Things he never does. Bes, am not trying to say you should unfollow your heart but don't punish yourself. When he makes a move, try giving him a chance ok". She stated crossing her arms over the other.
Smiling back at her, I gave her a tight hug. " I would give it a thought and thank you ".
You better do and now young lady, get your ass down my car and let's rock the day. She screamed making students passing giving her a weird looks.
Would you keep your voice down silly, people are staring. I hushed at her.
And wat are y'all bitches looking at, now go on show is over. She sneered at them claping her hands.
I am now stuck with this girl forever.. Oh lord help me with her. I thought aloud.
" And what are you saying, young lady? ". She shot raising a brow.
Nothing, just talking about the untrimmed flower beds. I sharply retorted.
You don't fool me bes, I heard you.
Such a drama queen. I muttered under my breath.
I heard you. She glared at me before moving to our lockers.
Do you guys think Yna would be ready for any relationship if Sean makes a move?.
Keep the comments coming and hit the star.
Stay home and stay safe.
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