Let It Out. (Regina George x Fem!Reader)
Requested by Cool_in_college
I rush into the girls bathroom, then go into a corner, and sink down the wall.
I buried my face into my hands, trying to quiet my crying. My parents recently got divorced and honestly, I can't stop crying.
It's so hard not to! I keep feeling as if the divorce was my fault, like I caused it.
What other reason would they divorce? They seemed happy, why suddenly divorce?
I shake my head, tears seemed to stream endlessly down my face.
I suddenly hear clicking heels coming my direction, I tense up. My first thought was, Regina George! She's so going to ruin me for this!
Whoever they were, entered the bathroom.
I went further into the corner, holding my breath. I hesitatly look up slightly and of course — I see the Plastics.
The redhead, which I'm pretty sure is Cady, walks over to me. "You ok..? You've been crying."
I heard Regina scoff, then continued applying lip gloss.
I lowered my head and then nod. "Uhm... yeah I am. Thanks for asking." I mumbled.
Gretchen (I think that's her name? She's a brunette) worriedly looks at me, then walks over to me, then sits down beside me. "Hey — Tell me what's wrong? I won't make fun of you — or tell anyone, I promise."
Trusting her, I sighed, then spilled everything about my parents divorce, how I thought it was my fault, how I seemed to cry endlessly over it.
And Gretchen just listened — nodding every now and then to show she was listening.
"You know —..." Gretchen lowers her voice to a whisper. "Reginas parents are divorced as well, you should talk to her."
"Uhm..." I bite my lip and then shake my head. "No thanks — thanks for offering though."
"Mhmm." Gretchen smiles faintly.
"Gretchen." Regina huffs then turns to face her. "Lets go."
Gretchen nods, her eyes slightly wide. "Bye, Y/N. I hope you feel better." She stands up, then waves at me.
"Thank you..." I smiled faintly at her.
Regina rolls her eyes a bit, then looks at me for a second, then walks out of the bathroom with the other Plastics.
The rest of the school day went by in a blur, and it was finally the end of the day, which I was in history class.
Somebody knocks on the door, then a certain blonde enters the classroom. "Ms.Norbury? Mr.Anderson needs to see Y/N for a sec." she flips her hair, then hands Ms.Norbury the note.
She exams the note then nods. "Ok — hurry up you two, get where your going."
I faintly nod and then stand up, making my way to the front of the classroom. Regina and I then exit.
We were both walking for a bit, when suddenly, Regina spoke up. "You're Y/N, right?"
I was slightly surprised that she knew my name. Wait, she probably knew because of the note. I nod, then looked at her.
"Coolness. I'm Regina as you know. Oh — and there's no note, by the way. Cady forged it." Regina smirks slightly.
"I — what? Aren't we gonna get in trouble?" I worriedly say.
"Not if we're careful." Reginas smile grew bigger, she then drags me into the bathroom.
"Wait. Then what'd you need me for?" I tilt my head at Regina.
"Gretchen told me." She bluntly says.
I tense up. "W-what all did she say?" I attempted to sound confident, but that wasn't going well.
"Pretty much everything you said." Regina shrugs, smirking a bit.
I felt more hot tears stream down my face. Fuck, I was crying in front of Regina George..!
"Hey it's ok." Regina puts her hand on my shoulder.
I was slightly surprised she was being so nice, I sniffled then wiped my tears. "I-It's fine."
"No, you can let it out." Regina comfortingly says, smiling sweetly.
"Well uh..." tears continued to stream down my face.
"I feel like it's my fault." I murmured.
"Y/N, I promise it isn't your fault." Regina starts, "I thought the same when my parents divorced. But I promise you, your parents love you so much. Their relationship just.. wasn't working out. It just wasn't meant to be, but it's ok! I promise you'll get over it someday." She gently rubs my shoulder.
"Thank you so much, Regina... but.. a-are you sure.. positive it's not my fault?"
Regina nods. "I'm positive." She smiles faintly at me.
"And why are you being so nice?" I finally look at her.
"I hate to break it to you, but I'm human. People sometimes forget that." Regina shrugs a bit.
"Oh uh... sorry." I bite my lip.
"It's ok. Now, is there anyway I could possibly cheer you up?" Regina asks, tilting her head.
"Not that I can think of." I cross my arms, leaning against the stall, facing her.
"Hmm..." Regina furrows her eyebrows together, thinking... which was very cute, by the way. "How about, a date."
"What? Regina I think I misheard you." I awkwardly chuckle, blushing faintly.
"What do you think I said?" Regina asks, raising an eyebrow.
"Something among the lines of you asking me on a date." I shift my feet, scared of her reaction.
"Well, yes or no? You heard me correctly, Y/N." She flips her hair then crosses her arms.
"Oh.. uh — yes!" I smile faintly at her.
"Great!" Regina smiles as well... and it was actually genuine, not a fake one. "Lets go right now. Schools about to end anyways."
"You sure? — will I get in trouble?" I worriedly say, fidgeting a bit.
"Nah. I do it all the time." Regina smiles playfully. "And, if you did, the teachers would have to talk to me first."
I couldn't help but smile at this, Regina actually cared. I cannot believe this! "Thank you, Regina."
"No problem, N/N. Let's go get ice cream?" Regina gently grabs my hand.
"Ooh.. yeah! I can pay." I nod, blushing at her action.
"No way, no day. I'm paying." Regina states, determined. "I asked you on a date, therefore I'm paying."
"Fine." I playfully roll my eyes.
She smiles, then kisses my hand. "Let's go?"
I blush then nod. We started to walk out of the bathroom, then to the schools parking lot. We then get into Reginas car.
Regina starts the car, then drives to Dairy Queen, holding my hand.
We finally arrive, and we both get out.
Regina lets go of my hand to wrap her arm around my waist.. which took me by surprise but I allowed it.
"Y/N? What do you want?"
"Whatever costs you less." I look up at her.
"Nooo! Get what you want!" Regina started to smile.
"Nuh-uh. I'll just get vanilla." I look at the cashier.
Regina huffs. "Y/NNNNN! Get what you want, I don't care if it's every single flavour here."
I giggle. "I just want vanilla."
Regina playfully rolls her eyes, then hands the cashier $11.
"You guys are a cute couple." The cashier says, taking the money and putting it in the cash register.
"Uhm.. we aren't official —" I start but Regina interrupts.
"But we could be~." Regina looks down at me.
I blush, then avoid her gaze. The cashier goes to make our ice creams, but you could tell she was trying to listen in to our conversation.
"Y/N.. would you do the honour of being my girlfriend?" Regina asks, interlocking our hands.
"...If I can pay for the next date?" I ask, smiling up at her.
"Hmm... deal." Regina smiles, then kisses my head.
1265 words
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