Me, The First Half Immortal Half Spirit (19)
Hey guys!
So I'm proud! That wasn't a month! lol
I'm sorry if it's short but I'm just throwing a lot of info at you so I figure I should let you process everything! lol And yes there's still more things to know but that's already a big chunk of info.
So enjoy! :P
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It couldn't be. How could Matt, my Matt, the most loving and caring and human person I knew be a Spirit. It was impossible, plain impossible.
"Possible because I AM a Spirit" Matt said his voice still cold, feeling almost heartless and then he turned around and went to sit in front.
This, everything hadn't been making sense. Ever since I had learned what I was, everything was wrong, everything was confusing.
And I had ENOUGH! I needed to understand now! I needed to KNOW!
I needed answers and I needed them now.
"You do and I will give them to you Jasmine. But are you SURE you want to know" Baron asked, sitting in front of me.
Garret was rowing at the back and Matt was sitting at the front, ignoring us.
What kind of question was that? "Of course I do!"
"You asked for it... To understand everything you need to know everything. For millenniums the Spirit and the Immortals lived peacefully. We respected one another for the gift we had been given but we didn't... resent each other for it... We have things in common after all, like linking. Spirit and Immortals both can link. Spirits were and still are ruled by the Hinges, a group of 74 Spirits, the oldest of us all. They make the decision; decide who has to Rest and who has to Wander. They make judgement. They keep balance. Immortals always had one person at their head, ruling over them. For millenniums it had been Stamos their King. Stamos was a fair ruler. He wanted peace and wasn't there for his personal gain but to strengthen them. Even the Spirit enjoyed his way of ruling.
"But then a young Immortal started to feel like Stamos way of ruling wasn't right. He felt like HIS way of ruling would be better. He thought that people should be following HIM and not Stamos anymore. And he had a way to charm people... to almost magically enchant them and it was almost like he had strings on them like they were his puppets. It was his gift after all... So an army of Immortals rebelled against Stamos. And the young Immortal killed him by sucking all the Life Force out of him. He also took Stamos abilities; power over the four elements. So he took his ability and all his Life Force out of him. Because see the thing is, for Immortals to use their gift, they need to fuel on something. Just like a car can't move forward without gasoline an Immortal can't use his ability without Life Force. Spirits are pure Life Force. That's why we're gaseous. There's Life Force in humans too. But it's a light bulb beside the sun compared to the amount we hold.
"Stamos never killed humans to take all their Life Force away. Because to take it all, to have the maximum amount you need to kill. You have to split the human in two; into his material self and his gaseous one. Stamos wouldn't do that. Basil didn't like that. He wanted strength and power and he didn't care about killing to do so. Especially since his mind tricks only worked when he had Life Force and the boy did have a whole lot of strings attached on everyone.
"The Hinges didn't like that. Didn't like the new ruler. Us Spirit, we're all about rationalizing, Thinking. We live for eternity. When we Rest thinking is all we do. Calculating and thinking to keep balance. Basil way of ruling was everything BUT balance. But they wouldn't sentence all the Immortals to destruction. We might be more rational on some things but we are not here to rule over everyone. It was never our purpose. We keep balance that's all. It is not our duty to decide the faith of an entire nation.
"So that's when a Spirit, Aaron, decided that HE had to do something. He searched with the knowledge of the eldest Spirits, the first ones to find their gaseous form, for a way to materialize so he could fight Basil army. And he did. And then he asked his three friends to help him. We all agreed. Basil army was slaughtering complete villages to gain Life Force. The stronger they got the more they killed and the stronger they got again. It was an endless circle. And we had to stop it.
"Aaron was the brightness of us all. Garrett has a way of escaping from any situation. I was good at calculating attack plans and Dimathrias was the fastest and... well Dimathrias was always different. Aaron knew that from the start.
"What do you mean?" I whispered stopping Baron for the first time.
The sky was dark over us. I had no idea where we were. In the middle of the ocean? I didn't care at the moment, all I cared about was the answers I was finally getting.
Baron looked in front towards Matt and then after taking a big breath continued.
"No one knows why but he... he wasn't able to... feel? He was trained that way. Trained to take care of Spirits that lost their way. He ONLY rationalized. No compassion. He could do whatever had to be done without looking back. Like he didn't have a conscience or something? It's hard to explain. Spirit can feel cold sometimes but there's always a sense of compassion to them. Dimathrias was always only cold. But Aaron had a way with him. It was almost has if he could make him feel. Dimathrias was the most loyal to Aaron. Since Aaron was almost acting as his own conscience he would do anything for him.
"So.. point is. We all fought against Basil, to put a stop to him. We almost did. But then Aaron met an Immortal. Her abilities made her strangely close to the Spirits. She could control minds, had a rational way to work... only thing she couldn't do was transform in the gaseous form. Basil had strong strings on her brain. Actually it was on her brain that he had the strongest ones. Aaron well... cut them all. See, he had fallen in love with her. Her name was Camellia. Basil's only daughter..."
"Are you...are you saying what I think you're saying?" I whispered in a voice barely louder than the wind ruffling my hair.
"Aaron was your father. Basil is your grandfather Jasmine... When he found out that he couldn't control his daughter he got into a mad killing spread. It was a bloodbath. Camellia had all those deaths on her conscience. And she was baring a child. You. She knew that if she kept fighting with us against her father he would find out. And she feared for your life. So she surrendered herself to him, after giving birth to you. Aaron was scared that his father would kill her. In exchange of her survival he surrendered to Basil too. Basil had him executed by taking all his Life Force out. It had never been done before. Even Camellia still believes he's alive, that he's just in Rest. But he ceased to exist. And Camellia became her father's puppet again. But with Aaron Life Force in him Basil didn't need to "feed" as much. So he slowed down the slaughtering. Your parents had given you to me so I would find a suitable family for you. Dimathrias disappeared when your father died... And Garret went back to the Hinges, in Stonehenge. I let myself be taken so I could erase as much mind as I could. And to make sure no one would ever know about you."
When Baron stopped speaking tears were rolling down my cheeks.
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