Thank You.. (Regina George x Fem!Reader)
Requested by TheChristiansHateMe (Sorry for the wait!)
Being with a Plastic obviously had many perks, you were like teen royalty. No one bothered you, you were solid teflon.
And well... you also got to hang out with Regina George.
Let's just say, she's actually nice. She isn't really that mean once you get to know her.
Yes, she's still sassy, but she's actually... human. She does care about people... well, just the Plastics. It may not seem like it, but The Plastics are her only friends.
Almost everybody hates her but she's learned to deal with that, she knows that the chances of The Plastics using her for popularity is high, but she hoped that wasn't true. She hoped she actually had friends.
That's why she was best friends with well — me.
I wasn't really a Plastic, I was more of an 'Art Freak', as the school would label, I honestly don't mind the title, it was fine.
Anyways, Regina and I only hang out about.. three times a week? At her house, obviously. For her reputation. She was very nice, also.. surprisingly vulnerable at times.
As Reginas best friend, she tells you a lot of secrets. For example... she's actually gay.
Which I was actually... very happy to hear this. I like Regina George, but like — who couldn't? She was absolutely stunning.
And I know the chances of me being with her are slim — scratch that, not at all possible. Yes she's gay and all, but she probably like Janis or Cady.. or any girl in general but me.
..And.. well I honestly did not expect what was going to happen today.
Last night I was hanging out with Regina, she has wanted me to paint a picture on her wall which I did, it took a while but I think it turned out well.
It was simply just a crown and under it said, 'Regina' in cursive.
I had fun doing it, after I was done painting it Regina and I simply just hung out until I had to go — but Regina insisted I slept over.
I eventually caved, then had a sleep over with Regina George.
Which led to today.
Regina had driven me to school with the other Plastics — which was pretty awkward.
Karen kept asking me random questions, and Gretchen was telling me that I look pretty.
And I awkwardly just sat there, answering Karen's random questions and thanking Gretchen.
We finally arrived at school, we all exit the car.
"Bye, Y/N." Regina waves, smiling faintly at me.
"Bye, Gina."
Blush dusted her cheeks after I called her that. She then waved one last time then walked away from the Plastics.
I sighed, then walked off to find Janis, Damian, or Cady somewhere.
After looking through almost all of the school, I finally found all of them in the girls bathroom.
"Hi, Y/N!" Cady waved, grinning.
"Hey, Cady." I smiled at her.
"Helloooo!" Damian pulled me in for a hug and I awkwardly hugged him back.
"Y/NNNN." Janis awkwardly greeted.
"Janissss." I breathed out once Damian let go.
"What'd you do yesterday?" Janis asked, looking at me.
"I slept over at Reginas." I shuffled my feet.
Damian gasped. "What happened? Tell me EVERYTHING!!!!"
I blink a few times then look up at him. "It was just a normal sleep over?"
"Are you sure?" He says. "You didn't do — anything else?" He wriggles his eyebrows.
"No!" I lightly slapped him on the shoulder, my face flushing bright red.
He let out an exaggerated gasp. "Owwwwieee."
"Oh hush, toughen up." Janis says, smiling faintly.
"Y/N, get me an ice pack." He huffs, rubbing his shoulder.
"You're fine, Damian. I hardly even hit you." I bit back a smile.
"I hardly even hit you." He mocked my voice, huffing again.
Cady's eyes then widen. "We got a get to class! I don't wanna be late!" She fidgets slightly.
"Let's go before we give Caddie a heart attack." Janis chuckles then walks out of the bathroom.
Cady full on sprints to her next class.
"One, she either really cares about her grade. Or two, she really wants to see Aaron." I watch her rush off to calculus class.
"Probably the second one." Janis grins. "But don't act like you aren't totally in love with, Regina."
"I do not like Regina!" I squeal.
"You totally do. My gaydar is going off. Wee woo wee woo wee woo." Damian says, pointing to his head.
I glare at them. "Let's just get to class before we get a tardy."
Class went by in a blur, I honestly didn't pay attention. I just drew the whole time.
By now, it was lunchtime. I walked into the girls bathroom to meet up with Damian, Janis, and Cady.
I tilt my head. The girls bathroom was empty for some reason.
I heard.. whimpering?
I walk up to the bathroom stall, then nock on the door. "Hello?"
No response.
"Is everything ok?"
Suddenly the stall door swings open, then I saw a flash of pink before being tackled into a hug.
I tense up, then noticed it was a certain blonde. "Regina?"
"I think Shane knows I'm gay." She whispered, clutching onto me.
"I didn't tell him —"
Regina interrupts me. "I know you didn't. I kinda did."
"How?" I look at her.
Her eyes sparkled with vulnerability. "He.. uh, well asked if we could hook up." She mumbled. "A-and I denied him, obviously."
I nodded, hinting for her to continue.
"S-So he continued asking. Then he accused me of being a lesbian and I tried telling him I wasn't he just kept ignoring me." She shut her eyes tightly. "I don't want anyone to know but you."
"If he tells anyone, I swear he will regret it, Regina." I ran my fingers through her hair. She hummed then closed her eyes.
"I'm just, so scared." Regina whispered. "Will you still be my friend if he tells everybody?"
"Of course. Why wouldn't I?" I tilt my head at her.
"Because all of my popularity will be gone, and everyone would make fun of me.. probably even you too!" Regina looks at me with wide eyes.
"Regina." I gently grab both of her hands. "I'll never stop being your friend. That's a promise."
The blonde cracked a small smile, looking slightly more relaxed. "Thank you.. Y/N."
"Mhmm. Now, how about we have a movie night at yours or mine tonight? It'll cheer you up." I grinned at her.
"Yeah! As long as I get to pick the movie.. or show."
"What do you wanna watch?" I ask.
"Riverdale." She grinned, her eyes squinting slightly. (A/N: I could see her watching that —)
I rolled my eyes playfully. "Fine, only for you."
Regina giggled, then hugged me tighter. "Thank you so much for being here for me." She mumbled into my neck.
"It really is no problem.. I love hanging out with you, and talking to you." I stroke her hair.
"I can't wait for school to end now." She hummed.
"Same here. Even though I have to watch Riverdale." I over dramatically sigh.
"It's not that bad!" She whines. "Plus, Cheryl is hot."
I roll my eyes again. "Whatever."
Regina grins. "Lets go to lunch now?" She interlocks our hands.
And of course, I blushed. "Uhm — separately, yeah."
"Nuh-uh. You're sitting with the Plastics at lunch or else." She huffed.
"Or else what?" I teased, raising my eyebrow.
"I'll... ignore you." Regina pulls back, then crosses her arms.
"I don't want to ruin your reputation." I bite my lip.
"You won't since I am letting you sit with us. So.. come on, sit with us." Regina pouts.
"Fineee. I have to tell Cady and the others, though."
Regina stares at me for a moment then sighs. "They can sit with us too, if they want to."
She slowly nods. "Mhmm. It makes you happy so—"
I pulled her in for a hug. She giggled then hugged me back.
I looked up at her. "Come on, let's go tell them."
As if on cue, Cady, Janis, and Damian walk in. "Regina!?" They all say in unison.
"Oh hi." She awkwardly says.
I pull back from her, then lightly nudge her.
"Well uh — would you guys like to sit with us at lunch?" Regina shuffles her feet.
"Come on Janis, please?" I beg.
"Only this once. And I swear if she stirs up any drama, I'm walking away." Janis huffs.
"Thank you." I smile at her.
We all then walk out of the bathroom, then Damian whispers in my ear, "You totally like Regina. And she likes you back — she wouldn't let anyone hug her. Not even the Plastics!" He whisper yells.
I sigh, blushing. "I don't think she likes me — and even if she did, I am too scared to ask her out."
He groans. "I swear. If she doesn't ask you out within two weeks I am telling her somehow that you like her."
"Don't!" I whisper yell, looking up at him wide eyed.
"I want I want Regina and Y/N to happen.." he mumbles.
"You coming, Y/N?" Regina glances back at me. "And Damian?"
"Oh yeah." I rush up to her with Damian trailing behind.
Regina grabs my hand, and of course I blush again. I could see Damian smirking out of the corner of my eye.
School finally ended after what seemed like hours. I met Regina out in the parking lot near her car.
She unlocked her car, then got in the drivers side while I got on the passengers.
"We're gonna watch Riverdale." Regina started driving. "Aaah! I can't wait, I have so many theories to who murdered Jason Blossom."
I smile at her then playfully roll my eyes. "I hope one of them is correct, then."
"Oh, I know one is!" Regina turns a corner. "I am confident."
I giggle. "Focus on the road, not Riverdale."
"I can focus on both. I can multitask." She grins.
"Whatever you say."
We pulled into Reginas driveway, she rushed out of the car.
I shake my head, then follow her.
"You go get snacks and I'll put on Riverdale— I don't trust you. You'll probably put on something else." She started to connect Apple T.V.
"I mean — you're not wrong." I chuckle then look through her kitchen. "What exactly do you want?"
"Popcorn or something!" She yelled back.
I start popping the popcorn while she puts on Riverdale.
I finally finish popping the popcorn then pour it into a bowl.
"Y/N, you almost done?" Regina walks into the kitchen.
"Mhmm — I am done." I hold out the bowl.
She takes a piece then eats it. "Let's gooo."
I smile faintly then follow her.
She sits down on her couch and I sit beside her. She grabs the popcorn bowl then puts it on the table in front of us. "There —" Regina pauses. "Ready to watch Riverdaleeeee~?"
"Just play it." I bite back a smile.
Regina nods, then presses play. What she did next surprised me— she pulled me closer to her.
I freeze but slowly relax, laying my head on her shoulder.
"I can't believe it!" Regina exclaimed, her eyes wide.
"What?" I look up at her.
"Where you not paying attention?" She looks down at me.
She blinks a few times. "Well I honestly am not surprised."
I shyly smile at her, then started bouncing my leg up and down.
Regina puts her hand on my thigh.
I felt my breath hitch, I look over at her. "Regina..?"
She suddenly places her lips on mine. I tense up, but end up melting into the kiss.
We reluctantly pulled back for air after a bit.
Regina blinks a few times, dazed. Blush covered both of our faces as we stared at each other for a bit.
I suddenly spoke up. "Who's not paying attention now?"
Regina smiles, then pecks my lips. "Oh hush, darling."
2006 words
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