Painting Papers
I had the sudden urge of expressing my thoughts regarding this matter. So, I think this is the book I made back in 2014, that's like 2 years ago. To tell you a secret, it's not actually a short story compilation before, but a whole "Macey's Clone" short story.
Just to give you an idea, Macey's Clone is about a girl living her so-called predictable life and suddenly had her clone messing her life up. She was so pissed until she fully understood why her clone did everything she did.
It is actually connected with a fantasy novel I am yet to write, "Macey of Meltstone". Oh sure, yeah, I'll write that whenever I get a spurt of idea coming out.
Anyway, as days go, I decided to make it a shirt story compilation since I am a story whore. I literally have so many stories I was itching to write. I started writing The Fourteenth Soul, Heavenly Feathers and Body without Soul.
I was having fun with it actually, it's just that I didn't finish the three. Looking back, I learned my mistake. I overwritten it. There was a lot of dialogues, scenes and it was just so overwhelming it didn't suite under the short story genre anymore, it kind of looks like a novel.
So, I decided my readers doesn't deserve unfinished crappy work. Every writer has that moment in their life that they feel that they are shit for producing such shit. Well, apology for my words but that was the best word to describe a shitty work. And yes, I deleted it. I removed the content from The Painting Papers. Now, it is clearly a walking brainless book.
Then someone commented in it, people began asking why I removed every part in that book. I told them it sucks, bad. But then, I realized I worked my best for Macey's Clone. So, I placed it back there, leaving all the unfinished stories as a soft copy in my computer.
I didn't have any time for wattpad so I decided to stop or go on hiatus. It was my first and second semester in college and I'm studying accountancy. I need to get my priorities straight first. So, no matter how badly I wanted to finish those three stories, I didn't touch the book for a year.
And yesterday, I checked the statistics of it. I was surprised to see someone was still reading it. Not only that, as I scrolled through the demographics, I was shocked to see that there was so many color blue on the map. I felt so bad, I erased the book feeling it's a total garbage when in fact it's not that bad.
I will really try my best to write those short stories again. And lesson learned, don't feel crappy about producing what you think the crappiest garbage of all. It's your book, your baby and it will always be not THAT bad.
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