Guessing Total drama sexualities
Amy: Straight
Chris: Either bisexual or straight
Sugar: Idk
Max: Gay, asexual and demiromatic
Leonard: Straight and asexual
Blainley: Straight and demiromatic
Chet: Idk
Lorenzo: Idk
Staci: Idk
Topher: Gay
Rodney: Straight and demiromatic
Stephanie: Straight
Courtney: Straight, demisexual and demiromatic
Dave: Straight
Tammy: Straight and asexual
Taylor: Straight
Jo: Lesbian and demiromatic
Pete: Gay
Gerry: Gay
Justin: Straight
Josee: Straight
Mickey: Gay and asexual
Jay: Gay and asexual
Anne Maria: Straight
Eva: Asexual and aromatic
Kelly: Straight
Ezekiel: Asexual and aromatic
Lighting: Bisexual, demiromatic and demisexual
Beardo: Asexual and aromatic
Laurie: Pansexual and demisexual
Miles: Pansexual and asexual
Zoey: Straight and demisexual
Scarlett: Straight, asexual and demiromatic
Ryan: Straight
Mary: Bisexual and demisexual
Ellody: Bisexual and demisexual
Beth: Pansexual
Katie: Bisexual
Sadie: Bisexual
Jacques: Gay
Heather: Straight
Dakota: Straight
Spud: Bisexual and demisexual
Rock: Bisexual
Duncan: Idk
Sky: Straight and demisexual
Devin: Straight
Cody: Bisexual
Cameron: Pansexual and demisexual
Sam: Straight and demisexual
Jen: Straight
Tom: Gay
Scott: Straight and demisexual
Harold: Idk
Sierra: Bisexual
Mike: Bisexual
Don: Straight
Crimson: Straight and either asexual or demisexual
Ennui: Straight and either asexual or demisexual
Dwayne: Straight
Chef: Either bisexual or gay, demisexual and demiromatic
B: Asexual and aromatic
Tyler: Straight
Leshawna: Straight
Brody: Straight
Geoff: Pansexual
Junior: Bisexual
Sammy: Straight
Alejandro: Straight and demisexual
Owen: Bisexual and demisexual
Noah: Bisexual, asexual and demiromatic
Izzy: Pansexual and asexual
Sanders: Lesbian and demisexual
MacArthur: Lesbian and demiromatic
Trent: Straight and asexual
Emma: Straight, demiromatic and demisexual
Kitty: Pansexual and demisexual
DJ: Pansexual and asexual
Gwen: Idk
Lindsay: Straight
Dawn: Pansexual and asexual
Bridgette: Straight
Shawn: Bisexual
Brick: Idk but is demisexual
Ella: Pansexual and asexual
Jasmine: Pansexual
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