My oc's sexualities
I decided to change some of these as well as some of their names!
Dean: Pansexual and demisexual
Trina: Bisexual and asexual
Rebecca: Lesbian and demisexual
Martha: Lesbian and demiromatic
Garrett: Gay
Lauren: Straight
Lloyd: Bisexual and demiromatic
Craig: Straight
Ken: Pansexual and demisexual
Maylee: Lesbian and asexual
Kayden: Straight
Tsuki: Pansexual and demisexual
Angela: Pansexual and demisexual
Uziel: Straight, demisexual and demiromatic
Akito: Gay and asexual
Vivienne: Straight
Hudson: Straight
Grayson: Gay, polyamorous and demisexual
Silas: Bisexual, polyamorous and demiromatic
Alpha: Pansexual and polyamorous
Angelica: Bisexual and demiromatic
Veronica: Lesbian
Samson: Gay and demiromatic
Rory: Pansexual and demisexual
Butch: Straight, demisexual and demiromatic
Holmes: Gay and asexual
Enzo: Gay and asexual
Annebell: Straight
Annie: Bisexual
Matilda: Straight
Kimberly: Straight, polyamorous and demisexual
Callen: Gay and asexual
Calvin: Gay and demisexual
Bradley: Bisexual
Dorothy: Lesbian
Jimilia: Straight and demisexual
Dominick: Straight and asexual
Darlene: Pansexual, polyamorous and asexual
Amber: Straight and demisexual
Merl: Asexual and aromatic
Jacqueline: Lesbian, demisexual and demiromatic
Khalil: Straight
Crystal: Bisexual and demisexual
Jace: Bisexual and demiromatic
Andre: Gay and demisexual
Neil: Bisexual and demiromatic
Benji: Straight
Clark: Bisexual
Blake: Gay and demiromatic
Geoffrey: Gay and asexual
Phoenix: Bisexual and demisexual
Pete: Straight
Becky: Lesbian and demiromatic
Bryce: Straight and demisexual
Yasmin: Lesbian and demisexual
Weston: Straight
Raven: Pansexual and demisexual
Archie: Gay and asexual
Dudley: Gay and asexual
Stiles: Bisexual, demisexual and demiromatic
Sasha: Bisexual
Lara: Lesbian
Carrie: Pansexual and asexual
Bruce: Straight and demisexual
Light: Gay and demisexual
Sun: Straight
Moon: Straight and demiromatic
Lem: Lesbian
Theodore: Straight and demisexual
Mariella: Straight
Brian: Pansexual and demisexual
Sid: Bisexual and demiromatic
Jojo: Asexual and aromatic
Caleb: Straight
Chase: Bisexual
Levi: Gay, demisexual and demiromatic
Darvin: Pansexual
Derrick: Straight
Milo: Gay, demiromatic and demisexual
Noah: Straight
Hunter: Pansexual
Harry: Gay
Quinny: Lesbian
Karen: Lesbian, demisexual and demiromatic
Tom: Bisexual and polyamorous
Spencer: Bisexual and polyamorous
Abigail: Straight and polyamorous
Arianna: Lesbian, demisexual and demiromatic
Ethel: Lesbian and demisexual
Megan: Asexual and aromatic
Michelle: Straight
Josie: Bisexual, demisexual and demiromatic
Jason: Straight
Melissa: Lesbian
Lee Rogers: Pansexual, demisexual and demiromatic
Edward: Straight
James: Gay and demiromatic
Alison: Pansexual and asexual
Helen: Lesbian and demisexual
Barbara: Lesbian, demisexual and demiromatic
Emily: Bisexual and asexual
Jacob: Straight
Scott: Straight and demiromatic
Richard: Gay
Joseph: Pansexual, demisexual and demiromatic
Linda: Bisexual
Brandon: Straight
Jennifer: Straight
Liam: Bisexual, demisexual and demiromatic
Carol: Lesbian and asexual
Doris: Asexual and aromatic
Nancy: Bisexual
Robert: Straight and asexual
Ryan: Bisexual
Brittany: Pansexual and demisexual
Luke: Straight
Jeff: Gay
Drew: Bisexual and demiromatic
Dakota: Lesbian, demisexual and demiromatic
Dr Philip: Pansexual
Michael: Straight
Penny: Bisexual and demiromatic
Mia: Pansexual and asexual
Kim: Lesbian
Sebastian: Gay and demisexual
Shadow: Gay and demiromatic
Bella: Lesbian
Kyle: Straight
Cheryl: Straight
Joyce: Bisexual
Daisy: Straight and demiromatic
Heather: Straight
Luna: Asexual and aromatic
Tori: Straight and demiromatic
Bethany: Straight
Robbie: Straight
Wendy: Straight
Steven: Pansexual
Lizzle: Lesbian, demiromatic and demisexual
Kate: Straight
Sean: Straight
Maddison: Straight
Evan: Straight
Jane: Pansexual and asexual
Mary: Pansexual
Dominic: Bisexual
Derek: Straight and asexual
Kelly: Straight
Lisa: Straight
Cody: Straight
Katelyn: Straight
Aaron: Straight
Jessica: Straight and demiromatic
Lewis: Straight
Mandy: Lesbian and demiromatic
David: Bisexual and demiromatic
Tiffany: Straight and asexual
Margaret: Straight
Simon: Straight
Holly: Pansexual
Phil: Pansexual
Barry: Straight
Alex: Asexual and aromatic
Julia: Straight and demiromatic
Molly: Pansexual
Patty: Straight
Claire: Bisexual
Haley: Straight
Justin: Straight
Duncan: Straight
Else: Straight
Madison: Straight and demisexual
Austin: Straight
Leo: Straight
Emma: Bisexual and demisexual
Daniel: Straight
Anne: Straight
Henry: Straight
Igor: Straight
Ella: Lesbian
Frank: Gay, demisexual and demiromatic
Conner: Asexual and aromatic
Isabella: Straight and asexual
Hark: Straight and aromatic
Grace: Straight and demiromatic
Zane: Bisexual
Josh: Straight
Sierra: Straight
Mike: Bisexual
Steve: Straight
Zoey: Pansexual
Kaylee: Straight
Tony: Asexual and aromatic
Dave: Straight
Stacy: Straight
Logan: Straight and aromatic
Donald: Gay
Amy: Bisexual
Howard: Gay and demisexual
Lindsay: Straight
Bob: Straight
Anderson: Gay
Ted: Bisexual
Jay: Pansexual
Mitchell: Straight and asexual
Cameron: Asexual and aromatic
Bobby: Straight
Peter: Straight
Greg: Straight
Olivia: Straight
Alec: Bisexual
Louis: Bisexual
Ed: Pansexual
Max: Straight, demiromatic and demisexual
Lily: Straight, demisexual and demiromatic
Jackson: Bisexual
Mabel: Pansexual and asexual
Danny: Straight and asexual
Chloe: Bisexual and demisexual
Kevin: Pansexual
Penelope: Straight and demisexual
Tyler: Gay and demisexual
Drake: Gay and demiromatic
Brady: Bisexual and demiromatic
Rachel: Bisexual, demiromatic and demisexual
Mark: Gay and demisexual
Mason: Straight
Nathan: Straight
John: Gay and demisexual
Johnson: Gay and demisexual
Melody: Straight, demisexual and demiromatic
Ally: Straight
Kendall: Straight
Charles: Pansexual and demisexual
Nick: Pansexual and demisexual
Dustin: Straight
Zack: Straight and demiromatic
Billy: Straight and demisexual
Declan: Bisexual
Dotty: Straight and demisexual
Jade: Straight
Finn: Gay and demisexual
Jasper: Asexual and aromatic
April: Straight
Jake: Straight
Katie: Straight
Sky: Straight
Courtney: Lesbian, demisexual and demiromatic
Kai: Pansexual and demisexual
Tyson: Bisexual and demiromatic
Thomas: Straight and demisexual
Elizabeth: Straight and demisexual
Jack: Straight and demisexual
Ava: Straight
Hannah: Pansexual
Lillian: Straight and demisexual
Abby: Bisexual, demiromatic and demisexual
Chris: Gay and demisexual
Matt: Bisexual and demisexual
Will: Straight and demiromatic
TJ: Straight and demisexual
Larry: Straight
Oliver: Gay and demisexual
Elijah: Bisexual
Carly: Straight, demisexual and demiromatic
Johnny: Straight
Cora: Lesbian and demiromatic
Ben: Gay and demisexual
Susan: Pansexual and demisexual
Sam: Bisexual, demisexual and demiromatic
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