Chapter 4
This place is massive! I think as I walk into the convention center filled with lots of people and stands everywhere. "There would have to be at least 2500 people in here! That insane!!" I mumble to my self as I look around in awe.
I wander over to a sign by the door I'd just came through, staying all the events through out the week end and a map of the main stage area and the expo hall, which I was in.
I notice that there is a build battle with BajanCanadian and TBNRfrags who are versing iBallisticSquid and AshDubh happening at the moment (There is a video of this on YT, but I'm pretty salty about the vid tbh) the guy outside said that I wouldn't be able to get in which sucks, but I did arrive really late so it makes sense.
As I start to wander around the place I notice a group of people, I wonder what is going on there. Walking over I see two people in the middle of the group, taking a closer look I see Brandon or PeteZahHutt and a girl who must be Kara also known as Pwincessly. They are signing different things people are giving them, chatting to fans and taking photos. It would be so cool to meet them!
Minecon ended about half an hour ago, I had grabbed some delicious food from Chipotle because I had heard how great it was and sat on a bench in the park, where I am now surrounded by pigions, flowers and the sound of cars on the highway. I started thinking about minecon.
After meeting Kara and Pete I didn't get to see any other YouTubers but I wandered around, got some sick photos, bought some cool minecon things and merch, but If I had gotten there at the beginning of the day it would've been heaps better. It was a lot of fun and I should be grateful that I got to go but I still feel upset. Maybe if I listen to some music I'll feel better.
I pull my earplugs and phone out of my handbag and open my Spotify app. Scrolling through the different songs I see "Stressed out" by Twenty One Pilots. I select it and bring my knees up to my chest and curl up into a ball with my head down. After the song finishes I realise my checks are wet from crying. I probably looked like a mess for anyone passing but I stay curled up like that silently sobbing for a few minutes until someone comes up behind me.
"Are you ok?" the person asks.
"Not really, its been a bad week" I reply without even looking up.
"That sucks, what happened?" he says with sympathy .
"My flight from Brisbane got delayed a few days and I missed most of minecon so I missed out on everything..." I mange to reply without crying.
"Aw that does sound pretty bad, I'm actually from Brisbane though too" he replies.
I realise I no idea who the person I'm talking to even is so I put my legs down look up to see a tall, blonde, Australian with bright blue eyes. I can't believe it!! Its Lachlan Power!! Oh. My. God. I can't believe I'm talking to my idol!!
"Thank you Lachlan" I say now standing up.
He had probably figured out that I was a fan and gave me a hug. "What's your name?" he asked me.
"Amanda or Mandy" I answer, I would've normally been nervous but I was too happy, I hadn't stopped smiling.
"Pretty name. Do you watch my vids?" Lachlan asks. I blush, he thinks I have a pretty name!!!
"Yeah I do, your my favourite YouTuber actually. Is it's ok if I could get a photo with you?" I ask unsure.
"Of couse!" he reply's.
I give my phone to Lachlan who takes a few photos, but before handing it back he does something I can't see. Lachlan's own phone then vibrates and he pulls it out of his pocket to take a look at it.
"I got to go but It was really awesome meeting you Mandy, I hope you feel better. Oh and I put my skype number into your phone, if your having a bad day just call me yeah?" Lachlan tells me.
Wait I have his skype number?!
"Thanks again Lachlan you just made my year, say hi to the rest of the pack for me" I say still smiling like the Cheshire cat from Alice in wonderland.
As he walks off I sit back down and pinch my self to make sure its not a dream, I go on my twitter and write "You guys won't believe who I just meet..." I don't have many followers and they probably would reply but I keep typing anyway posting the picture of Lachlan and I.
Hi guys! I love this chapter :) Its so cute!! Sorry that I didn't update last week, its the holidays right now and I've been out a bit plus my entire schedule is messed up. I hope you like it and it would be awesome if you could vote/comment. (Sorry for asking, but it would mean a lot) :D
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